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Nya's POV

The whole room was pitch black with no doors or windows. I was knocked out clean, but I heard many screams from far away coming from men. I fluttered my eyes opened to see I was strapped to a table on the wall ( What is my deal with walls?!? ) I tried to break free, but the straps were put on too tight making my hands blood red. 

I looked up from my restrains and saw a tall man with grey hair standing over me and a couple guards around him.

"Well look who decided to wake up from their little slumber now" The man teased while twirling a dagger around his pointer finger.

"What do you want" I hissed at him

He made a smirk on his face and walked closer to me still trying to break free, "To be feared" He murmured 

"I need you and your brother to unlock your inner potentials" Greg said

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but we already unlocked our true potentials a long time ago and nothing bad happened to us" I said with sass

"No not those. This is a power to let your elements fully control you" He said getting all up in my face, "Or you could just join me and no one will get hurt"

I spitted in his face making him back up a little giving him time to wipe it off, "Well then I guess we'll have to play it the hard way" he hissed and stabbed me in my shoulder. I screamed out in pain and he started to twist the dagger around in the wound.

"I can make the pain go away if you join me" He whispered in my ear

"I'd rather die" I hissed in pain

"Suit yourself" And he removed the dagger and drew the tip of it along my neck bringing blood along with every slice, "With every remark means more blood"

He then pulled my hair back and did the same thing, but to my lower jaw line. I winced in pain once more, I felt my energy wasting away from every cut he made. That was until I heard a loud boom come from the door. Along came four ninjas with angry and frightened expressions.

"Let her go Greg" Kai shouted 

"I need her to join me along with you as well" he responded pulling the dagger away from my skin

I could tell that Jay was mad, and when I mean mad I mean MAD. He shot out his lighting from his hands to some of the guards and then the war started. Cole gave some of the guards his earth punch while Zane and Jay finished off the rest of them.

Kai was standing before me and Greg and had fire in his hands ready to fire, "I'm giving you one more chance to remove her restraints and surrender bringing back all intel to the ninjas, along with bringing back the old Lloyd" he demanded

"Like I'll ever do that" And I felt another sharp pain through my stomach. Which may I say JUST HEALED!!! 

Kai screamed and charged to Greg knocking him down to the ground. Jay then noticed that I was pain and ran straight towards me.  He looked at me directly in my eyes and then to the straps. He unlocked the straps and I fell right into his arms and the whole room went black once again.


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