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Thor's POV

I walk down the Asgardian halls towards my brother's cell when I hear someone walking up to me. I turn, and one of the guards is standing there. "Thor, my lord," he says, bowing. "Sir Tony needs you on earth. He says it is a matter of family importance, and you are needed now." I am confused for a second, then I realize he is talking about Tony Stark. "Ah, yes," I say, after a moment. "Thank you for alerting me. You may go." I walk out of the building and towards the Bifrost, where I tell Heimdall what has happened and where I am needed. He opens the Bifrost, and I fly through.

Raven's POV

I pace the balcony outside my room, waiting for Thor to get to the Avengers tower. After a few minutes, I give up and collapse on my bed with a book from the seemingly endless bookshelf embedded in the wall by the bathroom door, The Hobbit. Once I get to the 3rd chapter, someone knocks on the door. "Come in," I say, hiding the distress in my voice. It's Steve. "Yes?" I ask him. He looks at the book I was reading for a second, then shakes his head. "Your... Thor is here, and Tony wants you." I nod and get up from my bed, setting the book down and following Steve. Once we get to the living room, I see who I assume is Thor sitting on the couch. I sit down on the opposite end, while Steve wits between us, and Tony sits in a rocking chair. "Thanks for coming, Thor," Tony says. Thor looks confused. "The guard that informed me that my presence was needed here said it was of family importance. I know you and Steve aren't related to me, and I don't recognize this girl. What is the 'family' issue here?" He says after a minute. I sigh, and glare at Tony. "Just get to the point, and if you won't, I will," I say. He looks at me, surprised, and then looks at Thor. "16 years ago, Loki came to my office with a baby. His baby. It was a girl, and I promised to raise her. That girl is Raven. Raven, say hi to your uncle." He says after a second. I lean forward on the couch and wave at him, a slight smile on my face. "Hello, uncle! Can I see my father?" He is momentarily shocked by what I said, but then comes over to me and hugs me. I hug him back, his warm embrace washing away hours of stress and tears. "Yes," He says, and flies off. 

As we wait for Thor to come back with Loki, we watch Once Upon A Time and have lunch. Then we go off to our rooms and do our own stuff. I read, but later I go down to the training room and work on my punches and kicks like Steve was going to teach me. After about 30 minutes, I just go back to my room and read The Hobbit. 

Loki's POV

I am sitting in the dreadful cell on Asgard when Thor comes up to it. I haven't seen him in days. "What do you want, brother?" I ask, after sighing. He looks around, then fiddles with the keypad outside the door. I am shocked. "It's a family issue down on earth. The Avengers need us." After a second, the door to my cell opens, and Thor walks in, grabbing my forearm. "Come on, brother," He says with a grunt, lifting his hammer so that we fly out of the cell and to the Bifrost. Heimdall is waiting there, with it already open. He must understand whatever is going on here. He nods to Thor, and we are on our way.

When we get to earth, we land near the Avengers tower. I have a growing feeling of unease as we walk towards the entrance. When Thor rings the doorbell, I am ready to run. But, just as I expected, it's only Bruce that opens the door. "Hullo, Bruce," I say, trying to keep the nausia out of my voice. "Do you know why we're here?" He shakes his head, and moves aside, letting us through to the elevator. We go up to the 6th floor, to the living room, and take a seat on the couch. Tony walks up after a minute from somewhere down the hall, and sits down as well. Steve comes in after a minute, looks at all of us, then says "I'll get her." Who is "her"?

Raven's POV

*knock knock* "Come in", I say, hearing the knocks on my door. Stve pokes his head through and says "He's here."

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