Chapter 3 The Encounter!

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Meanwhile the others were waiting for Jack and Emily to arrive. "How long until Jack and Emily arrive?" said Becky. "We'll just have to wait" said Henry. "If they don't show up? we might have a problem!" said Andrew. "We have to wait, did you forget that they are the ones that have a disguise" said Regina. "She's right, if we don't wait for them and go out recklessly. We'll get caught" said Henry. Then all of a sudden the guards began to show up. "Damn we got a problem!" said Andrew. "Lets just wait it out until they leave" said Becky. So they all waited very quietly. "Any sign of them?" said Guard one. "No, not here sir!" said Guard two. "They couldn't have gotten far" said Guard Three. Then more Guards appeared. "Now what? there more of them!" said Andrew. "Keep it to together" said Regina. "Yeah they should be going soon" said Becky. Then one the new guards that appeared told the commander. "Sir We have conformation that the intruders are in this floor" said the four Guard. "In that case split-up at once, find them and report back to me!" said the Commander. "Sir! Yes Sir!" said all the guards. "Damn it! now what do we do?" said Andrew. "Just hide, is all can do and hope they don't find us" said Regina. "But, what if they find us? then what do we do?" said Andrew. "Don't worry I'm sure that Henry will have a plan, Right Dear?" said Becky. "Yes I'll figure something out" said Henry. So then Henry started to find a solution to their predicament. 

Then One of the Guards noticed something strange on the floor like if someone spilled something. "Sir, I found something" said The Fifth Guard. "What is it Soldier?" said the Commander. "There appears to be a spill in the floor" said the Fifth guard. So they examined the spill. "Looks like fluoride to me" said the commander. "But why would fluoride be..." said the fifth guard as he got interrupted by the commander. "Look there's a trail" he said. so the guard shined his flashlight to see where the trail went to. "Follow It, they should take us to the perpetrators" said the commanders. "Great now what?! there going to find us" said Andrew. "I got a plan don't worry" said Henry. "See I told you Henry will come through" said Becky. "Tell us Henry! what's the plan?" said Regina. and so Henry Explained his plan to them. Soon the guards got close to the trail, it lend to under a desk. As the guard pointed to where it was, he signaled the other guards. Then the commander made the sign to make the approach. "Ready?" said Henry. "Yes!" said both Becky and Regina. Andrew was a little on the edge about the plan that henry told them. "On my mark, ready?!" said Henry. they all nodded. So the guards and the commander were all in place. Ready for the commander to give the signal. "Now!!" he said. So all the guards went and kneed under the desks to get them by surprise, but no one was there. "Sir its all clear!" said the fifth guard. Then the others hear foot steps to the left. One the of the guards says "Commander!". "Hurry Run!!" said Andrew. Then the other guards Ambush them, with the guard's Pokémon. "Don't make a move! we have our tasers marked on you" said the sixth guard. "Don't forget our Pokémon as well, thanks you guys." said the seventh guard. "Yeah just wait for the right moment like our commander said, good job Umbreon" said the eight guard. "Umbre" said Umbreon. "Damn now what?" said Andrew. "We're Surrounded" said Becky. "Indeed you are my Dear" said the commander. "Who are you?" said Regina. "I, my dear am the commander of the facility here, and I can not have rascals running a muck" said the commander with a southern accent. "Of course it has to be a southerner" said Andrew so sarcastically. "I'll take that as a compliment Boy, I hope you know about not messing with us southerners. Now get them out of here!" said the commander. "You hear him move it!" said the first guard. And so the guards went to take Henry and the guys somewhere. "Henry you got a plan?" said Andrew. "I'm working on it" said Henry. "Well can you work faster" said Andrew. So the guards took them up in the elevator.

"This is commander Nooks. I've captured the perpetrators, there handed your way Lisa" said Commander Nooks on the radio. "Great Job commander, I'll make sure you get your reward for doing this, over and out!" said Lisa. "My Reward Huh? I take it that I'll get what I want, regardless of the price haha" he said as he got to the elevator.  Suddenly Emily spots something. "Jack Look!" said Emily. "Its our friends!" said Jack. "We've got to help them!" said Emily. "Yeah but how?" said Jack. "I got it, follow my lead okay?" said Emily. "Emily wait!" said Jack as they both approach the guards. "Excuse me!" said Emily. "Yes?" said the first guard. Henry, Regina, Andrew, and Becky were surprised and also relived to see them. "We'll be taking them from here!" said Emily. "We are?" said Jack. Emily elbowed Jack. he coughed  and said "YES! Yes we are". "I'm afraid your mistaken, the commander told us to take them to Lisa. "Yes well About that Lisa send us a message that she is moving their location to the basement, that order came from the commander" said Emily. "That's weird the commander didn't relay that on the radio" said the second guard. "That's because he personally told us to get them now, instead of wasting your time" said Emily. "Makes sense the commander was always to do things like that, remember last week he said he wanted me to get the pavement, when he asked you to do it" said the third guard. "Yes I remember" said the first Guard. "Well, if that was his orders, then take them" said the first guard. "No problem" said Emily as they took the guys. "Also there are other intruders in the upstairs room, we'd get them but other hands are full" said Emily. "No need were one the job, lets go!" said the first guard. So all the guards left to the top floor. "Emily I'm so relived that you came to save us!" said Andrew. "Its not a problem" she said sticking her tongue out. "Guys where's Adam? and the rest?" said Jack. "We've got to go back they are still in the basement" said Becky. "Then there's no time to waste lets go!" said Emily. And so they all went back to the elevator to look for Adam and the guys.

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