What Happens Now

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Lloyd POV

I can't believe that half of our own team quit on us. Maybe if Kai didn't yell at Nya then we could've had at least four people on our team, and she is usually the one to persuade people.

The Government gave us a new headquarters for planning our missions, but I think our old one was good enough. Anyways Cole, Zane, and I were at the new headquarters working on a new project for Ninjago.

"So what's our plan now, Lloyd" Cole asked

"Well first of all we need to get one thing straight, whatever the Government tells us something we do it got it" I told them

"We heard you Master Lloyd" Zane said," But what I'm most interested in that Kai, Jay, and Nya left the team and I am quite sad at the thought of it"

"They choose what side they were on, so lets just go on with our life alright" I said in a cold, hard voice

"is somebody going through puberty again?" Cole teased 

"NO!" I yelled

"Are you sure" He teased again

"Can you two start being mature for once in your life, Lloyd what is the mission the government has sent us" Zane asked

"The.... Oh crap......" I tried to say

"What is it Lloyd?" Cole asked

My hands were shaking from the print of the paper," They want us to destroy Ignacia" I choked

"you mean where Kai and Nya's family is Ignacia ?" Cole gulped

"Yes, why would they want us to blow it up?" I asked with curiosity

Then a low voice spoke, "There is something weird about the town that sounds like trouble that's why we need to blow it up" It spoke

"What trouble?" Zane asked

"Destroy the land and people because a curse is upon us all if any of them survive"

"Wait the people! Isn't the whole point of this contract was to protect the people!" Cole yelled confused 

"Do it or you will be arrested" The voice said before the whole room went black .

Jay's POV

After the whole fiasco with the government and all that crap I was able to find Nya. We were walking down the street to one of the houses that we owned in Ignacia.

"We can't just stop fighting Jay" Nya said," The government makes everything go crazy"

"I know, but we can't fight these battles like that I mean I don't like being under control by other people" I told her 

"Yes but-" Then before Nya could finish her sentence there was a loud horrifying scream that could knock down a building was heard throughout the village of Ignacia.

"What was that?!?" I yelled

"Lets find out" Nya said as she grabbed my hand and pulled my towards a building near the road.

We crouched down to the ground and peeked over the edge of the house we were behind to see what was going on. I couldn't believe my own eyes. There were 3 figures killing the innocent people of Ignacia. And both Me and Nya knew them all to well

"It can't be, can it?" she asked

"That is not our friends" I murmured

"We need to stop them from hurting anyone else before it's to late" She said while standing up and running into the street in front of who we use to call friends. Lloyd, Cole, and Zane.

"What are you guys doing!" I yelled at them

"Doing what the government told us to do" Lloyd answered

"By what? Hurting people?" Nya asked while helping the a young villager get on their feet so that they can escape

"We have to do this Nya you wouldn't understand" Cole said while stabbing someone with his katana 

"We aren't letting you do this" I said while forming lighting out of my hands, an the same goes for Nya with her water

"Then you will die along with everyone here" Lloyd said 

I shot my lighting at Lloyd, but he was able to block it with his green orb slowly hitting me in my stomach making me fall to the ground, Nya shot her water at Zane which made his titanium start to rust, and Cole was still trying to hurt the villagers.

"We thought you were our friends!" I yelled at them while Lloyd pinned me down to the ground

"You should've signed that contract Jay" Zane said once he finally held Nya in his grasp 

"Why are you hurting the villagers here in Ignacia?" Nya asked struggling to get out of Zane's clutches 

"there is a curse that anyone from or born in Ignacia will destroy all of Ninjago and everyone in it" Cole stated," If we don't kill all the Ignacians then that legend might come true"

"But Cole, Kai and I are Ignacians! What would you do to us since we are also part of Ignacia! We were a team at one point were did our friends go!" Nya pleaded

"I'm sorry, but we can't disobey the Government" Lloyd said before the whole room went black.


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