The breakup

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Jade's POV

''Is it done?'' I ask? I'm laying in the bed and my leg has a plaster around it.

''Yes, you will keep this on for 4 weeks and then we will take it of.'' the doctor answers.

''Which color do you want it to be in?'' Sophie asks, pointing at my plaster. I start to think of blue, it's Perries favourite color.

''Du you have blue?'' I ask. Sophie nods and puts on a light blue bandage around the plaster. 

''Do you want to call your friends and tell them that you are done?'' I nod and put up my phone. The clock is 1pm. I'v been sleeping for so long... I call Perrie, of  course.

''Hi Perrie''

''Hi Jade, how are you?''

''I'm fine, the surgery is done. How are you?''

''Haha, are you asking me how I am when you've just done a surgery? We are at the hospitals in ten minutes, see you babe''

''Thank's babe, bye''


I put my phone down, smiling. She called me ''babe'' and I feel so warm inside right know. 

Sophie helps me out to the parking lot in a wheelchair. Soon, the girls parks close to us and Perrie opens the door so I can get in. Sophie gives me two crutches and help me into the car. I'm leaning my beack against the car door and I have my legs in Perries lap. We say goodbye to Sophie and we leave the hospital. Perrie rubs my other leg with her hand.

''I love the color of your plaster, Jade'' Perrie says quietly.

''Thank's Pez'' I answer. She smiles at me and starts to stroke my hair. I shiver by her touch. Suddenly, I hear a phone call. It's Jed. Fuck I haven't told him about this.

''Hi Jed''

''Hi Jade, why haven't you told me about what happend?''

''I'm sorry Jed, everything happend so fast and I didn't have time''

''Well... where are you now?''

''I'm in the car with the girls''

''Can you come here instead?''

''Uhm... Why?''

''Oh my fucking god Jade don't be so annoying, just come here''

''What the fuck Jed, what has happened to you?''

''Was has happened to YOU? You are not this bitchy usually. Fucking slut''

*Jed hangs up*

I feel how my eyes fills up with tears. Perrie cups my face and wipes me tears away.

''What's wrong babe?'' She asks worried.

''Jed called me a bitchy slut and he became mad because I didn't told him about my injury'' 

''What the fuck is wrong with him?'' Jesy shouts. Perrie pulls me around so I'm sitting in her lap. She holds her arms around my waist and I have one arm around her neck. I try not to cry but i can't stop the tears.

''Babe he doesn't deserve you'' Perrie mumbles into my ear. It feels better when i'm close to Perrie. I feel so safe. I hear my phone. 

Snapchat from Jed

I open up the snap:

You fucking slut come here when I tell you to!

I show Perrie the snap and she grabs the phone. She texts him back:

Don't fucking talk to her like that. You fucking idiot burn in hell

''He is so fucking disgusting, oh my god'' Perrie screams. 

''Jade you can't be with him'' Leigh-Anne says. Jesy and Perrie agrees. Perrie holds me tighter and I feel so comfortable in her arms. 

''Maybe I should break up'' I say while crying.

''Uhm yes you should'' Jesy answers.

''Can't we just go to his house and tell him it's over?'' Jesy asks.

''I don't want him to get hurt'' I answer.

''Jade stop it, he just hurted the shit out of you'' She says.

''You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but I think it's the best for you'' Perrie  says with an adorable voice. I nod and explain:

''We can go to his house and I can talk to him'' 

Leigh-Anne nods and starts driving to Jed's house. The car ride is terrible, I feel so nervous and scared, what if he will hurt me? I'm jsut trying to stay calm, and when perrie holds my hand I feel better. 

''We're here Jade, are you sure that you can walk in there with your leg?'' Jesy asks.

''I can go with you'' Perrie smiles. She is so kind.

''Thank's Pez'' I smile before we go to the gate. 

Perries POV

Jade rings the doorbell. Jed opens the door and he looks angry.

''What the fuck are you doing here'' he shouts.

''Jed I just want to talk to you'' Jade answers with a calm voice.

''I will not talk to you, go away you slut!'' he screams even higher.

''Jed please...'' I can see how Jades eyes turn red and fills up with tears. I grab her hand and I can't just stand here without doing something.

''What the hell Jed, what are you doing?!'' I scream.

''What are you doing, you shouldn't care about our relationship!'' Jed answers.

''You know what? We are not in a fucking relationship anymore!'' Jade screams. Jed looks calmer and stares at Jade with his mouth open.

''No Jade i'm...'' Jade turns around, walking to the gate with her crutches again and i follow her. 

''Jade come back i'm sorry!'' Jed shouts, but neither me or jade answers. We get into the car and Leigh-Anne starts driving.

''What happened?!'' Jesy asks with widened eyes. Jade just sits with her face buried in her palms. I pull her close to me.

''Uhm... Basically, they are not together anymore'' I answer.

''Aww Jade, don't care about him, he's just disgusting, let's go and eat lunch.'' Leigh-Anne says.

''It feels so strange... Two years ended up by just this...'' Jade mumbles. I stroke her hair.

''I know how it is, trust me...'' I answer, and it's true. Zayn broke up with me via one message and i was depressed for months. I remember how much Jade was there for me. She helped me out of it. That was when I realised that I had feelings for her. Zayn and I were together, and I thought that I loved him, but actually Jade learned me how it feels to love someone...

''I will always be here for you.''

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