Chapter 2 The Incident!

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Once inside the gang found so many entrances. "Where should we go?" said Linda. "I wish it was that easy, I hope the Others are doing better then we are" said Adam. Meanwhile the Others were already inside the building, as one of the staff approaches them. "Good Evening How can I help you?" said The Staff Member. "Yes, me and my friends have gotten Internship to start working at this Company here as soon as possible" said Henry. "Ah yes, so you are the new hires that have new internships here, Welcome aboard My Name is Lisa and I'll be your guide to the Company. First I want to welcome you properly. So Welcome to Quantum Peninsula, here you will Work on Projects, such as Dimensional shifts, Time Travel, Parallel worlds, and Of course the Main Quantum Physics" said Lisa as she was walking with everyone showing them through the company as they pass they see people in lab coats doing experiments. "Wow all these people work here?" said Andrew. "Yeah they are our Scientist that have been here serving out company for years" said Lisa. "I wonder what they are saying" said Becky. "Well you cant hear them because of the window that's coving. But they are conducting experiments" said Lisa as they all kept walking down the hall.

"We need to know where they keep the secured stuff" said Andrew in a low voice. "I know, but wait until we find it first" said Henry whispering to the gang. They kept walking more and Lisa explained more about the company. "Our companies assets are to promote a safety accommodation for Humans to integrate to other parts of the Universe safely and knowledgeable, whether it be in a dimensional plain or a temporal time like going back and forth in time, whether it be past, future, or present" said Lisa. "This is all very intellectually enthralling" said Henry. "intellectually enthralling? what a mouthful, I bet you feel right at home here" said Andrew Joking. "Not that much of a mouthful and No, not really" said Henry. "You know Henry with those words you use I bet you'll be great in this company" said Lisa. "Thanks I'm glad you acknowledge that, but there are other places I'd like to see, you know more of the company" said Henry. "I know what you mean, its like you read my mind" said Lisa. "Aren't you scared that that's Lisa will try to take Henry from you?" said Regina to Becky as she whispered to her that. "No, I know that Henry may admire her talk but, Henry will always Love me, and No other Girl will come between us, I know. Besides I Trust Henry, I know he's only getting information to find out what Richard is doing too, I'm not Worried, I Trust Henry and I Trust what he's doing, It may look like Lisa is trying to get Henry on her side by all the smart talk, but His just playing along" said Becky as she tells Regina.

"Wow you and Henry must have a healthy relationship then? said Regina. "Yeah, its like We Know each other so well that I can tell how he is, and his attitude. And he knows the same with me" said Becky. "Awwwww that's so sweet, you two really are the perfect couple" said Regina. "Yeah, I guess you can say that" said Becky as the both of them started giggling. "What's so funny back there?" said Andrew. "Oh its nothing" said Regina. "Doesn't look like nothing to me? said Andrew. "Its well......" said Becky. "Huh?" said Andrew as Henry was just turned his head for a moment then turned back. "You know Girl talk" said Becky as she and Regina were giggling again. "Man, the only thing I don't get is the Science of Girls" said Andrew sarcastically. "HA-HA Fu-n-ny" said Regina, then Andrew started Laughing, and Becky Giggled. Regina made a Unamused Face. "But you know it worth having them regardless wouldn't you say" said Becky. "Yeah I agree" said Regina as she smiled. So they progressed farther and Three Doors appeared. "Ok So we'll be taking the Elevator" said Lisa. "Then what about the doors?" said Andrew as he pointed to them. "Those Are Experiment rooms, but since your not working in that department you don't need to worry about those rooms, Only authorized scientist are allowed there only" said Lisa.

Henry and the Gang looked at each other and thought that needed to be investigated. "Come, let me show you where you'll be working" said Lisa to everyone as the entered the Elevator. "Okay so you need to know that there are Five Levels and of course the basement. The Basement is for authorized personnel's Only, So your not allowed Down there. Understood? said Lisa. "Yes, but what is down there?" said Andrew. "All I can tell you is that our companies Lead is there developing something that only authorized personnel's are allowed" said Lisa. "That's got to be where Richard might be with that Criminal organization" said Andrew whispering to the Girls. "Okay now that we got the important fact straight, We are going to the fifth floor where you'll be working on conducting the energy circuit" said Lisa.

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