Chapter Fourteen: Accept

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After Eve came out of the Dream State, Fury told everyone that went on the HYDRA file mission to take a day. It was pretty much directed at Eve, Jack, and I to get to know each other, which was supposed to be easier considering all three of us had accepted.

"You guys should really show me some hospitality and take me on a tour around Avengers Towers. This is the coolest thing like...ever," Jack said, as all three of us sat in the Avengers makeshift living room, tired, stressed and in mental pain.

I'd hate to say it but Jack was right. He had no idea where we even were, and had been being dragged around on a leash the minute we got here. And, for a dude that had been living in the woods for almost a month, I didn't blame him for being curious.

"What do you want to see?" Eve asked him, as he thought for a minute.

"I want to see the fridge. What does it take for a guy to get a sandwich around here? Or- or is that too poor for Stark to provide?" he asked, a hint of anger in his voice. I looked at him oddly.

"Why do you have a problem with Stark?" I asked him, as he rubbed his eyes with shaky hands.

"I've never been good around wealthy people," he said, his usual sarcastic demeanor vanishing.

"Can I ask why?" I asked slowly, not wanting to trigger anything inside him. I've seen this before with Tony. People like them laugh and act like they don't care to cover up that fact that something hurt them. Bad.

"Long story short," he said, gaining Eve and I's attention, "my father's rich company fired him, and one factor led to another, and pretty soon, I didn't have a daddy anymore," he spoke, Eve's eyes going wide.

I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't usually know how to handle people when they were triggered.

"But it's cool," he continued, making me cringe, knowing that he was hurt inside, "because after that my mother couldn't pay the rent, and I got foster parents. And they were pretty nice," he said, giving us a forced smile. I didn't want to say sorry, but I didn't want to not say anything.

"Then what happened?" Eve asked, as he breathed out, sadness in his facial features.

"Well, that happened when I was about six or seven, but now I realize that he never got fired. He was just worked for HYDRA full time. Didn't need me around. My mom was the same. See, the thing is, they never had me to love me. They had me to use me, then basically went on a suicide mission with HYDRA. Doesn't matter if they were still alive anyway. I still wouldn't have ever forgiven them," he explained, looking at Eve.

"What were your parents like?" he asked her, as she nearly choked on a breath.

"They- they were like...parents. I mean, I they were both with me until they weren't. I wouldn't have ever guessed they would turn out to be who they really were. I guess they were just really good agents. I don't know..." she said, Jack and I sensing her uncomfortable voice.

"It felt worse because they were always there. And then they weren't, and I was alone. I tried really hard to fight against whatever was inside me. I remember this one time when I was the Bear and there was this little kid. I- I remember looking at him, and I had never fought against the Bear so much. If I didn't, I would've killed him. He reminded me of myself, and- and just the thought of hurting him would've haunted me forever," she said, my memory of the event jogging up.

"Yeah, that's how we found you. We wouldn't have if you hadn't saved that little kid. You were brave, Eve," I said, as she smiled sheepishly at me.

"How about you Hannah?" Jack asked me, as I thought back to how to tell my story.

"Like you, I wasn't the richest person in the world. My dad was supposedly the CEO of his own company. When I was two or so, he left for a 'business trip' nd never came back. He took all the money with him. It was just me and my mom for twelve years, and we were really close. It was only towards the end that we started fighting so much. I'm assuming it was because the experiment was coming up. I can't help but think she did it because she wanted me to hate her before I never see her again, to make it easier. It made it worse. My dad is still alive today. Project Elements main agent. I'm making it my life's mission to end this. It doesn't matter if out parents survived The Changing or not. Either way, their personalities are all dead," I said, my words putting a low mood in the room. Even Jack looked at me with caution. By now, I learned that if I didn't care as much, it didn't hurt as much.

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