Chapter Four: She Will Live Again

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"You need to block me before you try and hit me. Then you lose your leverage. Again," an exasperated Steve Rogers scolded me. I took a deep breath before doing what he said.

This past week, is safe to say, has been the craziest week of my life. After getting my new suit, thanks to Dr. Banner and Tony's amazing scientific minds, I was learning how to be me again. Apparently to Steve, that included learning how to fight without the use of my powers. He said it's like learning to walk, you need to start when you are young.

After everything, I was finally allowed out of my glass cage after some more safety tests which prooved to be successful. Then, I was introduced to the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. Of course, the first one I met after Nick, Tony, and Bruce was Steve. He was much more of a calm person to talk to then Tony had been, and he had the same kind of personality I had. Calm, reserved, and yet passionate. We hit it off right away, as we both came to realize that our minds were comparable. I also enjoyed spending time with him because he was compassionate, and could relate on things that others couldn't, whether it was having the choice of living stripped away from you, or just adapting to a new form of yourself. He was also a great mentor, and I could tell from the way he always talked to me that he genuinely wanted to help me be better, and beat this obstacle. It only made us better friends.

Then I met Natasha Romanoff, who complimented my suit and welcomed me to S.H.I.E.L.D She was definitely more of a tough one over the rest of the team. She might be small but she could kick your ass. She said that if anyone got on her nerves, she'd know who to call.

Then there was Thor. It was a rare thing to see him on Earth, apparently, because he's supposed to be a god on another planet. That was a bit much to take in too. Growing up not being able to afford a television, I wasn't caught up on all the Avengers drama. The best thing I had was a coloring book. Anyway, he was really fascinated in my powers, but I couldnt explain them to him because I didnt understand them. He didnt seem to mind the dillema though. I guess he just liked fire.

And then there was Wanda and Vision, which confused me. Apparently, Vision had a very similar stone to mine in his head. We talked about that for a while, and I learned that he was very smart, and very not human. Apparently while I was in Queens, a lot more was happening in New York. He told me the story of the Infinity Stones, and how there were six of them, but he didnt recognize mine. All he said was that he could feel its power radiating off of me, and to be very careful with my new found abilities. I told him I would. Wanda, on the other hand, was really nice. She had some pretty crazy powers too. They're like a mix on telekinisis and mind control abilities. She was the closest one to my age, and I felt like I could talk to her, and she told me that if I ever needed to get away and just talk, her room was across the hall.

Then there was Sam. He reminded me a lot of Tony. He was sarcastic and funny, yet I could tell he had a soft side. He complimented my powers, and told me he thought the fact that I can turn into walking Hellfire was a lot to live up to, but he thought I could do it. He was very sweet, and made me feel less afraid of what I was capable of doing.

There was some people I was yet to meet, like War Machine, Hawkeye, Ant Man, and Spider-Man. But, that wasn't my main concern right now. Right now, I was focused on not getting my ass beat from Captain America.

"I'm trying," I told him, panting, "it's harder than it looks." We've been practicing for an hour now, and for a girl with no experience, I wasn't enjoying myself. "Sorry."

He stopped and sighed out in understanding.

"You don't have to be sorry. I know it's hard, you've lost a lot," he told me, taking off his gloves.

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