Chapter 2

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Third person POV

Chandler walked home from school that day instead of riding the bus. When he got home, he didn't see his dad. "Probably buying more beer." Chandler said to himself, a little too loudly.

"What did you say boy?" Chandler heard his dad say. He tried to run, but wasn't fast enough.

His dad grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. "Got a phone call from your school today." His dad said, angrily. 'Oh no. I'm dead.' Chandler thought to himself.

"Heard you're back to cutting yourself. Well listen here, if I ever hear something like that again, I will beat you til you can't sit down, you understand me?" His dad said, tightening his grip. "Y-y-yes sir." Chandler stuttered. "Go." His dad said releasing him.

Chandler quickly ran to his room and locked the door. 'Why are you so stupid. Just do it. Kill yourself. Take out the razor. One last cut. End it.' Chandler thought to himself. 'No. That's the easy way out. You can't take the easy way out this time." His mind was driving him crazy.

He couldn't take it. But something told him tomorrow would be better. He just had to make it through one more day.

Chandler's POV {the next day}
I wake up to my alarm blaring instead my father yelling, which is a nice change of pace. I sit up and stretch my legs over my too-small bed (I've had it since I was five).

I rub my eyes and sigh. Today I have to start going to guidance, which will occupy my homeroom period for the rest of the year.

I don't really understand how sitting in a room with the school guidance counselor is going to help me. All teachers do is act like they want the best for you, but that's all it is: an act. Me and Mr. Addams both know it would be a whole lot easier for everyone if we just ignored each other and our own separate problems.

Anyway, I run into my mom as I'm going to the bathroom and I'm reminded of her existence. Her eyes are sunken in, and she's wasting away in front of me.

My mom doesn't scare me as much as my dad does. I decide to just go ahead to the bus stop, but as soon as I enter the living room, my dad starts heading towards me.

He puts his hand on my shoulder, which causes me to flinch violently, but looking in his eyes I realize he's sober. It's very rare that I see him without a beer in his hand so I'm grateful.

"No mishaps today, alright?" He asks calmly. I nod and he motions for me to leave for school.

3rd person POV {at school}
Chandler was sitting in fourth period when Ms. Mims called him to her desk. "Chandler, come here please." She said plainly. "Y-yes ma'am?" He asked once he got to her desk.

"Mr. Addams would like to see you." She replied. "Yes ma'am." He said as he walked out of the classroom.

Chandler's heart was pounding. He didn't want to have to discuss anything with the guidance counselor. He was fine. Sure his life wasn't the best, but he was getting by okay. So what's the big deal?

When Chandler got to the guidance office, Mr. Addams signaled for him to sit down.

As he sat down, Mr. Addams noticed a few things about Chandler. He had a black eye, and his sleeves were rolled up enough to see a dark bruise on his forearm, it was shaped like a hand-print. 'There's no way he got that in a fight.' Mr. Addams thought to himself.

He thought he'd address it, too.

"Chandler, how'd you get that bruise?" Mr. Addams asked casually and took a seat at his desk in front of Chandler.

Chandler was caught off guard. "U-uhh...w-which one?" He asked quietly.

"The fact that you have to ask that worries me. The one on your arm." Mr. Addams pointed to Chandlers left arm.

"I...I uh fell off my bike." He lied. He doesn't even have a bike. "You fell off your bike? And that left a hand shaped bruise? Look, kid in just gonna shoot straight with you. Not gonna beat around the bush any longer. Is someone at home hurting you?" Mr. Addams asked, getting straight to the point.

"Wh—what? N-no of course not! My parents are great they would never hurt me, I swear!! Y-You have to believe me!" Chandler was panicking.

"Okay, kid I need you to calm down. I believe you, alright? I believe you." Mr. Addams did not believe him, but he knew he would have to show to Chandler that he could trust him if he wanted to get anywhere.

3rd person POV {The next day}
Chandler woke up to his dad yelling yet again. "CHANDLER, UP NOW!" he yelled. "OKAY!" Chandler yelled back. But this did not please his dad, for he thought Chandler was being disrespectful.

He barged into Chandler's room, ripped him out of his bed and pinned him to his wall. "You're yelling at me now?" His dad asked. "N-no sir, I j-just wanted you t-to hear me." Chandler stuttered out.

"You know what? I don't believe you." Chandler's dad spit in his face. And with that he punched Chandler right in the mouth. Chandler fell to the floor and put his finger to his lip and looked at it. It was already covered in blood.

"Get up!" William yelled.

As soon as Chandler got up, his dad punched him in the stomach. This time, his dad pulled him to his feet by his collar and pinned him back against the wall.

"You have something you wanna say to me?" He asked. " I-I'm sorry d-dad." Chandler said, trying to catch his breath. "Now get dressed, you disrespectful brat." His dad mumbled as he walked out.

Chandler quickly got dressed and ran to the bus stop before he missed it. When he got on he immediately noticed Zay sitting in the front. As he walked to his seat, Zay decided to trip him up. Chandler fell to the floor, as Zay expected.

"Classic." Chandler mumbled. "What'd you say retard?" Zay asked. "Nothing." Chandler mumbled again and walked to his seat.

3rd person POV {Fourth Period}
"Chandler, guidance." Was all Ms. Mims said to Chandler. "Yes ma'am." He said as he walked out. His heart was racing again. He knew what would happen if he told, but how else was he gonna explain his lip being swollen and bloody?

He was trying to come up with anything to tell him but couldn't come up with anything. Once he reached guidance, he slowly went to knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mr. Addams yelled. As Chandler walked in, Mr. Addams immediately noticed his lip. "S-sit down." Mr. Addams said, partially distracted by the fact Chandler must have got hit again.

Chandler did as he was told. "So, I see you have a busted lip. Do you mind telling me what that's from?" Chandler knew this was coming, and still had no idea how to answer it.

"Chandler I know this is hard for you, but it is very important that you tell me the truth. I want to help you, but I can't do that if you don't tell me the truth." Mr. Addams said.

I-I want to sir but I can't." Chandler said, his voice cracking. "You can. I promise you can trust me with anything." Mr. Addams said.

"N-no. He'll kill me." Chandler whispered, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"Who will, kid?" Mr. Addams asked again, Chandler just shook his head.

"I-if I tell you, d-do you promise not to say anything?" Chandler whispered. "You know I can't make that promise. I promise you won't get hurt anymore if you tell me, though. Okay?"

Chandler nodded and wiped his cheeks.

"S-sometimes m-my dad...he...h-he drinks a lot and he...he hits me b-but I'm okay, sir. It's not that bad. It stopped hurting after awhile, please don't say anything...." He whispered.


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