Chapter 3- Chad's Cape and Tourney Troubles

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I was in Evie's room helping her and Doug with Chad's cape later that day.
"What about peacock feathers? Yeah, I bet you nobody's gonna have those at Cotillion," Chad asked.
    "Chad, when I look at you, all I can think of is... 'king.'" I snorted when Evie said that and everyone glared at me. "And fake fur..." she continued.
    "Uh-huh," Chad said, entranced.
    "...fake fur says it all," Evie finished.
    "Loud and clear," Doug agreed.
    "Amphitheater in five!" Jay told Chad as he walked by.
    "Why did the coach make him captain instead of me? I'm obviously better. "King Chad," though. I do rather like that. You know who else would like that?" Chad asked.
"Who?" Evie and I asked.
    "Audrey," Chad said.
    "She would," Evie agreed.
    "Chad, let's go," Jay said.
    "I'm coming. Yeah. Oh. It-- I--" Chad started to cry.
    "Come on," Jay said.
    "It's just--" Chad sobbed as he left.
    "Not a lot of there there," Doug and Evie said at the same time.
    "Someone's obviously having some trouble dealing with his break-up with Audrey," Evie said. I agreed.
    "Yes. I've been doing the numbers," Doug said.
    "Yeah?" Evie asked and walked over to where he was at the desk. I did too.
    "And after we collect from all the girls for their gowns and Chad's cape..." Doug said and showed us the screen.
    "Wow! No wonder people work. What am I gonna do with all this money?" Evie asked.
    "I think in the next few years, you could buy that castle you always wanted. That way, you wouldn't need a prince," Doug told her.
    "You're right, I don't. Because I have you," Evie said. I almost- almost ruined the moment by 'Awwing.
"Hi, Mal," Ben greeted her in the hallway. Right by her locker later that day.
"Hi," Mal said.
"I have a little surprise for you," Ben said. Again? Didn't he give her one yesterday?
"Again? Wow. That's like every day now," Mal said.
"Or every other day. The even dates. Because you're... even more perfect than I thought," Ben said.
"That is me. I am perfect," Mal teased.
"Come on, let me spoil you. You didn't have a lot growing up," Ben said.
"We managed," Mal said.
Ben saw the spell book in Mal's locker. I knew it was there. "Hey, didn't you donate that to the museum?" he asked.
"Is that still in there?" Mal asked as she slammed the door shut. "Um, I got to get to class. I really don't want to be late," Mal told him.
"No. You come this way. First off... Ta-da!" I followed them.
"What?!" Mal exclaims. Took the words right out of my mouth. It was a purple scooter.
"You like it?" Ben asked.
"Ben... does an ogre like cheese puffs? This is amazing! It's purple. I didn't get you anything," Mal said.
"You're taking me on a picnic with all my favorite foods, remember?" Ben asked.
"No, that's Thursday," Mal said. Uh oh.
"It is Thursday," Ben said as I thought it.
"No, it's not," Mal argued.
"Yes, it is," Ben told her.
"No, it's not," Mal said.
"It is," Ben said as he showed her his phone.
"I knew that," Mal bluffed.
"I mean, if you don't have it, that's fine," Ben said.
"No, no, no. I was fully messing with you. I knew it was Thursday. I just have one more thing to go bake, and then I am all yours," Mal said as she booped his nose.
"Well, what about class?" Ben asked.
"She multi tasks," Mal said turning around and starting to walk away.
"She dabbles," Ben called.
"She dabbles," Mal agreed.
"You're the best!" Ben called.
"That's me!" Mal called.
I stopped her. "You did not know it was Thursday and you don't have the picnic ready," I confronted.
"So? I will," she said.
"Not with magic you won't," I told her.
"What does that mean?" She asked.
"I was going to take Ryan on a picnic tomorrow but he canceled last minute so I have stuff for you to use," I told her.
"Thanks but Ben doesn't like what Ryan does," she said and walked away. I sighed. No one can say I didn't try.
I was watching R.O.A.R practice long with Jane and the other cheerleaders.
"All right, boys. Let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me. Let's go," Jay ordered.
    "Yeah," Carlos said.
    "Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En garde," Jay ordered the team and they started fighting.
    "Keep your center!" Jay ordered Carlos.
    "Whoa!" Carlos yelled.
    "Eyes on your opponent! Up and over," Jay said. A new opponent jumped into fight Jay.
    "Get him, Jay!" One of the boys cheered.
    "Practice," Jay said.
    "Watch out, Jay," Carlos called.
    "Nice!" Chad yelled.
    "Jay, what happened?" Carlos asked but Jay got his groove back.
    "Finish him," Chad called.
    "It's Lonnie!" Jane and I gasped as Lonnie took off her helmet.
    "Not bad," Jay complimented.
    "You should put me on the team," Lonnie told him.
    "Hey, w-what?! No, no, no. We'll-- We'll be the laughing stock of the league. A-And what's gonna happen next? We'll have girls playing tourney? Come on, guys," Chad argued.
    "So?" Jay asked. I agreed with him.
    "So? Uh, so, have you not read the rule book? Section 2, paragraph 3, 11-4. 'A team will be comprised of a captain and eight men.' Hmm? Why don't you read the rule book?" Chad asked, shoving the rule book in Lonnie's face. If I was her I would have socked him.
    "Okay, yeah, but you're down a man! I mean, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff," Lonnie argued.
    "Exactly. We're down a man," Chad said.
    "Jay..." Lonnie begged.
    "I'm sorry. Coach trusts me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rule book," Jay apologized.
    "If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war," Lonnie said and left in a huff.
    "Okay. Rule book. Rule book," Chad called after her.
    "All right, guys. Practice is over. Let's go," Jay said.
    "Jane! Jane, hey. Hey," Carlos called to her. I stuck around in raven form so they wouldn't know I was eavesdropping. What? It's not like I used it for blackmail! Okay, so I'll use it against Audrey.
    "Hey, Carlos, what's up?" Jane asked.
"Uh... Not much. You?" Carlos asked.
    "Way too much. We were gonna go with the blue and gold banners for Cotillion, but now we can't find the right shade of blue," Jane complained.
    "Oh, yeah, no, that's a-- that's a bummer. Um, speaking of Cotillion--" Carlos started.
    "I know, right? It's all anybody is talking about. Cotillion 24/7," Jane complained.
    "I--" Carlos started.
    "It's like they've never been to one before," Jane complained. We haven't, Jane!
    "Uh...I haven't, actually," Carlos said. Yeah!
    "Oh. Lucky. I always end up serving punch with my mom anyway. This year, I got stuck on the decorating committee because Audrey went off to a spa vacation with Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather," Jane said. Smooth cover, Jane.
    "Jane, maybe we should just--" Carlos started. Was he trying to ask her out?
    "Skip the whole thing? I really, really wish I could. It's so nice to have a friend who's on the same wavelength," Jane said and air punched him. Ouch. The friendzone.
    "Oh, you got me," Carlos said.
Jane then got a call from her mom. "I got to go. Great practice, though," Jane said.
    "Yeah," Carlos said.
    "See ya. Hey, Mom," Jane said and then walked away.
    "It wasn't the right time, all right?" Carlos told Dude. I then flew away.

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