Chapter 5

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Chandler's POV {The next day}
I was at my locker when a girl came up to me. "Hey, you're that little abused boy everyone's talking about on the news. Right?" The girl asked.

"The news?" I asked. Why would my family problems be on the news?

"Yeah. They didn't say your name or anything but they said our guidance counselor showed up and beat up the dad and that the boy ended up with a broken arm. You have a cast on your arm so I figured it was probably you." She said casually.

"U-um yeah that's me I guess." I say and put my books in my locker.

"Damn, that sucks. I'm Laura by the way." She says and puts her hand out for me to shake. I shake it apprehensively and she grins.

I take in her appearance. She's wearing a long-sleeved, army green t-shirt with blue jean shorts. A combination that would look terrible on anyone else but she somehow pulls it off. She has short, dark brown hair that's thick and hangs just below her chin. Her eyes are caramel brown and she has a slight gap in between her front two teeth.

I have absolutely no experience with girls, but I do know that she's very pretty.

"I'm Ch-Chandler." I stutter out.

"Nice to meet you, Chandler. You're in my homeroom. I know school only started two months ago so I don't blame you for not noticing." She says, smile never leaving her face.

I have to admit that I'm envious of how effortlessly confident she is.

I realize it's my turn to say something and that I've just been nodding along like an idiot for this whole conversation.

"Y-yeah I'm sorry, I'm not good with faces." I want to explain that the reason I'm so awkward is likely due to the years of physical and emotional torment and that they have likely stunted my social development, but I feel that would kill the mood.

She just nods. Thankfully, the bell rings before I get any more opportunities to embarrass myself.

"Well, I'll see you at lunch!" She says happily and skips off to first period.

Chandler's POV {at lunch}
After I got my lunch, I sat down at the same spot I always sit at. No one ever really talks to me unless it's Zay trying to make my life miserable. But you can't make someone's life miserable if it already is!

Anyways I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey, can I sit here?" I heard Laura say.

"Um y-yeah sure." I said, trying not to smile at the fact that I've finally made a friend.

"So why the hoodie? You know it's like a million degrees outside right?" She asks and munches on a French fry.

"O-oh I don't know, it's kind of like a comfort thing I guess. It was given to my dad by his best friend from high school and he never returned it, and now it fits me. Don't think he'll ever come back for it." I shrug. I barely remember my dad's old friend, but I apparently used to love him and called him my uncle. I don't know where he went, but I get the feeling he wouldn't approve of my dad's new lifestyle choices.

"Oh, well you know it'll probably still fit you in the winter right?" She giggles. I don't have time to respond because Zay decides to grace us with his presence.

"Aww look! Chandler finally made a friend. I'd say he must be paying her but I know his mama spent their last dime on crack." He jokes loudly. I can feel my cheeks heat up in anger and the hair on my neck stand up.

Kids began laughing. Great, Zay is gonna chase off the closest thing to a friend I have.

"Aren't you gonna do something?" Laura whispered to me as Zay walked off.

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