Chapter 33

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Trigger warning- I don't condone homophobic language or hateful speech WHATSOEVER, but unfortunately people do use it in everyday language and Josh is a jerk so I apologize for that :/

Third Person POV

"Did you really think you could get away from me, boy?" Keith pushed Chandler against the wall. Chandler squeezed his eyes shut, too afraid to answer.

"I asked you a question!" Keith screamed in Chandler's face. "P-please..." Chandler began to beg.

He peered over Keith's shoulder to see Andy's body, surrounded by blood. "No...n-no!" Chandler cried. Keith began to laugh like a maniac.

Suddenly, Chandler heard someone calling his name from a distance. It sounded like Andy, but I couldn't have been him, he was dead.

Chandler! The voice kept saying.



Chandler woke up to Andy shaking him. He had tears streaming down his face. He looked at the alarm clock, which read 3:24 am.

Andy sat next to him on the bed and put an arm around him. "Another bad dream?" He asked.
"Y-yes sir. Sorry I woke you u-up again I..." Chandler started when Andy cut him off.

"Wasn't your fault Chandler. And I'm not mad. When are you gonna get that through your stubborn head?" Andy said, ruffling Chandler's hair.

He looked up at him and gave him a sad smile.

"You wanna talk about it?" Andy asked him. "K-Keith." Chandler whispered. "I-I don't get it, Andy. Why did he do that? Why did he hurt me like that?" He whispered again and began to cry.

Andy pulled Chandler into his chest. "Shh...I-I don't know kid. I don't know, but I do know one thing and that is that it's never gonna happen again. Ever. Do you hear me?" Andy promised.

He was angry, he realized. Angry of everyone taking advantage of this poor boy. Taking advantage of the fact that he's smaller than everyone else, or that he's afraid of his own shadow.

"What did I do to make him do that?" Chandler asked quietly.

"Nothing. You did absolutely nothing wrong, Chandler. Don't ever forget that. This isn't your fault...Sometimes people are just...just disgusting, and awful. And they take it out on other people." Andy tried his best to explain.

Chandler nodded and wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

Andy grabbed his face in both hands and looked into his eyes.

"Don't you ever take responsibility for other people's shitty behavior. Do you understand me?" Chandler's bottom lip wobbled and he nodded.

"Go back to sleep, son." Andy whispered and tucked him back in.


{At school}

"Hey, apparently Jared's back." Laura said and sat next to Chandler at their lunch table.

"Perfect." Chandler groaned. He was exhausted, it had took him two hours for him to fall back asleep last night.

"You okay?" Parker asked from in front of him.

"Yeah. Just tired." Chandler said, rubbing his eyes. "What time did you go to sleep last night?" Zay asked.

"Umm...10:00 pm and then again at 4:00 am." Chandler mumbled the words before he could stop himself.

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