Chapter 11- Dude's Pep Talk and A New Team Captain

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Happy Tuesday Friends! (Wattpad wouldn't let me update yesterday for whatever reason. Sorry)

"'Girl talk.' Crushed it." Dude said to Carlos as they walked. I was flying nearby to listen in. What!? I'm not going to use it for blackmail, okay?! He's my friend!
"Yeah, except when it comes to asking Jane out. Then I'm a total chicken," Carlos told hi. No kidding, guy.
"I'm gonna paraphrase one of the bravest boys I know. If she does not like you, then she is not the one for you," Dude told him. Smooth, Dude.
"You really are a man's best friend. Come on, let's go," Carlos told him and they left.

I decided to go spy on the R.O.A.R. meeting with Lonnie. What was gonna happen?
"Let's bring it in, boys. Let's bring it in. All right. You all know I come from the Isle, right, where things are pretty whack. No, but there is one thing the Isle's got on Auradon. If you're strong, we want you by our side-- girl or boy," Jay told the team. Go Jay! Break the rules! They were, obviously, made to be broken, after all.
"Hey, Jay, hold on here. We don't-- We don't break the rules here in Auradon. That's over on the Isle," Chad told him. I rolled my eyes. Just watch, his soulmate was gonna be from the Isle. I just knew it.
Jay then whipped out the rule book and read, "'The team shall be comprised of a captain and eight men.' So, uh... give it up for your new team captain."

Lonnie then came out in a really cool R.O.A.R. suit. It was awesome.
"Whoa! What?!" Chad asked, shocked as everyone else clapped and bowed.
"Thank you," Lonnie said, humbly.
"Fine," Chad snapped and bowed.

"Give me 10! Come on, guys," Lonnie said, and everyone started doing push ups. She walked over to Chad and put her foot on his back.
"1, 2..." the guys counted.

"Pick it up, Chad," Lonnie said, in revenge. I'm so glad I liked her from the get-go.
"3, 4..." the guys continued.
"Nice form, Jay," Lonnie said, also in revenge for Chad but also as a compliment.
"6, 7, 8, 9, 10," the guys finished counting and doing push ups.
"Okay, practice is over. Get out of here. Go get ready for Cotillion. Hey, Jay," she called before he left.
"Yeah?" Jay asked.

"Wait until I tell my mom," she said, smiling.
"Let's get out of here," Jay said and walked her out. I flew to Evie's room to hurriedly get my dress and get ready. I did not have an army of woodland creatures to help me get dressed. One, because that's just weird, and two, that's just cruel to the creatures.
There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Evie called.
"I have a scout badge in s'mores! How could you go camping without me?" Doug asked, offended.
"What?" Evie asked, confused.
"Are you seeing someone else? Are you?" Doug asked.
"No," Evie answered. I was so glad I could turn into a raven otherwise this would have been very awkward.
"Is it Happy's son? Because let me tell you, he is not as happy as his dad. Kind of a dark streak, in fact," Doug told her.
"Doug, Ben and his siblings were captured on the Isle. We rescued them and saved Auradon," Evie told him.

"So you're not seeing Happy's son or anyone else?" he asked. She grabbed his hands and said, "Don't be dopey. Besides, we have dresses to deliver. It is Cotillion day, after all. And you know what? I was lucky enough to have been given a chance, and now I need to give someone else a chance, too." "My Uncle Bashful used to say that," Doug told her. "Did he?" Evie asked. "Yeah. But really quietly," Doug answered. Evie laughed a little. "Let's do this," Evie said and they walked out to deliver dresses.

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