Chapter 1

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Trigger warning
Descriptions of self harm

Third person POV
Chandler woke up to his father screaming.

"Chandler Michael Russell if you don't get your ass up right now I'm coming in there!" His dad, William, yelled.

Chandler sighed. He quickly got up and got dressed, wearing the same thing as yesterday. A pair of worn blue jeans and his favorite hoodie. When he got done he made his way to the bathroom.

He locked the door behind him and looked in the cracked mirror. He noticed the bruise on his cheek had grown darker, and the cut on his eyebrow looked slightly infected. "Gross...." He muttered and hid the cut with his bangs.

His dad was particularly angry last night. On top of having far too much to drink, like every other night, his favorite football team lost the championship.

Chandler was doing his homework, nothing on the TV had anything to do with him but, when has that mattered before? Chandler had been his fathers punching bag since he was seven.

Being used to it, however, didn't make it hurt any less. Emotionally or physically.

When Chandler came out of the bathroom he was met by his dad, red faced and eyebrows furrowed. Chandler looked to see what he was holding and realized it was a test he threw away.

"What is this?" Chandler's dad gritted through his teeth. "A sixty seven?" He asked again, his voice was dangerously low. Chandler knew his dad didn't really care about him or his grades, but that didn't matter. William found any reason he could to hit him.

"I-I'm s-sorry, sir. It w-was a hard test.." Chandler started but William grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. "Sorry doesn't cut it, boy. Do you know what happens to people who fail tests? They don't get good jobs and they end up living on the streets. Is that what you want?" William yelled and punched Chandler in the stomach.

"Huh? You wanna live on the streets?" He yelled again. 'Anything's better than here.' Chandler thought to himself.

Once Chandler caught his breath, he answered. "N-no sir."

"Good. Now get out of my sight." William said and dropped Chandler.

He quickly ran down the hall and out the front door, not stopping until he was at the bus stop. Who knows what would happen if he missed the bus.

Once the bus came, he quietly got on, trying his best to go unnoticed. He knew it wouldn't work though. A kid named Zay never failed to call him out for something.

"Hey Chandler!" Zay mocked as Chandler made his way to the back of the bus. "Didn't you wear the exact same thing yesterday? And the day before that? And the day before that? Jeez, you're starting to smell, dude." Zay laughed and a few of his buddies snickered.

"Hahaha..." Chandler mumbled as he sat down, leaning his head against the window. 'This is gonna be a long day.' He thought.

Time Skip {Fourth Period}
Chandler raised his hand. "Yes Chandler?" His teacher, Mrs. Mims, responded with. "C-Can I go to the bathroom?" He asked. "Take a pass." The teacher said. He nodded and grabbed a bathroom pass. Once he got to the bathroom, none other than Zayvier ('Zay') Bennett was washing his hands.

Chandler tried to ignore him, but that obviously didn't work.

"Hey, you know the girls bathroom is across the hall right?" He teased.

"That's hilarious. Did your mom teach you your jokes?" Chandler said sarcastically, never taking his eyes off the floor. "What did you just say?" Zay asked angrily and pushed Chandler into the wall.

"You should really learn your place." He said and punched Chandler in the eye.

He kicked him a few times while he was on the ground and then left the bathroom.

Chandler pulled himself off the bathroom floor, he could feel some of the bruises from last week re-surfacing. He sighed and locked himself in a stall.

He sank to the floor and pulled his sleeve up. He traced the cuts on his wrists with his finger, he was two weeks clean. 'Screw it.'

He pulled his razor blade from his pocket and began absentmindedly slashing his skin.
He was staring ahead, eyes glossy and filled with pain.

He wanted nothing more than to die. It's not like anyone would miss him, or at least that's what he thought.

He started feeling dizzy, so he stopped cutting. Tears were running down his cheeks by now, but that was normal. 'If one thing goes right today, that's all I need. Just one time where I feel okay, and maybe happy.' He thought to himself.

He quickly stopped crying and held his breath when he heard the door to the boys bathroom swing open. 'No. Don't hear me. Please don't hear me.'

Hoping was no use. There was a soft knock on the door. "Mr. Russell? I know you're in there, a fellow classmate was worried about you and sent me in here." Mr. Addams, the school guidance counselor said. "Come on out of there and we're gonna head down to my office to chat."

Chandler sighed and opened the lock, forgetting to pull his sleeves down.

Mr. Addams immediately noticed the blood running down his arm. 

When Chandler looked up at the man, there was a look of something between sadness and disappointment on Mr. Addams' face. He looked at the fourteen year old wondering what on earth would drive a child to cut their own wrists.

"Come with me." Mr. Addams started. "Better get those cuts taken care of." Chandler silently nodded as they headed to the nurse. Once they arrived, Mr. Addams watched as the nurse put bandages over Chandlers wrists.

"That cut on your forehead," Nurse Cathy started. "What happened? Looks pretty deep." Chandler was surprised by the question. He thought his bangs covered the cut completely.

"I-its my fault." Chandler replied nervously. "That isn't what I asked." Nurse Cathy replied sadly. "Alright you're free to go." She followed. "Come with me to my office Chandler." Mr. Addams said. Chandler did as he was told.

They entered his office and Mr. Addams sat at his desk. "Sit. We need to talk." He told Chandler. "Okay. A-about what?" Chandler asked. "I think you know." Mr. Addams said, looking at Chandlers bandaged hand.

Chandler sighed. He knew this would be a long day. "Look, I just wanna know why you did that. I'm not oblivious to kids your age with depression. But I'm here to help you. I want you to talk to me." Mr. Addams said, with a hint of concern in his voice.

"And you're covered in bruises. You get into a lot of fights?" He asked. Chandler only nodded, it fights are what they're called. He never fights back.

"Can you tell me why? Do you get angry easily?" Mr. Addams asked.

"I-I don't...I'm not the one who starts them, sir." Chandler answered, leg bouncing up and down nervously. If they called his dad about this, he would kill him.

"Look kid, from now on, I want you to come see me every day for fourth period. Got it?" Mr. Addams said, writing Chandler a pass for his next class. "I have to?" Chandler asked. But he wasn't all that upset to be missing out on homeroom.

"Yes you do. I will inform your fourth period teacher. Now, you better get to class before the bell rings." Mr. Addams replied. "Yes sir." Chandler replied with a sigh as he got up and left.

A/N: Soooo that just got VERY changed up from how I originally wrote it but I hope you liked it anyways!!

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