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Raven's POV

When my eyes flutter open in the morning, I roll over and find a large body right in front of me, wearing green. Trying not to scream when I see a little bit of blue skin, I tilt my head back and see it's just father. I smile and put my head against his chest. His breathing falters and I can hear it going back to normal. His arm slowly moves around my body, pulling me closer to him. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep again.

I am woken up later by a noise that sounds like some type of metal falling on the ground. I open my eyes and sit up. "Well, I'm glad to see you're up, and obviously not mad anymore," Dad says, seeing that I'm awake. He nods his head towards me, and I look down at my body, no longer wrapped up in the sheets that I was in this morning when I woke up at first, and my blue skin is gone, as is dad's. "What did you do?" I ask, full of excitement that I am no longer a monster. He smiles. "You did that by yourself." He says, sitting on the bed. "You are now in control of your anger, so your Frost Giant genes have receded again, hopefully for a while." I nod, but in reality, I'm totally lost. "Frost Giants?" He looks at me and smiles. "Lesson 1: History. After breakfast." I sigh and walk out of his room to get dressed.

When I walk down the hall towards the dining room to meet my father for breakfast, Peter walks up next to me, but doesn't talk. I look down. Maybe he is too scared to talk to me, I think. Maybe he hates me because he thinks I am a monster. I suddenly find myself imagining a life without my best friend, in a cell with my father, just because Peter convinced everyone that we are evil. I shake the absurd thought from my head, wondering how in the world I got to thinking about such things. Surely Peter would never do such a thing. "Hey..." I say, trying to get Peter's attention. His eyes dart to mine, and I continue. "I hope you aren't afraid of me for what happened last night. In all honesty, I don't know much about it either. Dad is going to tell me after breakfast, though. Has something to do with something called a 'Frost Giant.'" I stop walking and turn to face him completely. "You aren't scared of me... are you?" I ask. Peter has stopped and faced me as well. He looks at me, then steps forward a bit, shortening the distance between us. My breath catches every so softly, and I stand with the palms of my hands against the stone wall behind me. "No. I'm not scared of you. I was just scared last night at what you had become. I didn't know what happened." he says softly, still slowly moving forward. "Trust me, I didn't know either. If I had, I would have told you." He stops right in front of me, grabbing my face in his hands. His lips barely brush my forehead, but it sends shivers of pleasure down my spine. I press my lips against his and carefully fold my arms around his neck.  After a minute I break away to catch my breath. "I really think we need to go to the dining hall now. I want to eat." He nods and we walk the rest of the way to the dining hall holding hands and chatting in low voices, so as not to disturb anyone.

When we get to our designated seats in the dining hall, I see a few people nodding their heads in satisfaction. They must be happy I'm wearing the Asgardian robes I found on my bed this morning, as is Peter.  I sit down in between father and Peter and begin to serve myself, as everyone else is doing. I want to eat breakfast as quickly as possible so I can get started on my first lesson with father. I wolf down my food, and once I'm done I sit there and wait, not knowing what to do. I look around the table at everyone else who is finished. Everyone is getting up and leaving to do whatever their task for the day. I get up as well and head back down the hall, not bothering to wait for Peter or dad. Heading to my room, I ponder what spells I will be learning about soon.

After a minute, I hear a knock on the door. Expecting it to be Loki, I bounce up happily to the door and open it, a smile on my face. Unfortunately, it isn't my father. But it is Peter. "Can I come in?" he asks shyly, running a hand through his hair. I nod and back away from the entrance to my room, letting him in. He pulls a chair out from the desk against the wall and sits down. "Did you want anything in particular?" I ask, trying not to rush anything. He shakes his head, but stops in the middle of doing so. "So... let me get this straight. I am dating the daughter of the god of mischief and lies, who turns blue when she is especially pissed, and she knows how to do magic?" He says, looking me straight in the eye. I nod. "Pretty much, except you forgot to mention that I'm dating a failed science experiment's snack." I state. "Point Raven!" I hear another knock on the door. Getting up and heading over to Peter, I kiss him on the cheek. "I'll bet that's dad." I open the door, and sure enough, there stands dad, waiting. "10 minutes and then come to the gardens. No, I don't care if you bring your boyfriend, just tell him he could get killed." I laugh. "I don't think that's likely, dad. See you in a few." He walks off and I shut the door behind me. Turning to Peter, I sit on the bed again. "So, what do you wanna do?" I ask. He looks off into the distance for a few minutes, then looks at me again. "Why don't we follow your dad outside to the gardens and explore from there?" He suggests, and I agree. We head out of the room, hand in hand, and start to head to the garden. When we get outside, I spy my father through the leafy branches covering us. I point, and Peter walks the other direction, a direction we've never been before.

We go deep into the garden, where there are bright blue flowers that practically glow in the sunlight filtering down from the branches above us, with emerald green leaves with droplets of dew on them in almost perfect formation. There are exquisite roses and tulips of almost every color you can imagine. In the middle of a clearing Peter and I had come upon, there is a bench made of the smoothest wood, in a perfect brown. Now Peter and I sit there, waiting for our 10 minutes to be up. After a minute, I walk over to a black rose with dewdrops on the perfectly opened bud. I stare at it fondly. Black and green are my favorite colors, so I would love to have this color rose growing back at the Avengers tower. 

While I am staring at the rose, I hear my father calling for me. "Uh-oh, looks like our 10 minutes are up!" I say, turning to Peter. "Let's go before he gets mad." We start running in the direction dad's voice came from. Forcing my eyes to stay in front of me instead of lingering at the beautiful plants growing at my side, I pick up the pace. When we get to where dad is standing, arms crossed, I am completely out of breath. "You're late," he says, looking us both over. I bend over, and dad walks off a little to get a spellbook I saw on a bench. By the time I catch my breath, dad is back. He takes out one of the spellbooks and sits down on a nearby bench. "So, the Frost Giants. I am the son of their evil king, Laufey. You are his granddaughter, not Odin's. When Frost Giants get mad or bloodthirsty, they turn blue. I can control it, but you can't. Yet." He walks over to me. "Today I am going to be teaching you how to shapeshift into different animals."  I nod. He tells me to concentrate on what animal I want to be, and I do. An hour later, I have turned into a cheetah, various monkeys, an antelope, bear, fly, grasshopper, hummingbird, lion, tiger, cat, and multiple dogs. By the end of the training I was exhausted, but I had held out for an hour which was longer than I ever had before, so I am happy with myself.


Sorry for the short chapter! Will try to update more, but I can't promise anything for Monday & Tuesday because I have testing.   

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