What Happened Here?

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Kai's POV

I was so mad at Lloyd, Cole, and Zane for signing that contact! Why should we give up our freedom to someone who doesn't know what they're doing. Me and the team has been at it for years and are well prepared, with the government around no one will know what to do.

I was walking down to the blacksmith shop where my parents worked, but before I was even at the front door I heard a scream form over a mile away. I ran the opposite direction of my parents house and ran straight towards the ruckus. People were crying for help, some hurt, even dead at the matter. 

Houses were on flames and there were 3 figures fighting 2 other people. The figures look familiar. That's when it hit me. The 3 figures were Cole, Zane, and Lloyd. And the 2 figures were... Oh no.

Jay was being punched in the face by Lloyd while Zane held his arms around the screaming Nya.

"Lloyd stop please your hurting him!" I heard Nya shout

 "Why should I care you are the ones who quit on us" He said 

I could see the light in Jay's eyes fade, but I wasn't going to lose a ninja today. I ran towards the crazy ninjas and yelled," We might have quit on you, but that doesn't mean we can't fight" then I threw my fire curve ball straight at Lloyd making him fly off of Jay. I ran over to Jay to check if he was breathing. Oh thank god he's still alive, he's just blacked out. Lloyd, Zane, and Cole left the scene quiet as a mouse with no turning back. I turned around to look if Nya was okay, but all I saw was her leaning on a building holding her stomach.

"Nya! Are you alright!" I asked worried as I ran over to her

"I'm fine-" Nya said but was not able to finish. I look down at her stomach to see a bleeding stab wound near her abdomen.

"No you're not fine Nya, we need to get you and Jay somewhere safe alright" I asked sternly and Nya just nodded

I picked up Jay with one arm and Nya on the other. I only knew one place that we could all be safe and that was Sensei Garmadon's dojo. I was able to dial up Misako and told her our location to pick us up. A few minutes later I could see the one thing that didn't belong to the government, The Bounty.

As the ship landed two figures came from the ship, Misako and Wu. 

"What happened Kai!" Wu asked while Misako and him took Jay from me.

"Something happened to the others, but I don't know what. It's like they changed there whole perspective" I told them as we took Jay and Nya to the infirmary. I set Nya down on a table while Misako and Wu put Jay on the other. 

"But what could have done this to them" Misako asked while bandaging Nya's wound 

"It just came out of nowhere," Nya murmured, "One minute they were the hero's of Ninjago the next they're kicking our butts" 

"You darn right" I said and she just gave me a glare 

"Just give us the details my pupil" Wu said 

"Well I don't know really what exactly went down, only Jay and Nya know" I told them and then looked at Nya ready to listen.

"They said that there goal was to destroy Ignacia and everyone from there because of a legend" She said

"What was the legend?" Wu asked 

"That's the problem I have no idea, they never told me. All they did was beat Jay up until he past out and Zane stabbed me in the gut to hopefully get the job done before getting away" Nya said trying to sit up.

"We need to know what they're planning" I said

"I think I might have an idea" A voice said coming from the blue ninja

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