Chapter 12

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Chandler's POV
So it's Tuesday morning, and yesterday was probably the best day I've had in a while. I now have TWO friends! Wow. I'm a loser. I'm getting excited over having two friends.

Whatever! I still probably can't trust Zay, so I'm gonna play it safe for a while. But at least I know that I can hold my own against him.

Aside from all that drama, right now I'm standing at the bus stop that's down the road from the Children's Home.

Techically, since school is right across from the Children's Home, I should be able to walk to school. But the guy thats in charge there won't let us because he says that if we get kidnapped, it'll be his fault. Yep, that's the only reason. And I think they made it because of me.

3rd Person POV
When Chandler stepped on the bus, Jared out his foot out, trying to trip him up. "Yeah, you've watched too many movies." Chandler muttered and stepped over Jared's foot. Classic. Chandler thought to himself.

"Better watch your mouth Russell. You may have been able to beat Zay up pretty badly, but you can't take me. Trust me." Jared sneered.

Chandler stayed silent and made his way to his seat. When Chandler sat down, Zay came from the back again and asked to sit with Chandler. "Sure." Chandler answered.

"Hey man, don't listen to Jared. He's got a lot of pint up anger. You see, he just found out he was adopted and his real family tried to sell him for drugs." Zay said, loud enough for Jared to hear him. Chandler laughed.

"Shut up Zay! Everyone knows thats your story!" Jared said, trying to get the attention off him. Zay laughed a little. "Whatever man!" He said. "Well I'd rather have my parents sell me than-" Jared started, but was cut off by Chandler.

"Yeah, yeah. We all get it. My parents suck. When are we gonna get over this? Jesus, find some new material. All you do is recycle everything you've heard Zay say." He said. Zay stared at him in shock and Jared muttered something before turning around and sitting in his seat.

{Fourth Period} Chandler's POV
I'm in Mr. Addams office, once again. I wanna tell him about how Me, Zay, and Laura are friends now. But I feel like it would be weird to be happy and have friends out of the blue.

"So, how's your day been going?" He asked me. Great. "Good." I said. "Mr. Addams? How come I still have to come here? I mean, you already helped me out of my parents' custody, is there a point?" I asked, out of the blue.

"Well, I just want to know how your feeling. I talk to more kids too. Some have depression, and they don't want to talk to their peers or parents about it. And I don't think your parents were the only thing bothering you. Am I wrong?" He asked. Wow, no wonder he's a guidance counselor.

I slowly shook my head, not wanting to give up too much information. "Do you want to talk about it? What else is bothering you?" He asked.

I shook my head vigorously. Nope. Not gonna happen.

"Alright. But I'm here. Okay?" He told me. "Yes sir." I replied. "Good. So, has Zay given you any trouble?" He asked me. " N-no, we're friends now a-actually." I replied. "Oh yeah?" He asked.

3rd person POV {Lunch}
As Chandler went to sit down, he saw Laura sitting in their usual spot, reading. "H-hey Laura." He said. "Hey Chandler. Have you figured out what you're gonna do for your pic collage thing for English?" She asked. I forgot she was in that class too.

"Um, I'm not sure. I guess I just won't do it and then if she asks me why I'll say because I don't have a family." Chandler replied.

"I'm really sorry, by the way. I can't imagine what that's like." Laura said. "I-it's fine. I'll live." Chandler replied. Then, Zay came to their table.

"Can I sit here?" He asked. "Y-yeah." Chandler answered. "So what's happening?" Zay asked as he sat down. "Nothing really. Chandler doesn't know what he's gonna do for his family pic collage." Laura said.

If looks could kill, Chandler would've killed Laura. "What? I thought he was our friend!" She said. "Oh, that thing for English? Why don't you just explain that your parents are in jail?" Zay suggested.

"Th-thats what I was gonna do." Chandler said. "Hey look! It's the retard club!" They heard Jared say. "Fantastic." Chandler mumbled.

"Seriously. Get rid of one jerk and his best friend takes his spot." Laura rolled her eyes.

"He's not my best friend anymore. What do you want Jared?" Zay asked. "Just to check up on my favorite orphan! How's it going Chandler?" Jared teased.

"An orphan is someone with dead parents. This guy doesn't learn." Chandler whispered to Laura.

"Shut up Jared." Zay warned. "Or what? Is Chandler gonna beat me up? I'm sooooooo scared!" Jared teased again.

"Why don't you go cut yourself some more? You're better off dead anyways." Jared mumbled and tried to walk away. Well ouch. Chandler thought to himself.

That was before Zay stood up and turned him around. "What did you just say?" Zay asked. "He's better off de-" Zay cut him off by punching him in the face.

"Hey!" Mr. Addams, of all people came in. "What happened?" He asked Zay. "Sorry sir, he was picking on my friend." Zay replied. "Come with me." Mr Addams said.



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