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Raven's POV

Once we step off the elevator into the living room, I see a person in a red suit sitting on the couch. I let go of Steve's hand and walk forward. I sit down across from the person, and once dad sits next to me, Tony tells the person to take off their mask. When they do, I see a mop of unruly brown hair, cut a little short, and his eyes are the prettiest shade of brown I have ever seen. He looks at me and waves a little. I blush and look towards the ground. Tony clears his throat. "This is Peter Parker," He says. "Raven, he will have your classes. He is 15, as you are. Please become friends. He needs one. He is also known as Spiderman. Everyone is dismissed for lunch!" As everyone else walks off, I head over to Peter. "Hi!" I say, holding out my hand.  "I'm Raven! Also, please don't get freaked out, but my dad is Loki." He smiles. "That's okay. Isn't he good now?" He says, and with one sweep of his hand, he grabs mine and kisses it. I blush profusely, and put my hand on my cheek, gathering my wits about me. "Um... where's your room?" I ask after a minute, trying to make small talk.  "It's to the left of the room at the end of the hall." He states. "Though I think Mr. Stark put me there for a reason." I laugh. "Maybe it's because mine is the one at the end of the hall." I retort, smirking. "Come on, let's go to the training room, I wanna see your powers. I can show you mine too!" I run down the hall to the elevator, and he follows. When we get to the training room, we mess around.

Peter and I got along very well. As the weeks went by, he got a new suit, and I learned more magic, like how to shapeshift and create holograms of myself, as well as simple spells. We learned more about each other, like how we both loved to pull pranks and we both knew a lot about movies, and became inseparable. Peter's favorite story was when I gave dad the bowl of dog food, and Clint the Ghost Pepper Poptarts. We pulled lots of pranks together as well, like when we painted Bruce's legs, hands, and ears green, and I put a spell that made it stay until the late afternoon, where it peeled off instantly. The past month has been so much fun,  and now it's time for another prank.

Peter's POV

Raven and I sneak down the hall toward's Loki"s room. Today we have decided to pull 2 different pranks. First things first, we have to take her dad's phone. 

Once we get to his room, I grab his phone and quickly set it to playing a mix of "I'm too sexy for my shirt" and a song we recorded that goes "Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, catches flies. Then he goes and eats some fries. Spiderman, Spiderman, I love me some spiderman!" every 10 minutes very loudly. I carefully set the phone back down and Raven and I walk into the kitchen, grabbing a pot and a bog bag of pepper we bought through Tony's account yesterday. We fill the pot up, and set it on the couch, putting a blonde wig on it. Then we head to the training room, where we practice with our powers every day.

Raven's POV

"This is gonna be awesome when they wake up!" Peter says, grinning. I am glad Tony made him come to the tower. He is my only friend. "Dad will be proud, like usual," I say, smiling back. He turns around and starts shooting webs from his hands into the corner of the room. Once he's done, he shoots a web up to the ceiling and grabs me by the waist, pulling us up to the web. I settle down and smile. "What should we do next week?" I say, struggling a little to turn and face him. His head turns. "I don't know..." He trails off. "What?" I ask, curious as to what he was about to say now. "You can tell me, you know!" He laughs and puts his hand behind his head. "I... I have something I need to tell you," He says after a minute, and his face turns a shade of pink. "I-I think I'm in love with someone." My stomach flutters. I have thought about it for the past month, about liking him, but could he like me too? "I-I love you. At least I think." He says, blushing. I look at him.  Grabbing his hand, I tell him. "I love you as well. Now I think we should wake Tony up and tell him that Pepper is here." He nods. Grabbing me by the waist, a little less as a friend this time, but still as nice. Holding us up in the air, he lets me shoot the web and turn it into ice. He slowly drops us down, and we walk towards Tony's room. This time, when we get to the elevator I suck it up and lean against Peter. He slowly puts his arm around me too. I smile. When the elevator doors open,  I grab his hand and we walk quickly down the hall towards Tony's room, where he is asleep on the bed. I walk over to him, nodding at Peter to go to the ceiling. He pulls himself up, and, after checking that he is on the ceiling, I shake Tony's sleeping body. "Tony, Pepper is in the living room, and she wants to see you. She's mad" I tell him as he groans and looks up and me. When he hears what I have to say, his eyes shoot open, and he gets up, pushing me out the door, and pulling his shirt off. When he turns around, Peter comes out, and we shut the door, heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. I start laughing as soon as we are out of earshot of Tony. "Did you see his expression?!" I say, clutching my stomach. "You would think he wouldn't fall for our pranks anymore we've done them so much!" He laughs too, then turns toward me. "You meant what you said earlier?" He asks, hopeful. I look to the ground, blushing, then look up at him. "Yes," I whisper. "I did." He smiles, but nothing more. A wave of disappointment hits me, and I realize I wanted a kiss.

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