Chapter 18

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This chapter will include:
Mentions of sexual assault (nothing too bad, but a lil bit worse than the last chapter. God help us all)


Andy's POV
Today, the guys are coming over, and I feel terrible. This innocent boy is about to go through hell, again and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm livid, if I see one more person put their hands on him I might lose it.

But my hands are tied. If I flip out and try to beat one of them, they will kill Chandler. It's nine versus two. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard soft cries coming from the closet. I opened the door, to see Chandler sitting beside the mattress, knees hugged to his chest.

"Kid? You alright?" I ask. Stupid question, he's a teenage boy who's been kidnapped by a bunch of psychopaths, why would he be alright? I go and sit in front of him. "What is it?" I ask him.

"Th-they're coming today." Chandler whispered. "I know, buddy." I say and rub his shoulder. It's a piss poor attempt to make him feel better in this messed up situation, but his breathing seems to slow a bit.

I can't tell him everything is gonna be okay, because we both know it isn't. All I want to do is get him out of here.

"Why doesn't he want to kill me?" Chandler asked, out of nowhere. "W-what?" I questioned.

"I heard you guys talking yesterday. You said 'If you want to keep him alive'. Why does he want to keep me alive if he hates me so much?" Chandler asked.

The reason Ryan wants to keep him alive is so when William gets out, he will see everything that he did to Chandler. Like it'll make him proud or something.

But I can't tell Chandler this. Not today anyway, he's got enough on his mind without thinking he's gonna be here for two years. "I don't know." I lied.

"Here, get some rest. It'll help you heal." I say and he nods and climbs on the mattress.

I pull the blankets over him and walk out of the closet. When I close the door, I hesitate to lock it. Ryan decided not to take any chances and put a padlock on the closet door. I lock it anyways, guilt bubbling up in my stomach.

{Time skip}

Chandler's been asleep for a couple of hours now. Every time I check on him, he's sleeping. I even had to check his pulse every now and then, to make sure he was alive. All was well, until the guys got here. Ryan came storming in and unlocked the closet door.

He then ripped Chandler off the mattress and took him to the living room. This is when I left. I drove to Wal-Mart to get more medical supplies.

I had more than enough already, but I had to get out of that house.

Chandler's POV
I was awoken to Ryan grabbing me by the arm and taking me to the living room. He was prepared this time, he already had the torture chair ready.

Once I was tied up, I looked around. There wasn't as many men as before, so I guess some of the men had stuff to do today. There were only six men there today, but one of them was the one I hated the most.

He was the last guy two days ago.

"Alright boys. Today's rules are different. Today, you can do whatever you want, as many times as you want. That way our fun little game lasts longer!" Ryan announced.

I don't want to be used as a game. But I guess that's all I'm worth. Why can't they just stop? What are they trying to accomplish?

I miss Laura, and Zay and Mr. Addams. And even Parker, even though I haven't known him very long. I even miss my dad. He definitely wasn't the best, but he wouldn't let these guys do this.

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