=3= cont.

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Hyunjin's P.O.V

"I'm so sorry Changbin. This movie really sucks.", I told my friend beside me on the couch.

"It's okay I'll turn it off. No one's even paying attention anyways...", he replied and switched off the television.

Me, Jisung, Seungmin, and Felix were over at Changbin's house. The rest of us were busy or had work to do, including Woojin who had half ownership of the house, so only the five of us decided to hang out.

Since Jisung showed up, he was looking a bit down. I assumed he just missed his boyfriend who had recently gone on a short trip.

"Ah, gym class today was exhausting.", Felix said and rested his back on the lower surface of the couch.

"Gym class is always exhausting.", Seungmin said.

"What are you talking about? Gym class is great, it's like...easy marks!", I exclaimed.

"For you it is. You're good at everything sports.", Changbin said.

"Jisung...what do you think about gym?", I asked him, trying to get him to speak.

"Hmm. It's okay. If you're not a jerk like me who trips a girl because of his own clumsiness."


"What do you mean? Did you trip a girl?", I asked him scooting closer to him on the couch.

"Yea...and she hates me now because of it.", he said as he drew imaginary lines on the couch with his finger.

"Ohh, this is about that girl isn't it...", Felix said looking up at Jisung from the floor. "Don't worry about her, she hates everyone, except for her boyfriend."

"Oh, I think I know who you're talking about...is it Daeun? Park Daeun?", Seungmin asked.

Felix nodded his head a bit slowly. "I think so...I never really took the time to learn her name, I barely have any classes with her."

"She has a boyfriend?", Seungmin asked. "No offence, but how? She so...dark..."

He then looked up like he came to a sudden realization. "Hey we all know her, Changbin likes her..."

I remembered when Changbin used to attend our high school. We all knew he was always a bit infatuated with the younger female.

Changbin also looked shocked. "...no I don't...", he said.

"Good because she has a boyfriend.", I told him.

"Hey, I don't know if they're official, I just think they're a couple...she only ever talks to that guy...", Felix said.

"Hey! Don't make false accusations!", Seungmin shouted at Felix and threw his hoodie at him that he'd taken off earlier.

"But I'm almost one hundred percent sure!", he shouted as well, and took the hoodie that had been thrown at him off of his head. "I've seen them at school linking arms, leaning on each other's shoulders, touching, and I'm pretty sure all of you see them together at Basil Gardens like every afternoon."

"I know her from that restaurant...and I also helped her pick up her textbook in the hallway once...I'm not doing that again...", I said.

"See Jisung, you have nothing to worry about. She even dislikes nice people like us.", Felix reassured Jisung who was now curled up in the corner of the couch.

"I guess so...", Jisung replied and sat more comfortably. "I want to see Minho..."

"He'll be back soon.", I reassured my best friend.

"Is Daeun really that bad of a person? I mean, I only see her at Basil Gardens once in a while...but she doesn't seem that rude.", Changbin said.

"Well yeah, because you like her.", Jisung said. I was glad he was a bit more happy and was taking part in our conversation.

"I don't.", he stated, but by the look of his face, I still wasn't convinced that he had no feelings for her at all.

— • —
Daeun's P.O.V

After I finished my math homework,
I brought out my phone and Hyojong had texted me again, long after the conversation we had before.

Hyojong: I'm coming over...

Although Hyojong came over to my house a lot, I was a bit nervous from reading this text message.

At around this time of the day, Hyojong wouldn't come to my house out of the blue. Unless something really bad was going on in his home and he couldn't stay there.

I closed my binder and placed it on my bedside cupboard.

Then I left my house as quickly as possible, and tried to reach Hyojong as he was on his way to my house.

After about two minutes of walking, I spotted him. He had his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, and walked with his head down and hood over his head.

Anyone could tell he was experiencing a lot of depression by the look of his face, or what could be seen from it.

I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back. Once he rested his chin on my shoulder, the tears came out.

"No Hyojong, please don't cry. It's okay, talk to me...", I begged him.

He released the hug and looked right into my eyes. "Daeun...I-I know my p-parents don't lo—, his last word just broke, with the rest of the tears that escaped his eyes.

I held on to his hands. "It's okay. Just tell me when we get to my house."

He nodded and followed me to my home.

— • —

"Can you talk now?", I asked Hyojong.

We had been sitting on the floor of my bedroom in complete silence for a good five minutes.

His eyes looked towards me rather than his knees, and he inhaled before he spoke to me. "I know m-my parents really don't like me. But I didn't know they hated me. They hate me so much they're willing to s-sell me..."


He nodded his head and tears came rolling down his face once again. "They've always wanted to give me away, but they can't.", he said in a higher-pitched voice under his crying.

"Daeun, I already know this. But I don't like hearing it.", he continued. "Why can't I just be in a family that cares about m-me."

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders again, as I always did whenever he was having a breakdown.

And the same familiar sentence he always said again and again was repeated at the moment as well.

"I want to die."

It hurt me every time he said this.

"Hyojong. Don't kill yourself because of the people you call your parents. You're not useless, you're not a curse, and you're definitely not worth being sold.", I told him. "Please don't be upset. You have your whole life ahead of you. And you don't know how bad it'll affect me if you die."

"Daeun...please j-just let me.", he begged as he released himself from my grip.

"No, why the hell would I let you?", I asked him. "I know, I'm depressed too, but we can't let our parents win this. We can't give up on life just because of them."

He looked at the carpet again for a moment before he replied to me. "Okay."

I soon began running my hands up and down his biceps. "Can we change the subject?"

He smiled at me.


• I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote! <3

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