Chapter 8 Reinforcements!

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"I understand what your saying Emily, I know now what must be done" said Jack. Emily smiled and said "I'm glad I got through to you". "You know your still out numbered, four to two said Grunt D. "Just because you have more people, doesn't mean you'll win, we have strategy on our side!" said Jack. "That's right!" said Emily. "Alright! are you ready Jolteon?". "You ready Espeon? said Jack and Emily. They both nodded and got ready. "Let's Go!" they both said. As their rush into battle. "Garbodor use Dark Pulse!" said Grunt A. "Quick dodge that Jolteon!" said Jack. "Exactly where I want you, Steelix Stone Edge!" said Grunt D. "Not so fast Espeon use Dazzling Gleam!" said Emily. "Don't think so, Weavile Blizzard!" said Grunt C. "Jolteon Hidden Power Now!" said Jack. So Jolteon rushes and attacks Weavile . "Weaaa" it said as it got hit. *Boom* the other attacks collided. "Raichu use Thunderbolt" said Grunt B. "I'll take that, Jolteon go!" said Jack. "What!?" said Grunt B. "Did you forget about my Jolteon Ability? its called Volt Absorb, with that it can gain its health back" said Jack with a smirk on his face. "HOW DARE YOU USE THE SAME TECHNINE AS ME!, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!!" said Grunt B. "Looks like someones getting worked up over nothing" said Emily. "YOU'LL PAY TOO! RAICHU USE IRON TAIL!!" said Grunt B. "Espeon block that with Psychic!" said Emily. "I got your back Garbodor Gunk Shot! said Grunt A. "This is it! Ready Emily!?" said Jack. "Always Ready!" she said. "Let's Go! Double Shadow Ball!!" said Both Jack and Emily. *Boom* the Attack hit each other then Jack said. "Now's our chance! Jolteon Signal Beam!, Espeon Hyper Voice!" said Emily and Jack. *Boom* both attacks hit Raichu and Garbodor. "Now Double Shadow Ball!!" they both said again. Hitting the two of them they both fall down fainted.

"Garbodor!, Raichu!" said the both Grunts. "What!? how was that even possible?" said Grunt C. "Doesn't Matter we'll knock them out for good" said Grunt D. The other grunts returned their Pokémon back to their Pokeballs. "Let's Tag Team them!" said Grunt C. "My thoughts Exactly!" said Grunt D. "Here they come!, let's get ready!" said Jack. "Right!" said Emily. "Let's End this! Go Steelix Dragon Pulse!" said Grunt D. "What!?" said Jack. "I got this, use Dazzling Gleam" said Emily. "I thought you'd use that!, use Metal Claw Weavile!" said Grunt C. "I got this Thunderbolt Now!" said Jack. *Boom* all attacks hit so hard the blast was intense that it send the Pokémon back pushing them. "Guys you okay?" said Emily. They both nodded, as they got ready again. "Damn what power!" said Grunt C. "It doesn't matter, we'll get them! Lets Go Steelix Stone Edge!" said Grunt D. "That won't work! Quick Psychic!" said Emily. "You forgot ME!, Go Shadow Ball!" said Grunt C. "Shadow Ball Right Back!" said Jack. *Boom* all attack collide with explosive results. "Argh!" they all said. "I can't see a thing!" said Grunt D. "Emily!" said Jack. "Right!, got it!" she said. "Let's Go! use Double Shadow Ball!" they both said. "What!?" said Grunt D. "Weavile deflect it with Metal Claw!" said Grunt C. So Weavile knocks them all out. *Boom* it hits the wall, the floor and the ceiling. "Now use rapid Shadow Ball!" said Grunt C. "Don't think so Hyper Voice!" she said. "Damn! she got a good defense" said Grunt D. "Now Hidden Power" said Jack. *Boom* the attack hits Weavile as it falls to the floor. "Steelix Earth Power!" said Grunt D. "Now Shadow Ball" said Emily. *Boom* it hits Steelix. "What!? NO!" said Grunt D. "Let's End This!" said Jack. "You got it!" said Emily. "Double Shadow Ball!!" they both said. *Boom* the attacks hit both of them, they fall to the floor fainted.

NO! Steelix!, Weavile!" they both said. "I told you not to mess with us" said Jack. "I guess they learned the hard way, right Jack" said Emily. "Looks like your right" said Jack. "What Now? if Richard finds out we've lost, then that it! were done!" said Grunt B. "In that case Not a word of this to Richard!" said Grunt A. "Don't think this is over, We'll get our revenge on you soon" said Grunt D. "Yeah, that's right!" said Grunt C. Then they all left. "Come on, Adam and the guys need us" said Emily. "Right let's go!" said Jack. "Come on Jolteon!" he said. "Let's Go Espeon!" she said. And so the both of them went in search of Adam and the Gang. Meanwhile Andrew and Regina are Strategizing. "Regina" said Andrew. "Yes?" said Regina. "I got a plan" he said. "What is it?" she said. He looked at her Pokémon and said "How's Altaria?" he said. "She's still hurt but fine, what are you planning?" she said. "You'll see" said Jack. "Whatever your planning it won't work" said Grunt E. "That's right!" said Grunt F. "Don't forget that we have the upper hand" said Grunt G. "Whatever your planning, your wrong" said Grunt H. "And its not going to work on us" said Grunt I. "Just face it, we've you trapped like mice in a cats den" said Grunt J. "Is that right? We'll have to see about that won't we?" said Andrew so cocky. "Well if your so cocky, then show us? I'm curious about this plan you have" said Grunt E. "You asked for it, and your going to get it. Let's Go Absol!, Infernape!" said Andrew. "This'll stop you go! Krookodile use Stone Edge!" said Grunt F. "Quick Infernape knock them all down with Mach Punch!" he said. So Infernape mows down the rocks and hits Krookodile right in the face. "Krook!". it said as it hit the ground. "I got this Go Druddigon use Flash Cannon!" said Grunt H. "Dark Pulse Now Absol!" he said as the attack hit and the blast got Druddigon. "What!?" said Grunt F. "Argh!" said the other Grunts. "Got you!" he said to them.

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