Chapter 48

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Third Person POV

It was June 6th. The last day of school for everyone, and Chandler was dreading it. He'd grown to really enjoy school, it's where he met his best friends and girlfriend.


The last day of school meant one day closer to losing Laura. He really didn't want her to leave, she is his entire world and he knows he'll be broken without her.

But for now he's ignoring it. It's all he can do if he wants to appreciate his last moments with her. Just pretend it's okay and that she'll be here forever and they'll be 14 and 15 year olds for the rest of their lives.

It's easier to pretend.

Chandler can downstairs with only his yearbook and a pen, not needing his book bag. Payton came bouncing behind him excitedly.

At her school, they were having a water slide and she was ecstatic. Chandler couldn't help but smile at her happiness, it was contagious. At least after all this darkness, he would still have his sister.

Chandler was wearing his hoodie today, it was more of a comfort thing than anything else. He wore a shirt under it in case he got too hot, and Andy didn't say anything about it today.

"Breakfast on the go today." Andy said and threw each of them a granola bar.

"I'm running late for work, I love you guys." Andy said and kissed them both on the top of their head before running out the door and starting up the car.

"Today if Roger pulls my hair I can just push him down the water slide!" Payton said excitedly. Chandler couldn't help but laugh. Payton's bus came first, like usual and he waved at her and smiled as she got on.

When Chandler's bus came he was a little excited, he got to sign Zay's yearbook and let Zay sign his.

Parker left his in his locker the day before.

When they finally got inside the school Chandler saw Laura from across the hall.

"Husband!" She called, smiling. "Wife!" He called back and jogged over to her. She chuckled and they traded yearbooks, signing them.

The hallways were just a crowd of people signing each other's yearbooks. For the last day, no one had to go through any class periods.

They only rung bells for lunch, and the students were pretty much allowed to roam freely.

"Hey let's go hang out in the gym, they have pizza in there." Zay said and they went.

Once they got their pizza and sat down on the bleachers, Chandler noticed Jared across the gym sitting by himself. Laura noticed Chandler feeling bad for him.

"Remember all those things he said to you..." Laura said.

"Still. He's got no one to hang out with. That's one of the worst feelings in the world." Chandler sighed.

Laura smiled. "You really are too good for this world." She said and Chandler shook his head and glanced at Jared again. Laura looked too.

"Go." She smiled at Chandler.

Chandler sighed and nodded. He stood up and grabbed his yearbook, heading over to Jared.

When he got there, Jared look at him like he was crazy. Chandler began to feel a little crazy.

"You wanna sign my yearbook?" Chandler asked, forcing a smile. Jared was confused but nodded.

"Y-yeah sure." He answered and Chandler handed him his yearbook. Once he was done, he asked Chandler if he wanted to sign his.

Chandler said sure and signed it.

"Hey, talk to your dad okay?" Chandler told him. Jared nodded.

"You too." He said. Chandler nodded and headed back over to where his friends were.

"Did you sign his yearbook?" Autumn asked once he got back. Chandler just nodded. "The only other names on there were yours and Shelby's, and you're his sisters." He pointed out.

"And you're his crush. Doesn't that make you a little uncomfortable?" Autumn asked again.

"Well yeah, a little. But I mean...if me and Laura weren't dating, she would be my crush. And I'd be ecstatic if she signed my yearbook." Chandler smiled.

"With all due respect Chandler, you're a weird dude." Zay laughed.

Chandler laughed too. "Not the worst thing you've called me." He said.

Then the ninth grade lunch bell rang, for the kids who didn't get pizza.

"I'll be right back guys." Chandler said and left, yearbook in hand.

"Where's he going?" Ava asked once Chandler was out of sight.

"Probably to see Mr. Addams. Just a wild guess." Parker answered.

Parker was right. Chandler was a little sad he wouldn't see Mr. Addams anymore. He'd be here next school year, but he doubted he'd be able to find a time where Chandler could come and talk to him.

He didn't need to anyways. His life was okay for now.

When he got to his office, he saw Mr. Addams sitting at his desk, like always, not really doing anything.

He knocked on the door and Mr. Addams told him to come on in.

Mr. Addams smiled when he saw Chandler. "Hey, kid. How's the last day of school going?" He asked. Chandler smiled back.

"It's going pretty good. I uh...came to ask if you wanted to sign my yearbook." He answered.

"Of course, kid." Mr. Addams smiles and signs,

Chandler, you are a wonderful student and friend. I hope things continue to look up for you, you're a great kid. Try and keep that anger under control and I hope you have a good summer. Take care, I'll see you next year.
~Mr. Addams.

Chandler read his message thoughtfully and smiled.

"Have a good summer kid." Mr. Addams said and stood up, extending his hand for Chandler to shake.

Chandler ignored his hand and hugged him. Mr. Addams wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders and laughed a little.

"You too, Mr. Addams."

A/N: Okay yeah that was pretty short and I apologize but aHhh it's about to be over :(((

You guys make sure to check out the sequel! It will be called "Not like Before" and I'm very excited to start writing it after this book.

Just to clear some things up, this is the first book of a trilogy, I don't know if I made that known before but ye.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!

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