Chapter 7 The Turning Point!

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"The both of you will never beat us" said Grunt E. "We'll see about that" said Andrew. "Seismitoad use Hydro Pump!" said Grunt I. "I got this Empoleon Hydro Pump!" said Regina. Both water attacks hit *Boom* the explosion of the both attacks made it rain, with the water moves they've used. The water that came down made Altaria feel better, as it cried out. "Altaria, what's wrong?" said Regina. "It looks like Altaria is feeling better" said Andrew. "Really? wow that's great" she said excited. "Altari" it cried out. "Just because your Pokémon is better, doesn't mean you'll win!" said Grunt E. "Trevenant use Phantom Force!" said Grunt G. " Quick! Absol use Dark Pulse!" said Andrew. "Not going to happen Magmortar Focus Blast Now!" said Grunt E. "Intercept with Mach punch Infernape!" said Andrew. "Seismitoad use Earth Power!" said Grunt I. "I got this, Empoleon Block it with Flash Cannon!" said Regina. "Your all so naive, This'll teach you, Now Crabominable use Close Combat!" said Grunt J. "Altaria intercept with Sky Attack! said Regina. All the attack hit each other causing the Pokémon on ether side to be pushed back. It also created a large amount of smoke that covered the battle field. "Damn what power!" said Andrew. "With all this smoke it'll be hard to see, we won't be able to guide our Pokémon or know if they're okay?" said Regina. "Yes I know" said Andrew. Then the enemy was able to tell their Pokémon to battle with the smoke around. "Go Druddigon use Flash Cannon!" said Grunt H. "What!?" said Andrew. "Huh!?" said Regina. *Boom* the attack hit sending both Andrew's and Regina's Pokémon flying as they shot out of the smoke *Bang* they hit the wall. "Guys No!" said Regina. "Damn! But how?" said Andrew.

They all started to laugh as the smoke cleared. "But How!?" said Andrew. "Your Pokémon are too weak" said Grunt E. So Regina quickly went to her Pokémon's aid. "Are you okay?" she said. They all responded with a nod. "Looks like we took you by surprise" said Grunt F. "How were you able to attack with the smoke all engulfed there?" said Andrew. "Looks like someone needs an explanation" said Grunt G. "Its simple, we've trained under countless hours with Richard, He taught us the value of real battles, And that we can use our Pokémon's Energy to detect where the others are located, in a sense we can see in the most thickest smoke. You see now, your no match for us. And if you were I doubt your Pokémon can't do the things ours can" said Grunt H laughing. Andrew and Regina Looked at all of them with an angry expression. "Ohhhh that look just know, its so intriguing" said Grunt I. "Lets have fun shall we?" said Grunt J. "We need to turn this around and quick!" said Andrew. "Guys can you get up?" said Regina. They all got up but, Altaria seen to have taken more damage in that last attack. "Altaria!" said Regina. Andrew hurried to where Regina was and said "How's Altaria?". "Not good, looks like that last attack did more damage to her then I thought" she said. "Don't worry, we'll find a way to turn this around, somehow" he said to her while he looked at her and all their Pokémon as well. So they started to get their strategy, we see how Emily and Jack are fairing in their battles and they have their hands full as well. 

"Lets Go! Jolteon use Signal Beam" said Jack. "That won't stop us! repel it Weavile Blizzard!" said Grunt C. "Dazzling Gleam Espeon!" said Emily. "Raichu Thunder!" said Grunt B. *Boom* all four attacks hit and explode, the shock of that pushed all of them back. "That powers intense!" said Jack. "I know, these guys are giving us a run for our money" said Emily. "Yes that's right but, we will find a weak point on this battle" said Jack. "Let's not waste any time Garbodor! get rid of that smoke Now!" said Grunt A. Suddenly the entire smoke disappeared just like that. "What!? it can do that?" said Jack. "I've Trained my Garbodor to be able to dissipate smoke in a heartbeat" said Grunt A. "Now we've got you!" said Grunt B. Both Emily and Jack's Pokémon were all very tired. "Guys you okay" said Emily. The both of them stood up and nodded to them. "Thank goodness" she said. "We need a new strategy" he said. "Looks like your going to have to lose this battle!" said Grunt C. "If you think that we are giving up like that your wrong" said Jack. "Well then Prove to us, that is if you can handle this hehe" said Grunt D. So the both of them got ready for round two. "Alright Garbodor Sludge Bomb!" said Grunt A. "Quick Jolteon use Thunderbolt!" he said. "Did you forget about my Raichu's Ability?" said Grunt B. "That's exactly what I wanted" he said. "What!?" said Grunt B. "Now use Hidden Power" he said. *Boom* the attack hit the Sludge Bomb then Emily went on the attack "Use Psychic Now!" she said. The attack hits both Raichu and Garbodor. "Alright!!" they both said. "You'll pay for this" said Grunt B.

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