Chapter Twenty-Four: Excuse for Fear

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I found my eyes bursting back open, the last of the unified stone power being released into John Moon's chest, which I could now see through. I could make out the star on Steve's uniform through it, and it made me sick to my stomach.

As soon as the energy stopped surging through all four of us, we all fell back, like someone would do if they had experienced whiplash. A few seconds after we all fell, the sound of the HYDRA agents dead body was sounded, hitting the floor with a loud and sickening thump. All of us in the room cringed at it, knowing for sure that nothing could survive that, human or not.

My face burned all over from all the power that I was holding inside of me. I wasn't tired like all the other times I had used my abilities to a greater limit. Hell, I felt numb.

I looked around at Jack, Eve, and Laura, and their expressions all matched my own. It was a mixture of shock, relief, and victory eyes.

I gave them a look, asking if they were all okay, and they all one by one nodded back, as did I.

I stared down at my stone, my eyebrows furrowing at what I saw.

It was a foamy orange color now, and looked as if it was slowly going back to its normal shade. The sensation of the sudden gain and release of such great power made my arm feel numb, like it was there and I just couldn't feel it. It scared the Hell out of me.

"What the Hell just happened?" I head Tony ask, his usual humorous tone still present, but not as strong.

"I have no idea," I breathed out, sudden pain from my ankle making me cringe in discomfort and pain, "but I think we just found a new last resort weapon. I- I- we should get back, and- and get the body examined and such," I said, my teeth gritting through the rising pain. I knew that now was not the time for more injuries. My healing wouldn't be as quick as Jack's if there were God forbid another world threatening problem that would arise.

"Are you guys all okay?" Steve asked us, as I looked over at him, a look in my eyes that I knew he could only recognize. One of loss, yet of gain.

No matter what John Moon meant to me personally, he was still my father despite everything, which meant that I was officially an orphan. I was experiencing a feeling that I never knew existed, or I did, but I never understood it. The best way I could explain it was this: All my life, all I heard was stories. Stories about how I was the saving grace for a man that I never got the chance to meet, and grow close to. I felt like I was that little girl again. Happy that I could help him, because I wanted to love him, and needed him to love me. Sad because he was dead, and I'll never get to fully love him, and he won't get to fully love me.

My mother always used to say that he was watching over me, and not to worry, but I always did. Now here I am, the cause of his final death, standing above everything I ever believed, power in my veins, living a life that he forced me into.

No matter what, John Moon will be remembered as an evil man. But I can never forget that he's also the man that gave me this chance, intentionally or not, to be in front of people that I never thought I'd meet, having control of something that I thought would consume me, our battle cries being heard all over the world, victorious, yet broken.

I'm a fifteen year old girl from Queens. I love writing in my journal, and painting pictures and having special memories and unforgettable adventures. I love sitting outside during the summer on the hammock my mom and I made when I was twelve, and wondering what my father would think of who I was. I like helping people at soup kitchens over winter break, and looking forward to summer vacation. Only now, I like doing the right thing with and for the right people. I like having Hope in a future, and always being able to depend on my new friends for anything because I trust them. And if saving the world means I get to have that, and if I have to kill a man who called himself my father, but never was, I will. Every time. Because for the first time in my life, I feel loyalty, and love. I feel complete in every way. I learned that you don't need blood relatives to feel that. And as of right now, that's all I need to know to move on, and have a future.

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