Chapter 47

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Third Person POV

When Chandler stepped on the bus, Jared smiled at him and gave him a little wave. Chandler was confused, but waved and half smiled back a little as he made his way to sit next to Zay.

"Hey dude." Zay said.

"Hey, where's Parker?" Chandler asked. "Oh, his grandma brought him to school. He slept in late." Zay answered.

"Nana wasn't too happy about that was she?" Chandler asked, grinning. Zay huffed a laugh and shook his head.

"Oh! Check this out." Chandler said and took out the photo Andy gave him from his book bag.

"Holy crap, is that Andy and you?" Zay asked, examining the picture closely. "Yeah, isn't that weird? Apparently he came to a few of my birthdays." Chandler replied.

"Wow that's ironic." Zay said.

When they got to school, they saw Parker outside, he looked like he was waiting for them. "Hey man. Where are the girls?" Zay asked running towards Parker.

Parker shrugged. "Chandler did you turn your hoodie into a shirt?" Parker teased. He was wearing the long sleeved black shirt he was gonna wear yesterday.

Zay laughed. "Yeah man, why are you wearing long sleeves again? I thought Andy made you stop." He said.

"Well I have that one scar on my arm and Andy gave me a bandaid to cover it yesterday but we're out." Chandler explained quietly as they entered the school. Parker and Zay nodded in understanding.

When the boys made their way over to Laura they saw her putting her favorite book that had been in her locker all year into her book bag.

"Hey Laura check out this picture of Chandler." Zay says and grabs the photo from Chandler, handing it to Laura.

"Awe that's so cute! Wait is that Andy?" She says and examines it closer. "Yep. Crazy right?" Zay says and Chandler rolls his eyes. Laura hands Chandler the photo back and her smile fades.

But it doesn't only fade, she starts to look sad.

"Hey, Laura. You okay?" Chandler asked her. Laura fake smiled. "Yeah, of course." She nodded.

"I uhhh....I need to tell you guys something important at lunch, okay?" Laura asks. They nod.

She smiles sadly and kisses Chandler on the top of his forehead, then heads to first period.

"I hope she's okay." Chandler says, more to himself than anyone.

At lunch

Laura arrived a little later than the rest of the group, which was unusual for her. When she finally joined the table, she didn't sit down and she had very teary eyes.

"Laura what's wrong?" Chandler stood up beside her.

Laura let out a shaky breath. "I love you...a-a lot and this is really gonna hurt both of us. And if I could change it I would but it isn't up to me." She started.

Chandler was beginning to get very worried.

Laura sighed as a tear streamed down her face and she looked around at the people she loves as her family.

"I-I'm leaving." She admitted and a tear streamed down Autumns face because she already knew.

"W-what?" Chandler asked.

"Th-this summer we're moving to Ohio." She said. "B-but you're coming back. Right?" Zay asked, getting worried.

Another tear streamed down her face as she shook her head. "My dad got offered a new job." She said, and started crying.

A tear streamed down Chandler's face as he embraced her. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut. No, he felt worse than that. He's been punched in the gut and it was nothing compared to this.

Nearly 9 months of being with Laura. He's nothing without her. How is he gonna go on without her?

He needs her. But he can't tell her that and make her feel bad for something she can't control.

So right now he'll settle for crying into her shoulder and letting her cry into his. Everyone at the table looked miserable.

Mr. Addams saw the distraught couple from across the lunchroom, and decided to approach them.

"Hey what's going on?" He asked once he reached them. They both pulled apart and wiped their faces.

"Come with me, you two." He said, since they were the only two that were crying hard. He lead them back to his office and sat them down.

"What's got you guys so sad?" Mr. Addams asked, concern lacing his voice.

Chandler looked at Laura, who shook her head and looked down.

"S-she's leaving." Chandler said quietly. Mr. Addams nodded in understanding.

"Well you guys can still text and call right?" He asked, trying to stay on the positive side. "I-it wouldn't be the same. Plus m-my phone's broken." Laura said and wiped her face.

At this point, Mr. Addams looked about as sad as the two teenagers. "When are you leaving?" He asked.

"July 8th." Laura answered.

"Well you guys should be able to do lots of things before then, right? I know it sucks that you'll be apart, but you guys gotta make the most of this time you still have together. Or else you'll regret it. Okay?" Mr. Addams told them.

They both nodded, still extremely sad.


When Chandler told Andy and Payton the news, Payton started crying and Andy hugged both of his kids.

"Why don't you invite your friends over and we can all go to the pool or something fun like that?" Andy offered and Chandler agreed gratefully.

They all showed up, still in a slightly melancholy mood and Andy took them to the public pool down the road. Chandler and Laura were in the very back, Laura's head rested on Chandler's shoulder.

When they were in the parking lot of the community pool, Andy snapped everyone out of their sad daze.

"Alright. Listen up. I know you're all sad. But today is about having fun alright? We're gonna go swimming then after we're gonna get food and ice cream and today's gonna be a good day. Okay?" He announced.

Laura lifted her head off of Chandler's shoulder.

"Yes sir!" Zay said and smiled. And everyone decided to forget about the sadness for a little while. Because today, they were gonna have fun.

A/N: Hi, if that made you sad...same :(
But I hope you enjoyed even though it was pretty short, I love you guys and this story should be completed today or tomorrow, thanks for reading this mess of a story that's been going on since I was in 7th grade, stay safe <3

same :( But I hope you enjoyed even though it was pretty short, I love you guys and this story should be completed today or tomorrow, thanks for reading this mess of a story that's been going on since I was in 7th grade, stay safe <3

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