Chapter 2

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The police were running after me. They would probably soon get tired. I turned around to look at them for a minute, still running. A few of them had tranquilizer guns. So now they're trying to catch me using those things? In my mind, that's cheating. They started shooting with the tranquilizer guns. One hit me in my back. Oh shit, I fell onto the ground crumpling into a heap, unconscious.


I woke up in the principal's office. She was on the phone with somebody. Probably my parents. Oh, what a joy! I felt groggy and my eyelids were really heavy.

"Yes I have her right here, and oh, she just woke up," Mrs. Nelson, the principal said into the phone.

The person on the other side was talking, but I couldn't hear a thing they were saying.

"Your mother wants to talk to you," she told me.

Oh, great. She handed the phone to me.

"Hello," I said glumly into the phone.

"How could you run away again!" my mom yelled. "You could've gotten hurt, tripped over a log, got lost, cracked your scull, or even gotten kidnapped!"

She says the same things every time.

"Well I didn't mom," I said.

"Well you could have!"

"But I didn't."

"You are grounded for the next two months starting now. That means no TV, no computer, and no hanging out with friends."


That's fine by me. I don't have any friends to hang out with anyway, and didn't she remember she said the same thing two weeks ago. Oh well no sense in telling her. Two months isn't actually that bad considering I spend the whole year alone anyway.

"I'm coming to pick you up from school. No riding the bus home."


That's fine also. I don't even like the bus anyway, but I don't really want to be in a car with an angry mom.

"Let me talk to Mrs. Nelson."

I handed the phone to Mrs. Nelson. They started talking about something, probably me.

Soon my mom came and picked me up. Instead of yelling at me, we just stayed quiet during the car ride.

The dude in the field's P.O.V.

I was mad really mad at my now ex-girlfriend for dumping me for my brother. My very own brother! He is a year older than me, and has gotten into bed with millions of girls. I ran out of school, and changed into my wolf form. My clothes shredding onto the ground. Oh well I have an extra pair of clothes somewhere in the woods near the meadow. The principal didn't mind. All students go on a run one day or another during the middle of school hours. I ran straight for the meadow. I'm the only one that knows that there is a meadow somewhere in the woods in front of the school. I ran, my creamy caramel covered wolf loving every minute of it.

When I got closer to the meadow, I heard sirens.  Why would they call the police on me? Did someone see my wolf? I hurriedly changed back into my human form, and found my clothes under this big oak tree near the meadow. I put them on, and into came into the meadow.

 I smell a really sweet scent coming from the meadow, and it's definitely not the flowers. I went closer to the scent, and I saw a girl sitting in the middle of the meadow. She was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Her long blonde hair flowing beautifully in the wind. She looked up, and saw me. Her beautiful blue eyes staring at me. All I felt like doing was to go up to her, and hold her in my arms. I wanted to protect her, and love her. She was my mate.


I found my mate! Finally!

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her, also yelling across the field.

"I always come here," she said.

She stood up. I could tell she was ready to run.

"Wait don't run away" I said starting to approach her.

She was even more beautiful up close then from far away.

"What are you doing here?" her sweet, calming voice asked me.

What should I say? I don't know. Shit make something up.

"I'm ah," I said, "ah, I'm looking for my dog. He ran away this morning, and I've been trying to find him all day."

That was horrible, she's not going to believe that, but apparently she did.

"Oh, what kind of dog is it?"

Think. Think dogs. Oh golden retrievers.

"Uum... a golden retriever."


"So what's your name?"

Then some police came running into my field from my right. They had tranquilizing guns. My mate started running. Damn she's fast. I wanted to go protect her from those evil tranquilizing guns, but I couldn't. The police would use those guns on me. Wait, was my mate a fugitive or something. No she couldn't be, and anways if she was it didn't matter, I FOUND MY MATE!

I started running back to school, still in human form. I was just too happy.

"Hey Mike!" I yelled at my friend Mike.

"Wassup Jesse," he said, "you went for a run?"

"Yep" I said, "and guess what?"

"I'm not going to guess, so what?"

"I found my mate."

"That's awesome man. Who is she?"

"She's human."



So what do you think of Jesse?

What about Brittany?

Tell me please and I'd love to hear what you think of the story.

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