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Months later
Loki's POV

I walk into the living room from the kitchen exactly 5 months after Raven went missing. Looking onto the TV, I see it changing to the news. "Breaking new." The reporter says, sitting at her desk. " Hydra has a new agent, and it just so happens to be our own Gunslinger, who has been missing for at least 5 months now. Here is footage of her, robbing a jewelry store, and killing the owners." I hear a crash, and, looking down, realize I dropped my coffee mug and it broke on the hardwood floor. Tony, Nat, and Peter come running in. They look at me questioningly, and it's all I can do to make out the words, "I found Raven..."

Raven's POV

It's been almost half a year since I first came to HYDRA, and I have changed. I dyed my hair purple, got my nose pierced, and I've learned to control my flashbacks. Today is the day where we attack the big thing, though, meaning avengers tower. Another group has already been sent to distract then, and the second is being sent now. We won't take any chances, so we are going to send out 3 groups in completely different directions. For now, I have to gear up and wait until the tower infiltration group is called.

Le time skip

"T.I. group, head to the plane. I repeat, T.I. group head to the plane." A woman's voice commands over he intercom. My group immediately gets up and heads to the plane we will take. I grit my teeth as we slow down, entering the hangar. Soon we are up in the air,strapped into our seats. I look around to everyone else, this being my first mission. No one makes eye contact, so i just lean back and wait until the call comes from the lead of our group, who I don't know, calls us to stand and get ready for the attack. I do so, and the front doors open. We slowly drop, one by one, until I am the only one left. I jump without hesitation.  I love my job, but it's always felt like I'm missing something, so I just learned to ward off my emotions, for the better part. Almost everyone in HYDRA has heard of me, and everyone in my training groups are terrified. But now, I get to be the best out of my group, and take over the Avengers Tower. 

"Banks and Andrews, you stay behind and keep guard incase anyone comes back early. Rivers and Greyson, you take over the main floors. Lokidotter, you stay with me, we will go infiltrate the top floors, and Stark's lab. Move out!" My team director, August Little barks as we all stand around the front door. Rivers and Greyson wait as I head in first. They are trusting me to go in and take out any guards because of my knowledge of the building. So I head to the elevator, hitting the button for the top floor, where Tony Stark's lab is. I walk in, carefully executing the two large guards who are standing directly in front of the elevator doors, their backs to August and I.  I step on their bodies as I walk past, and start looting the lab with the backpack I was assigned. "August, you go ahead and search in the back." I say after a minute, but August doesn't answer. I take on of my various guns out a random holster. Slowly turning around, I am faced with the body of August. I look up, and am greeted with the one person I didn't expect. Standing in the doorway of the lab is none other than my father himself. "Raven, what has become of you?" He asks through telepathy. I step back. "Nothing. I just realized my full potential. After all, I am the daughter of Loki Laufeyson, who killed countless people just because of jealousy." Loki's face hardens into an unreadable mask. "I have changed, and you have too, but not for the better."

"How have I changed if I can't even remember who I once was?! I barely know any of you! All I can see is a once evil man who helped me come to this world!"

"You don't mean that."

"But I do! I have become the best agent in the world! I know everything about the people I assassinate, long before I assassinate them. I can detect bodies from yards away, even if they are still and holding their breath! I am better than everyone else, and especially better than you ever will be or even could!"

Loki looks at me, and this time I hear a new voice. "Not today, you aren't." It comes from behind me. I swivel around, and there is Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers. They circle around and grab me, bringing me down hallway that bring back flashbacks. Too many flashbacks. They overload my brain, and I black out. 


I slowly open my eyes after what seems like forever. I'm in a light room, and I'm not tied down. I look around, and it seems to be the room. Wait, my room. That seems right. I slowly get up from the bed I was lying on, and walk to the door, ignoring the pounding in the back of my head. The door is unlocked. I walk slowly toward the hall I know will bring me to the living room and kitchen.  There are people sitting on the couch when I quietly enter the room. Peter is facing me, and he gasps when he sees me walking towards him. "Raven...?" He asks when I walk up to the back of the couch. Everyone turns around and looks at me with eyes that are worried. "I'm... I'm so sorry." I say, and rush forward to hug Peter. He holds me, probably in shock, and kisses me on the top of the head. "Shh, it's okay. I still love you. No matter what happens, I'll always love you."

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