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Raven's POV

We land from the Bifrost in front of the Avengers Tower. It seems like we've been away for forever, but it's only been a week. I've learned a lot more magic than I thought I would, like how to set things on fire, make it float, and freeze things, though the last one was easy for me. I am part frost giant after all.

Thor knocking on the front door snaps me out of my thoughts, and Tony answers it. "We were waiting for you guys to get back!" He says. He turns around and yells to JARVIS. "Tell everyone Raven and her crew is back!" He moves out of the way so we can get in. Dad is last to go in, and he looks behind him before he walks in.

Together we hurry to our rooms, then get unpacked. In a few minutes, we are ready to come down to dinner. I meet up with Peter outside my room and we race down the hall. When we get out of the elevator I turn into a cheetah, and he jumps on me. "Not fair, Raven!" He says as I try to get him off by jumping everywhere. Tony walks in and sees Peter riding me. "Holy Mary mother of God!" He says, staring at Peter. "Where did you get the cheetah?!" He laughs and I morph back to myself, standing up and making Peter fall. "I thought you didn't believe in god Tony," I say, walking over to him. He shakes his head. "Why is it always you when there's something going on. Who is going to fix you?" I laugh. "A, Ghostbusters. B, no one. Sorry, Tony, but nobody can fix someone who's already perfect." I say, turning and flipping my hair in his face.  Natasha walks in at that moment and tosses me a poptart after grabbing some out of one of the cabinets. I eat it, then head down to the training room to lift weights. I go ahead and grab the hundred pound weights, then start lifting. When I've been there for about 15 minutes, Cap walks in. I freeze (no pun intended). He looks at me for a minute, but then goes to the punching bag. I ignore him and continue lifting. It's very uncomfortable, so after a few minutes I walk out and go into my room. 

I read and watch tv for the rest of the day, eating lunch in my room. I walk outside a few times, but I don't feel like doing anything. I decide to watch a few Harry Potte movies, and after I'm done, I close my eyes and imagine myself as a dark, emerald green snake. I feel my body lengthening out and becoming smaller. I open my eyes, and I am a snake. I slither out from on top of my bed and slip under the door. I look around and move to dad's room. He is on the bed, sleeping. I slide out to where his bed is and try to see where I can get up on the bed. I decide to turn into a mouse. When I get up on the bed, I turn back into a snake.  Dad's eyes open and he sees me. Not realizing that I'm me, he opens his eyes a little more ans smiles. "Now how did such a pretty thing like you get in here?" he mumbles, more to himself than to me, and conjures up a mouse. "Eat little girl." He knows I'm female, I think. I move to the mouse and chomp down on a little bit of it. "I like snakes." Dad says while looking around his room for clothes. I hear the bathroom door open and dad enter, shutting the door behind him. I quickly turn into a raven with bright green eyes and hop up on his bed. When he comes out he looks confused. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm going with the flow of the moment right now. He walks up towards the bed and carefully starts petting you. He backs up and looks for the snake that I was a few seconds ago, but she has disappeared. As he turns to me again, I morph back and yell "BOO!" As loud as possible. He holds his hand to his chest. "Jeez, Raven, you almost gave me a heart attack!" He says. I laugh. "So, what's for breakfast?" I ask. He laughs as well. "all that trouble just to get to know what breakfast is?" He asks. "I also don't know. We have a new cook, Friday, that is cooking all our meals now. She actually added a real table to the kitchen, so we won't have to get JARVIS to clean up as much."

We walk to the kitchen and see a beautiful young woman in a light blue dress Leaning down and checking whatever is in the oven. I walk up to her as she turns around, holding my hand out. "Hi. I'm Raven, and this is my dad, Loki!" She smiles, but when she looks at dad she seems a bit concerned. Shaking my hand, she says, "Ah, yes. I 'ave heard zat Loki vould be staying vis us." I smile at her. 'So, what are we having for dinner?" I ask. "From what it smells like I can tell it'll be good!" She blushes a little. "Oh, stop. You're embarrassing me! Also ve are 'aving ze pork Alfredo." I laugh and run to the couch, turning on a movie.

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