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A/N: Double digits, finally!

Raven's POV

That night I sleep soundly, and in the morning I head to breakfast with father. When we go into the garden to practice more magic, He announces that by Saturday we will leave again. I can't deny I am happy to go, but I will miss Asgard. After lunch, we set out to the garden together again, this time with Peter, who went exploring. When we get there, guards are standing in the spot we usually practice in, seemingly waiting for something. Dad walks in front of Peter and I, and we gladly slow our pace, but I am worried. I shoot a look towards Peter, who is looking towards the guards as well. They step forward when they see Loki walking towards them, and one of them speaks up. "Come with us." He says gruffly, holding out a pair of handcuffs and entrapping father's hands inside them. I gasp. The other two guards then step forward and grab either Peter or my shoulder, leading us to where the first guard has walked off to. 

After walking for what seems like forever, we reach the throne room, where Oding is sitting down. "What have I done?" I hear. Turning towards the voice, I realize it's father. Odin laughs, a deep, piercing laugh that makes my anger flare up. I hope I'm not turning blue. I sneak a look down at my arm, and thank goodness I'm not. "You think I would let you stay out of the cell?! You belong there. I can barely trust you to take care of a child with what you've done, and I don't want to. I now realize what a mistake it was to take you in as my own. Guards, bring him down to his cell!" Odin says. I bite my lip. "He's changed, you idiot! Give him another chance!" I scream, tears filling my eyes. I can feel myself getting colder, and looking down at my arm I find now I am blue. "Bring them to their room," He says. Tears slide down my face as I am forced to my room. 

When I am shoved through the doorway to my room, I throw myself on my bed, sobbing. When I looked at Peter, he looked stunned. I tried to catch dad's eyes as well, but the guard that was taking me to my room slapped me, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw dad's body shaking with silent sobs.

Hour 2

I scream and make things fly about my room with the new power of Telekinesis I have discovered in the last 2 hours I have been practicing my magic and trying not to break down. The glass things shatter and the wood splinters. I hope to god I'm not scaring Peter, but I can't stop now that I've started. 

Hour 5

I sit on my bed yelling profanities and insults at the guards I know are outside, since I tried to escape twice, but my plans were foiled again and again.

Hour 6

I lay on my bed, my head covered with my pillow, sobbing. 

Day 2

I have attempted to escape out of this room, now in a mess because of my hourly Telekinesis fits, too many times to count. I can hear Peter calling to me from his room, but I don't respond. They give me food four times a day, and after I take the food off the plate and put it in the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom that I have frozen and turned into a fridge, I add something new in my room to be broken whenever I feel like it. The desk is in so many splinters now you would never have believed me if I told you it was a desk. 

Day 2, Hour 5

I tried to break a hole through the wall to see Peter, but some kind of magic prevents me from it. I have contemplated trying to kill myself, but I decided not to. I wouldn't want to make father mad. So I continue my normal breakdowns and profanity screaming showdowns with the guards outside my room, which I learned are switched every day, though it is a rather one-sided showdown. 

Day 3

I don't sleep. I barely eat, and I constantly make glass shards out of ice and send them under the door towards the guards. It is my pleasure to hear their grunts of pain. Once, I believe, they had a female guard. When I heard her voice, I couldn't bring myself to send the glass shards at her, so I scratched myself, and after I got my food I slammed them against the walls along with the plates. I also know they started letting Peter outside because he has come to my door twice to plead with me to calm down. I don't speak at all unless to shout profanities at the guards.

Day 4

Surprise! My uncle has finally come to visit me! "Raven, stop this nonsense, it's not like your father hasn't been in this situation before!" He exclaims as soon as he spots what I have done to my room. "Oh, so you're on your father's side, are you?" I ask him, turning to the now frequent blue my skin fades to when I am mad. "Did you help Odin bring my father to the cell then?! At least let me visit him! It's not like my magic is strong enough to do anything to the walls except throw a rock at it!" I scream as loud as I possibly can. "RAVEN! You will not come out of this room until you get better!" Thor yells, standing up and thundering out of the room. I flick him off as he leaves. 

Day 5

Thor visits me every few hours now, and every time he comes I scream at him to let me visit father as wood chips and porcelain or glass shards fly around me, narrowly avoiding Thor and I. He says no, and I make things explode. I can hear Peter whimpering sometimes, but I could care less. 

Day 6

"LET ME GO AND SEE HIM!!!!!!!!" I yell at Thor. His eyes have started to glow blue in the last 15 minutes, and I know if I yell any more, he will break. I have to try. "NO! YOU ARE NOT BETTER!!!" He yells back. I scream, and more things fly around my room. "I MIGHT GET BETTER IF YOU WOULD JUST LET ME SEE HIM!!!!!!!!" He snaps, and lightning flies around the room. I flinch. "Fine," He says, and grabs me by the arm, leading me to what I suppose is the dungeon.

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