Chapter 2 (Secret Cry For Help)

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Iveryellidy Janabribe

"Why do you put your hair up every time we go out?" Dylan started, gawking at my reflection as I laced pins in my hair to keep it up into a sophisticated bun. "I've literally never saw you with your hair down."

"And you never will. No one has. Hair that is up is more professional and sophisticated," I lied.

"Are you sure it's not something personal? All the pictures I've seen of your mother, she has her hair up in almost all of them. Same way that you do too." I panicked slightly, therefore I didn't like anyone knowing of that personal detail of my life.

"You ready?" I said, folding my hands innocently.

"Oh no. We're not going until you tell me," he spoke daringly, stepping in front of the door.

"I just told you. It's unprofessional."

Dylan stared daggers at me as I stampered for any answer but the truth. It was a bit personal, not to mention embarrassing. Or maybe it just seemed that way to me because I grew up to act like a greedy, uncompassionate girl who simply lost her mother at a young age.

"My mother wore hair up for the same reasons. But eventually it became my identity. I do not let anyone see it down. It's disgraceful and slutty in my eyes." I turned away, still striving to at least physically cover up after spilling one of my most personal feelings.

"Can I see it?" He asked gently, cupping my hands into his. I pulled my hands away from his, shaking my head self-consciously, the weight of my hair still kept in place. "Well, I wasn't asking." He suddenly jostled my hair around, the pins dropping to the floor as my hair drooped over my shoulders. I pinned it up with my hand, the tears of betrayal rushing down my cheeks. Dylan laughed playfully, yet stopped when witnessing my face. "Ivery," he started. "Why are you so sensitive?"

"This may sound silly to you, but this matters to me. This is literally the only thing I have left, the only thing that's familiar to me. Even if it's a dumb hair-do." I let my black, silky hair fall once again, balling as he watched the mess I am. I placed my hand over my mouth to muffle my quivering. He took my hands into his, lifting my chin to look him in the eyes.

"You're beautiful no matter how your hair is," he smiled, his brown eyes speaking to me just as much as his voice. He pulled me into him, leading me into the only place I've ever found comforting.

Phoebe 24

I faced the mirror, mesmerized by my pregnant belly that was four times the size of the original shape. I poked at the center, my stomach staying hard and round still. I grew out of all my clothes, but that wasn't the scary part. I was hopelessly waiting for the moment of birth, and what might happen after it.

"I bought more food, seeing as you keep eating me out of house and home," Sean joked, his hands reaching around my gut, kissing the back side of my neck.

"This could kill me, you know. My body's not made to sustain a fetus," I complained.

"How do you know that? They've lied to you your whole life." I turned to face him, looking into his truthful eyes. Most would see him as some kind of introvert, but I saw a secret warrior. Someone with truth and loyalty. Someone that believes in justice and nothing but. I admired that.

"After everything that's happened, I don't know how I should react to things. Including this pregnancy." I spoke shakily, my anxiety taking over.

"After everything that's happened, you deserve to be happy. I vowed to protect you and this child, and there's nothing that can happen that would make me stray. I'm staying," he reassured, cupping my face and pulling me into a gentle, tender kiss. After he pulled away, I closed my eyes in appreciation for a moment like this. This is happiness to me. Him over all others, that's what I'll protect.

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