Chapter 7 (Justification For My Flaws)

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John brought me a cup of tea to relax me as I was sitting on his couch in the main room. It was dark outside, which I hardly even notice until now, looking at the glass door that led to his gloomy front yard. He sat across from me in a light-wooded chair, blocking my view from the outdoors, almost making me burst into tears yet again as my distraction was unseen.

"The only part of my family is gone," I whispered, more to myself. "The only people who fought through my addictions by my side." John began to look confused, but I wasn't about to explain. "I don't want your tea!" I snapped, sloshing the tea onto the carpet as I practically tossed the cup on to the coaster table. I weakly took a stand, headed to the kitchen, desperate for what I resisted for so long.

I flew open his fridge doors, searching for the most ungodly drink I could find. My eyes landed on a light brown, glimmering liquid within a tall glass bottle. I unscrewed the cap as fast as possible, chugging as much as I could before John stopped me. But he didn't.

"You're an alcoholic?" He questioned calmly, extremely stabilized in this situation. I slammed the bottle down on his brown countertop, the instant burning sensation becoming all too safe and familiar.

"Does it surprise you?" I asked sarcastically, my carelessness in my state only leading me faster to being drunk.

"Yeah, actually. You're a lawyer. I figured you were the stereotypical perfect American Girl." I stared into his eyes, my green eyes and blond hair surely looking innocent on sight. "Guess you got some mystery up your sleeve," he joked bitterly, (by personality) pulling a cigarette from his trench coat that hung heavy over his black and white tuxedo. He threw his trench coat on the back of a kitchen chair, lighting his cigarette with a blue lighter. He sat back in the chair in satisfaction.

"You're not going to stop me?" I started with doubt, lightly placing my hand onto the bottle.

"We both have our addictions," he spoke boldly, taking in a deep drag, flicking the ashes into an ashtray filled with cigarette sut. I took two shot glasses from his cupboard after shuffling through each, sitting across from him at the table, pouring both of us shots before we talked anymore about our personal life.


My throat was sore from the constant screaming as I strove to gain any ones attention. It had been days, and the Chosen Animals refused to feed me until I straightened up. I'd rather starve to death than to fall for Nolan Anarose. I would never let anyone separate me from my goal, especially some pretty boy. I was sent to kill the Chosen Ones, not become one.

It has been four days, and my stomach urged for food. Honestly, I wasn't afraid to go cannibal if I absolutely had to. Call it selfish, but I had a mission. And I wanted to carry out on this mission because Satan would keep me out of the Mirrors. Chosen Ones were also supposed to stop aging, and become "fully grown", and stay physically the same age until the end of this battle between God and the Devil.

It seemed only minutes after I had stopped screaming when Nolan walked in. He carried a plate of steaming mashed potatoes and gravy, with a side of corn and green beans. I sat on the tiny bathroom floor, still ravelled shamelessly in rope. He silently smiled, fearlessly (or stupidly) handing me the plate.

I lusted for the food more than anything. It overwhelmed my sense of smell, my stomach instantly beginning to rumble and curl with pain to ingest that food. But I would be forced to refuse. It took every nerve in me to reject.

"Please help me," I whimpered, a fake tear strolling down my naturally contoured face. I set the food down beside me with both hands, facing him with an innocence I didn't know I had. I appealed to his senses of kindness as I wept. "All my life's been is a pitiful mess. I've been cruel, heartless and vicious. But I want to do good. I want to be worth something more than just a bounty hunter, sent off to take out someone else's enemies. Deep down, I want to be good."

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