Chapter 3

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Third Person POV
"Your dad did this to you?" Mr. Addams asked, though he already knew the answer. "Y-yes sir." Chandler said, silent tears running down his face. "Well, it's good you told me. I am going to have a word with your father this afternoon." Mr. Addams said as calmly as he could.

"No! Please Mr. Addams he'll kill me! Please!" Chandler said, starting to panic. "Chandler, relax. I won't even tell him you told me. I will just say that I have been noticing signs of abuse and that it concerns me. After that I will be going to the police." Mr. Addams said. "Now, head back to class." Mr. Addams continued. "Yes s-sir." Chandler replied.

On the way back to class Chandler ran into Zay. "Hey retard! Skipping class?" Zay asked. "L-leave me alone Zay." Chandler mumbled. "What'd you say?" Zay said as he pinned Chandler against the lockers. "You're such a worthless retard! No wonder your only friend is a razor blade!" Zay said, and punched him in the stomach. Chandler fell down, out of breath. Mainly because he had already been punched in the stomach once today. Once Zay left, Chandler tried but failed to get up.

After a few tries, he was able to get up and slowly walk to the bathroom. He went into a stall and locked the door. As he sat down, he began to quietly cry. He reached for his razor blade, but slowly put it back down when he remembered his father's words.

3rd person POV {After school}
Mr. Addams looked in Chandler's file to find his address. Once he knew where it was, he drove to Chandler's house.

Once he arrived, he noticed it was in terrible condition. The windows didn't have blinds or curtains, the porch looked to be falling apart, and the grass doesn't look like it has been mowed in a couple of years.

Mr. Addams carefully walked up the broken steps and knocked on the door. His mom answered the door. "What do you want?" She asked in a rude tone. "Ma'am, I have been noticing things lately with your son, Chandler." Mr. Addams replied. "Oh great. What'd he do this time?" She asked.

"Oh no, he hasn't done anything ma'am. He's a very good kid." Mr. Addams said. "Then why are you here?" She asked, and as soon as she did they both heard a loud crash from down the hall. Chandler's mom just stood there as Mr. Addams pushed past her.

He ran down the hall as quickly as he could. Once he was at the back of the hall, he could very clearly make out the sounds of Chandler crying and a man yelling. "Get up!" He heard Chandler's dad yell. He followed the sounds until he reached the room.

When he walked in, he saw Chandler pinned up against the wall by his dad. "Let him go." Mr. Addams said calmly. "Who are you?" His dad replied coldly, still holding on to Chandler. "We'll worry about that later. Let him go." Mr. Addams replied. Chandler's dad laughed. "Or what?" He said.

And with that he grabbed Chandler's arm and bent it backwards until he heard a snap. Chandler let out a pained scream and fell to the ground. Mr. Addams ran over to see if Chandler was okay, but as soon as he got over there, Chandler's dad kicked Mr. Addams in the side.

The thing that Chandler's dad didn't realize though, is Mr. Addams is a lot stronger than a 14 year old kid. So he stood up and punched him square in the nose.

3rd person POV {an hour later}
"So this was self defense?" The cop asked Mr. Addams. "Yes sir." He replied. "And may I ask, what were you doing here in the first place?" The cop asked. "I'm a school guidance counselor. One of the students was showing obvious signs of abuse. He slipped up and told me his dad was hurting him. I came to have a word with his parents and I heard a loud bang, so I went up there to find his dad beating him. I was just looking out for the kid. "Mr. Addams answered.

"You did the right thing, but next time contact police." The cop said, as he started to walk off.

"Wait! Can you tell me what's gonna happen to the kid?" Mr. Addams stopped him. "He'll stay at the children's home for a while. We couldn't contact any other family members." The cop answered.

Mr. Addams nodded. "He needs to see a doctor. I'm sure his arm is broke the way his dad was handling him." He sighed.

Chandler's POV {at hospital}
Right now I am at the hospital with some police officer. The doctors just x-rayed my left arm and told me it was broken.

I'm sitting here waiting for the doctors to put my cast on when the police officer starts to talk to me. "Hey, your guidance counselor tells me your dad is the one who broke your arm. Is that true?" He asked me.

"Y-yes sir." I said. I probably sounded like a five year old since I was so nervous.

"You know you're gonna be staying in a home for a while, right?" He asked.

"Y-yeah I know." I sighed.

I don't know how I feel about that. On one side my dad can't hurt me anymore, on the other hand, what if the home is worse?

I still love my parents, it's not their fault I'm weak is it?

A/N: I know this is shorter than usual, but I will make up for it I swear!

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