Chapter 17

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This chapter will include:
-Heavy abuse
-Mentions of sexual assault (nothing too bad, it was extremely difficult to write)

3rd Person POV
Chandler was currently sitting in a closet, listening to the conversation going on outside.

"Look, if you want me to fix up the kid every time you use him as your punching bag, he's gonna need to be close by. At least let the kid sleep in my closet. It's bigger anyways." Chandler heard Andy say.

Chandler couldn't believe it, was this guy trying to help him?

"Whatever Andy. But that's not gonna stop me from giving the brat what he deserves." Ryan spat. Chandler then heard footsteps and scooted as far away from the door as he could.

As the door opened, he looked up to see a man, presumably Andy. He looked slightly familiar, but Chandler couldn't figure out why.

Even though he didn't know Andy, he was still glad that Ryan wasn't the one who came in.

Andy looked at the boy in front of him, feeling terrible that this kid was gonna have to suffer for a while.

"Hey, kid. Look, I'm not gonna hurt you I swear. But I can't get you out of here just yet." Andy said. Chandler stared at him. What does he mean 'yet'? Andy reached to untie Chandler's hands, but Chandler violently flinched away from him.

"Hey, it's alright, kid. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need to untie your hands." Andy said cautiously. Chandler nodded and Andy began to untie him.

Andy's POV
I brought Chandler into my room and told him to sit on the bed for a second. If I could, I would go out and buy him a bed and not make the poor kid sleep in a closet. I'm glad that my closet is a walk in closet though, so at least he has room.

At this point, I haven't heard the kid say one word. It's like he's afraid to speak. Which if he is, I don't really blame him.

I'm disappointed in my friend, or who used to be my friend. I thought I knew Ryan, but apparently not. The Ryan I knew would never kidnap an innocent kid for no reason.

It's sick, and twisted.

Anyways, as Chandler was sitting on my bed, I was cramming an old mattress in my closet.

When I was finally able to get it in there, I put about 5 spare blankets in there. The boy already doesn't know where he is, why add discomfort to that?

Especially when Ryan is gonna cause the boy enough discomfort as it is. "Alright kid. I don't like having to stick you in a closet, but I'm gonna try to help you out. Okay?" I said to the boy.

"Thank you." He whispered. "I-It's no problem kid." I stuttered out. How can a boy who just got kidnapped be thankful? I noticed that Chandler had already went into the closet and hugged his knees to his chest.

I was about to go talk to him when Ryan walked in. "Well looky here! I see Andy gave you a bed...How nice of him!" Ryan said, sarcastically.

"So, a few of the guys are coming over. Just thought you should know." He said. Oh no. 'The guys' are a bunch of low-life drunks that Ryan met at the bar who pry on anyone weaker than them. This isn't good at all. Ryan being friends with them to begin with should've been my first indicator that he wasn't who I thought.

"Okay, well I'm gonna stay in here. Me and the guys don't get along too well." I said, standing up from the kneeling position I was in.

"That's fine, we might need the kid though." He said with an evil smirk plastered on his face, making me want to throw up.

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