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Peter's POV

I fall down as the ship jerks around, and I see Raven fall to the floor. I try to move towards her to help her up, but as I'm standing up, I see a giant piece of metal sliding towards her very fast. I try to shoot some webs and stop it, but I can't. I scream her name, and her eyes dart to mine. Suddenly her head turns towards the piece of metal, and she is hit in the forehead. The ship stops moving, and I run to her as fast as I can. Loki teleports to her and then picks her up, disappearing. I run to the ladder and jump, not caring how fr it is. I run back down to the door. I open it and swing to the tower as fast as I can, catching glimpses of people through the large windows of skyscrapers.

When I get to the door of the tower, I run and open it. Taking the elevator, I ask JARVIS if Loki is in the tower. He says yes, and I run down the hall in search of him when the elevator stops. At the end of the hall I see him quietly closing the door to Raven's bedroom, and I wait until he passes me. "Where is she?" I ask, not bothering to hide the distress in my voice. He stops and turns to me. "I've taken her to Asgard. She will be back in a few days." He says, and with that he walks to the balcony and calls for Heimdall. When the Bifrost dissapears, I walk to my room and fall on my bed, too sad to do anything but sleep.

Raven's POV

I am falling.

I don't have any idea of where I am, or if I am even on Earth at the moment. all I see is grey, all around me, and my own body, still in my battle outfit.

I close my eyes and feel the wind blowing around me, cradling me in its invisible arms. I wonder how everyone is doing or if they are searching for me. I think back to the last thing I saw. Peter screaming my name, the metal sliding down and peircing my head. Then everything was black.

Am I dead?

Loki's POV

Once I enter the gates of Asgard, I run towards the infirmary, where my precious daughter lays on one of the beds, nurses tending to her. I quickly knock on the double doors when I reach the building, and they open. Entering, I look on either side of me and walk down the aisle until I see Raven. A nurse is by her side, checking up on her. When she stands up, she notices me. "I will keep her overnight, but I have news. She-um... I'm afraid she is in a coma." I nod, and thank her, turning to leave and head to a pub nearby that has an inn upstairs.

In the morning I wake up and head to the infirmary only to find that Raven has been transport back to earth only an hour ago. She is safe in the hospital inside the Avengers tower. I quickly call upon Heimdall to take me back to Earth.

Upon entering the avengers tower, I notice that no one is in the living room like usual, so I quietly head down to the hospital wing. Peter, Natasha, Tony, and everyone else are standing around her bed. I rush forward and push through the small crowd until I am at the edge of the bed, next to Peter. He turns his head slowly to me, tears glistening in his eyes. "Is she... is she in a coma?" He asks me fearfully. I nod my head. He looks down, and I see a tear slide down the left side of his face.

After a while everyone else leaves, until it's just Peter and I standing silently next to her. The moment I can't bear it, I turn around and head to my room. Who knows how long she will be asleep? Only time can tell. For now, I must get rest and gather my wits about me.

Peter's POV

When Loki leaves after everyone else, I let the dam I built break, and tears flow freely out of my eyes. She is in a coma. She could be dead, what's the difference? I grab her hand and lay my head down on the edge of the bed. Raven. My Raven. Her hands are cold, but still as small and beautiful, her pitch black hair perfectly placed in a slight halo around her head. I chuckle to myself when I realize she isn't an angel, she's a demon. A very nice one, just  not an angel.

I walk out of the room and to mine after telling JARVIS to put a bouquet of black roses on her bedside table, something I know she'll like. I fall on my bed and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

Raven's POV

I open my eyes and find myself in a dimly lit room, lying on one of those beds that looks like a cross between a therapist couch and a normal couch, but with only one of the armrests and part of the back. When did I fall asleep?

Standing up, I walk across the rather large room to where a torch is placed upon the wall. Where am I? Thinking back to what happened, the last thin I remember is falling. I can't remember what happened before this, or how I got here. Have I lost my memory? 

I walk around for a few minutes, then head back over to the couch-bed, as I'll call it now, where a book has appeared. It is fairly thick, and I pick it up, blowing a rather large layer of dust off of the cover. Sitting down, I try to read the symbols on the cover. I can't read them, but somehow I know it's in Norse. I open it carefully, and thankfully the text is in English. It's a collection o myths. but in some form of black ink has been written in the margins and free s[pace, debunking the myth and rewriting some parts to where they were apparently actually told. I sit there, intently reading for what seems like a long time, until i feel the need to take a short break.

Loki's POV

It's been a week and a half now, and no sign of any change in Raven at all. We all go about our daily activities, but we all visit her at least 3 times a day. She is very special to the Avengers. The news reports have started coming in about the attack of the wolves, and how they saw us fighting, more importantly me, and that there is a new superhero, whom they have named The Gunslinger. (A/n: yes, I just made a Stephen King reference. BOOM!)

Raven's POV

I am almost finished with the book. Judging from how thick it is, I would have never thought I would be able to finish it in about 5 hours, or at least I think. I have been trying to keep track of time.

"There. Finished." I say to myself, getting up and walking around after carefully closing the book and placing it under the couch-bed. Suddenly when I approach one of the torches on the opposite side of the room from the couch-bed, the room starts shaking. It starts out as something like a small rumble under the room, but then it grows into something outside of the four walls, like something picked it up and is shaking the room. It grows so fierce that I am thrown about, and I pass out.

When I open my eyes, I am laying in a hospital bed, and there are people all around me.

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