Chapter 46

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Chandler's POV

I've been cooped up in my room all weekend. I told Andy what happened on Friday and he seems to understand that I just wanna stay here in my pajamas for the rest of my life.

But he still said I can't and drags me out for dinner.

Dinner was pretty quiet tonight at first, until Andy started talking.

"Chandler I expect you to talk to Laura tomorrow at school. And Payton I expect you to defend yourself against that little boy that's been bothering you." He said and took a sip of his water.

"Someone's bothering you?" I asked. Payton sighed. "He's just an immature brat." She shrugged.

"I don't care I'll mess him up." I said defensively. I'll kill a kid.

"Chandler we're not 'messing up' any 8 year olds." Andy smiled. I sighed. "I'm gonna mess him up myself if he pulls my hair again." Payton huffed.

"He pulled your hair? Do you know where he lives?" Andy asked, getting angry.

I smiled and nodded. "Now we're on the same page." I said.

Idk ^

The next day {Third Person POV}

When Chandler came downstairs, he didn't expect Andy to send him back up and make him change his hoodie. He was confused because he'd worn the hoodie every single day to school, but he obeyed because he didn't wanna get in trouble.

He came back down wearing pants and a long sleeved plain black shirt.

"Chandler it's May, you're gonna have a heat stroke." Andy said, worried.

"I-I don't want anyone to see the scar." Chandler explained quietly. Most of his scars are on his back, but there's one near the crease of his elbow that says, 'weak'.

Andy's eyes softened.

"Follow me." He said shortly and began going to his room. Chandler furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and followed Andy.

They ended up in Andy's bathroom, and Andy started digging through his drawers. Then, he pulled out a large bandaid.

"Pull up your sleeve." Andy said and Chandler knew where he was going with this. He pulled up his sleeve and Andy grabbed his forearm and delicately stuck the bandaid over the scar.

"There, now no one can see. Now go put on a shirt that won't burn you to death." Andy smiled.

"Th-thank you Andy." Chandler said and went to go change. He ended up wearing a red shirt that said "Coke" on it.

When he got on the bus, Parker and Zay were both surprised that he wasn't wearing his hoodie.

"Before you ask, Andy made me change." Chandler said as he took the seat next to Zay.

Zay nodded. "Solid." He said.

"Chandler what are you gonna do about Laura?" Parker asked. "I don't know, man. I texted her a few times, she won't respond. Today's gonna suck." Chandler answered.

"Maybe not. She might believe you." Parker tried to reassure.

When they got to school, the three boys saw Laura at her locker. She looked upset, and Chandler really wanted to talk to her but he knew it probably wouldn't end well.

"Screw this. Just let me show her the video, dude!" Zay pleaded.

"Zay no. I already told you I don't want her to only believe me because there's proof." Chandler shook his head.

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