No holding back

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Mr. Summers POV

So my daughter still ain't home after I called her 3 and a half hours ago. She's probably at Isaiah's house fucking him like the little whore she is. I brought he ass in this world and I damn sure have no problem taking her ass out. I'll send my son over there and just lie to him.

"Boy bring your ass in my office" I spoke into the intercom. He came down the stairs and walked into my office. "Have you seen your sister?" "Last time I saw her was at school why what's wrong?" he looked so concerned what a pussy caring about a female.

"Okay well she's at Isaiah's house she called saying he punched her and tried to rape her" I cleared my throat to tell my son the "news". He threw the chair violently then got his keys and sped off.

Jasmine POV

Me and Zay were on the couch watching 300 rise of an Empire I was kinda getting bored of the dialogue so I decide to mess with Zay. I bit his ear very sensually and began to suck on it, "stop Jas you know what that does to me" he protested. Of course I knew what I was doing I eventually stopped then began to throw popcorn at his head. Growing annoyed he grabbed me by my waist and layed me on the couch.

"Okay damn stop playing with me girl before I put it on you" his lips so close to mine we got closer and were about to kiss when someone began to bang on the door. "Whoever is at this door just saved yo ass from a whoopin" he smirked.

The next thing I knew Isaiah was blown from the door he flew back onto the floor into the kitchen table. My brother grabbed me and threw me to his friend Tyson. Tyson held me back from what I don't know.

"Bitch don't you ever put your hands on my sister and don't come to my house" my brother threw blows to Isaiah's face and body. I screamed for him to stop but he wouldn't Tyson wouldn't let me interfere until I bit his hand. I jumped in front of Isaiah.

"Jasmine get out the way he needs to feel yo pain" my brother hollered. I just looked at Trey, "dad told me he was hitting on you" tears formed in his eyes. I slowly walked to my brother to hug him when he whipped out his gun aiming it at Isaiah. My adrenaline kicked in as I jumped in front of Isaiah to protect him from the bullet I closed my eyes out of nervousness.

When I opened my eyes I looked at Isaiah who was holding me in his arms and my brother who was crying. I felt a strong sharp pain in my side I touched my side to see my hand stained with my own blood.

"TREVOR LAMONT SUMMERS YOU ASS YOU JUST SHOT ME WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed in anger only to make my wound hurt even more. "Jas stop talking please" Zay caressed my face.

Suddenly Mrs. Roberts came in the room cussing until she saw me in her sons arms. She ran to get her first aid-kit and a pair on forceps.

"Son I need you to slowly turn her body over to I can get this bullet out" she demanded. She slowly removed 9mm caliber bullet out of my side, and wrapped gauze around my slim body.

Isaiah placed me on the couch.

My brother stood there as if time was frozen tears streamed down his face. Mrs. Roberts approached him slowly taking the gun away and cleaning the gun of his prints. "Trey go wash your arm three times and then put hand sanitizer on it" she softly said hugging him.

After they cleaned up my blood and got rid of the bullet casing they all sat down near me so we could come up with a story.

"Ok, Isaiah was involved in a fight that will explain his bruises and Trey came to help that will explain his bruises. One of the guys pulled out a gun Trey you were fighting to get the gun out of his hand that's when Jasmine comes out and the guy shoots her. Isaiah runs to her side holding her explaining the blood on his clothes. Then I pull up and see everyone then attend to Jasmine and etc." Mrs. Roberts came up with the story

We reached the hospital and explained what happened they made sure my bleeding had stopped. They said I would have to stay for about 2 days.

Trey POV

I hate seeing my baby sister in this condition it's all my fault that she's hear. I didn't even give her a chance to explain what was going on she's too pissed that I shot her even more pissed than that tune I accidentally punched her. She won't even look at me when I try to apologize.

"Look I know no matter how many times I say sorry you won't forgive me but maybe if you didn't let his ass hit you this wouldn't have happened."

Jasmine punched me in my jaw. "You really seriously think I would let Zay hit me pft wow if you really want to know it was dad! Dad hits me when your not around okay that's why I ask where he is all the time iight so piss off with all that okay. And one more thing don't worry about Zay taking my virginity cause Dad took that when I was just 11 years old" my sister was enraged and was in tears I couldn't bare to hear another word.

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