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Daeun's P.O.V

Soon enough, I was back at home from the school I was trapped in for almost half a day.

I opened the front door and walked in to see my dad watching tv in the living room. He paused the television once I stepped in.

The stare he gave me scared me. And I knew I would be facing a tough consequence for not showing up yesterday.

"Sir- Father, I can explai-


"I know! I was trapped in the equipment room at my school!", I told him.

He grabbed my arms. "NONSENSE!"

"I'M NOT LYING!", I shouted at him.

He stared at me panting heavily then pulled me to the kitchen where he grabbed a knife.

A bit my lip as I became filled with terror.

"I-I am not lying...", I said again. Tears were rolling down my cheeks even before the punishment had started.

He wounded me on my forearm, making a deep line with the sharp knife.

"AH!!", I groaned and tried to remove my arm from his hand that squeezed it. "I'M NOT LYING! YOU'RE SO C-CRUEL!", I yelled at him trying to ease my pain.

It hurts so much...

"YOU ARE! AND IF YOU EVER NOT SHOW UP IT'LL BE TWO STROKES NEXT TIME!", he concluded and released his hand from me.

I fell down and still held my bleeding forearm. The tears that came rushing from my eyes became more.

"Go upstairs.", the man said and returned to the living room couch.

I sniffed deeply, and got up. I ran upstairs with drops of blood trailing behind me.

I used cold water to rinse my arm as thoughts of hatred went towards the man I called my father.

I hate you. You're so full of pride. Your only job is to keep me alive, yet you're making me wanna kill myself.

I turned the water off and turned my arm over.

You never believe a word I say.

I hate you.

— • —

I sat on my bed and spent time alone using my phone. I also had a lot of time to think...

Why's Hyojong acting weird these days? Does Changbin really like me? Hyunjin has an interesting personality...many layers...

"Daeun! Come to my house I have something for you."

I should go see Changbin.

I opened my bed-side cupboard to grab some medical tape to use on my arm instead of multiple bandages that were very uncomfortable.

I left my room and completely tried to ignore my dad as I reached for the door knob at the front door.

"Daeun.", I heard him say.

I looked back. "What?!"

"Clean up the blood when you come back. And if you don't come back or tell me where you are, there'll be more blood for you to clean."

I opened the door and slammed it on my way out.

Changbin's house was quite a walk from mine, but I couldn't drive anyways. I put my earphones in a listened to calming music on my way there. I kept having to wipe tears off of my face, the pain was getting unbearable.

— • —

I reached the house that Changbin had given me the address to and knocked on the door.

A boy who looked a bit older opened the door. He wasn't Changbin, but I had recognized him from seeing him briefly a lot of times.

"Hello...may I help you?", he asked.

"Uh...", I quickly looked back at the house number again to make sure I was in the right place. "I'm looking for Changbin.", I said.

"Oh!", he exclaimed. "Aren't you Daeun?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"Changbin! Your girlfriend's here!", he yelled.

Changbin showed up beside the boy.

"Hey Daeun, come inside. Woojin go get her something.", he said as he held my hand.

"Wow, so commanding.", said the boy who's name was now known to me as Woojin.

I walked in and sat down beside Changbin on the couch.

He lifted up my hand and looked at my injured forearm wrapped in medical tape. "Oh my god, what happened?", he asked me.

"I um...I fell on my way home, and I scraped my arm really bad.", I lied. "It hurts."

"Aww.", Changbin comforted me by bringing my head to his shoulder. "It's okay, It'll stop hurting soon."

He held my hand again and made circles on the back of it with his thumb. "Woojin hurry!", he yelled.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!", Woojin yelled back and quickly approached me with a small mug. "Tea.", he said and put the cup in the table in front of me.

"Thanks.", I said as he then walked away.

I turned to Changbin. "He lives with you?"

"Yea. For about a year now.", he said. "Oh! Wait here."

He got up and followed Woojin upstairs.

I picked up the tea and drank from it.

Changbin and Woojin's house was very basic. Everything was quite organized and I liked the calm environment.

Changbin returned with a white bag. It had the logo of some store labelled on it.

"Look inside.", Changbin said.

I took the bag from his hands and examined its contents. I brought out a black and white t-shirt made of a comfortable material. It looked nice.

"What do you think?", Changbin asked me.

"It's nice.", I said.

I brought out what was left in the bag. It was pretty much exactly the same shirt, except it looked more masculine.

"Couple shirts?", I asked.

Changbin nodded. "Yeah!!", he smiled ecstatically, then he looked suddenly upset. "Why aren't you happy? Do you not like it?", he asked.

"Huh?", I questioned. "I never said I didn't like it."

"You're not smiling. Even when I asked you out, you didn't smile."

"Because I just don't smile.", I said.

"Why not?", Changbin asked me and he took the other shirt from my lap. "Why do you never smile? And why're you never glad or happy or enthusiastic?"

"Changbin, I don't want you to be upset. I'm just not that kind of a person. Look at me."

"I smile, and look at me also.", Changbin said. "Can't you just smile once? For me?"

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm sorry.", I said. "Can we not talk about this...please.", I begged him and held onto his hands.

"Okay.", Changbin said finally.

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