Chapter Nine: Buring Tears

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Is this what death feels like? Just wondering around alone in darkness, with no one to talk to, nothing to see, and nothing to love? All that you had was the feeling on wishing things back to the way they were.

Some people might say that it only lasts a few seconds, then everything will be fine. You won't have to worry anymore, and you could be free. But this felt long. It felt long and cold. I couldn't see my own body, not even my hands when I thought they should be right in front of me. I was sad, yet I couldn't feel any tears sliding down my face. I was cold. yet I couldn't shiver. I was angry, yet I couldn't release even the slightest flicker of flame.

It was dark until it was light. It started out dim, but then it got brighter, and then I was back in my body, yet I didn't feel free. Was this Heaven? What the Hell was going on here?

After some time passed, I realized the only reason I was seeing everything so bright was because my room still wasn't painted, and everything was just so damn bland in here. The desk lamp even looked white.

I slowly gathered enough energy to push myself into a sitting position on my white mattress, and sure enough the shell covering was back on me.

I knew by now that I was too wear to pry it off so I left it.

My head was spinning, and my eyes felt like they were looking at six things at the same time. What happened?

As if my consciousness was detected, I heard FRIDAY go off outside my room, most likely alerting Tony or Bruce about my state. I didn't have enough energy to check it out, or at least open the door for a very nervous Tony who came barging inside. I hadn't talked to him since our argument days ago.

"What's going on?" I asked, groggy and alarmed.

He looked at me for a second more, before huffing out and engulfing me in a hug, which I was not expecting. He must have been really worried. What did I do?

"Gosh, I've been worried sick. It's been four days, Moon," he explained, helping me up, and supporting my body weight. I felt like I was walking on jelly.

Then, he undid the chain connected to my stone, and began to lead me outside of my room. I could barely walk. Couldn't he wait a few hours? Let me get a cup of water for Christ's sake.

"Where are we going?" I asked, as we made our way towards the interrogation cells and the genetics lab. My eyes couldn't make out what was going on.

"Your stones raise in temperature let me know you were awake. We need to get you to the lab for testing to find out what the Hell happened out there," he quickly explained, making more twists and turns.

"Did I hurt someone?" I questioned, my mind more awake now than before, but not completely. Why was he in such a rush?

"No one but yourself, thank Jesus. That's stones been doing a number on your mind. Hoe long have the power control issues and Flashbacks been happening?" he questioned, making me wonder how he found out about that.

"I- I don't know, Tony. I'm s-sorry," I told him, only making him cling onto my tighter. I could feel my legs starting to give out. I didn't feel well at all. My nausea was kicking in.

"Almost there. Hold on, alright. Don't close your eyes," he demanded, making me open my eyes wider in a chance to not pass out in the middle of Avengers Tower. This was a whole mess.

I felt pins and needles all over my arms, and then my eyelids felt like they weighed 200 pounds.

"Here," he said sharply, before another pair of strong arms grabbed me, hoisting me up onto what I assumed to be a lab table. That wasn't sitting well with me.

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