Chapter One: Buring Heart

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"Subject number two: Hannah Irene Moon. Age fifteen. Component to 'Project Element'. Has a strong metabolism, and was first suspected for furthur testing when her burn marks from April 29th, 2006 HYDRA Experiment miraculously disappeared. Resulted from special genetic mutation in accordance to abundance to fire. Test Number Two: Injection Stability," a voice rang in my head. Where am I? What's happening? What experiment?

"Are you sure we should go through with this doctor? This will mark the beginning of an unstoppable force," another voice rang, with a now feminine tone. I flinched at the change.

"Positive. Apply Right Arm Restraints!" The original doctor barked out. My vision could make out three figures in the room where I was being held: They were two male and one female in the room with the big snake on the wall. The third doctor remained in the background, mumbling. I tried to make out what he was saying. I tried to listen in to distract me from the other doctors in the room. It looked as if he was talking into a recording machine.

"If to succeed, the assigned animal will manifest. Lion represents fire, Stingray represents water, Eagle represent air, and Bear represents earth. There will be loss of control. Still not sure how we can stabilize early abilities. No knowledge as to safe containment area for all stone holders. Confirmed weaknesses to Fire Stone: Sudden cold hit of water directly onto the stone, which works like lava, which means body will turn to stone, and damage to the stone itself. If all goes correctly, power should flow through main veins, into blood stream, and if subject two can withstand blood spread, 'Project Element' will be a success," he said, taking a short pause, staring at the snakes that marked up the walls of this nightmare I just couldn't seem to get out of. "Hail HYDRA."

Before I could react, the burning began, and it didnt stop.


I busted awake from the nightmare, confused and even more frightened then before. Where was I? Who's HYDRA? Where did the burning go?

Getting ahold of myself and my surroundings, I began to take a look around. The first thing I noticed was that my entire right forearm was concealed in a mettalic looking covering, and it was hot, and chained to a nearby wall. The next thing I noticed was that I was in a glass cube, on what looked to be a ship or base of some sort. When I went to camp when I was twelve, the first thing they taught us was that if we ever got lost, to remain calm and think smart, so that's what I tried to do. It was hard to do that when I didnt know where I was or why I was here.

I decided the best thing I could work on doing now was freeing my arm. I couldn't escape if I couldn't move I decided.

But, the more nervous I got about it, the more the metal began to heat up. And it was heating up fast, which made me even more nervous.

Not knowing what else to do, I sat there, lip quivering, helpless. How bad I just wanted someone to take me home. I missed my mom, and I wanted her to be here to tell me it was going to be okay. As I rocked myself there, my mind began to drift, and I didn't know why. I started thinking about this situation.

How did these people get to me in the first place? Where was she? How could this have happend? Why is there no one here? Am I sick? Is this just a dream?

Now that I think back on it, it was probably a side effect of the stone, enhanced emotions and such. But I guess it saved me in the long run, because eventually the overwhelming emotions of sadness and anger must've activated something, and the metal surrounding my forearm began to melt.

At the sight of it, my angered confusion was replaced by fright, as I desperately tried to pry the melting liquid off of me. That's when I first saw it, and all Hell broke loose.

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