Chapter 11 The Heartbreak!

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Now we go back to the lower level were Linda and Rachael were still battling. "This will end it! use Sludge Bomb!" said Rachael. "Block that with Mud Bomb!" said Linda. *Boom* both attacks hit, then Rachael goes out for another attack. "Now use Energy Ball!" said Rachael. "Ice Beam!" said Linda. "Do it! Shadow Ball!" she said. "Knock it down with Iron Tail!" said Linda. So Quagsire used its Tail, as it knocks out the Shadow Ball. "I thought you'd do this, Giga Drain!" said Racheal. "What!?" said Linda, as she saw that Roserade used its Giga Drain to take Quagsire's health. "Quagsire!" she said. "This is where it ends!" said Rachael. "Quick Ice Beam!" she said. "Dodge that!" said Rachael. "Quagsire you okay?" said Linda. Quagsire looked at her barely able to stand but it nodded to her. "There's no way you'll beat me, use Shadow Ball!" said Rachael. "Mud Bomb!" said Linda. So both attacks hit, then Rachael sees an opening as she calls out her next attack "Now Energy Ball!" said Rachael. "Muddy Water!" said Linda. "I thought so, Sludge Bomb!" she said. "Iron Tail!" said Linda. *Boom* both attacks hit, the power was very strong that is created a large smoke. "I got you, Now Full Power Energy Ball!" said Rachael. "Mud Bomb! NOW!" yelled Linda. Both attacks hit and explode, but the attacks went threw as they both got hit. *Boom* both Pokémon are hit and knocked out, so after the smoke cleared we see both Pokémon fainted. "Quagsire!, Roserade!" they both said as they rushed to their Pokémon. "You did Great Quagsire" said Linda. "Roserade Good Job" said Rachael. They both looked at each other then, Rachael said "You may have made it even but, your not getting the upper hand on this". "In that case, I'll have to make it my priority to beat you" said Linda. "Hmph, let's see!" said Rachael, as she and Linda both got their next Pokémon out. "Go!" they both said as the battle started. 

Then at the secret room where McQuade was the machine started to react, "Damn you Richard, I told you but, you wouldn't listen to me, now you will receive the consequences for not helping me!" said McQuade. So the reactor began to overreact as sparks came off the machine, "it's going to blew! I need to get out of here, Now return" he said as he returned his Pokémon. He rushes to the door, it's Locked. "Damn you Richard! why did you Lock the door? Richard!, RICHARD!!!!" he yelled as he knocked at the Door hard. Meanwhile now we go back to the upper level, were we see that Adam was starting to see how to stop it, as the building started to shake. "What's going on? is it the teleporters? I need to find a way to stop this before, it could explode. Now we see Joana, with her friends finished beating the two Grunts. "Alright! we beat them" said Andrew. "Good job Andrew" said Regina. "Yes, thanks for coming to my aid" said Joana. "Hey, what are friends for?" said Andrew with a smile. Joana and Regina both giggled. "This isn't over, we'll get even!" said Grunt J. "That's right, don't you forget" said Grunt K. Suddenly the building started to shake. "What's going on?" said Andrew. "The building is shaking!" said Regina. "It must be the teleporters!" said Joana. "Let's get out of here before we capsize" said Grunt J. "Yes let's GO!" said Grunt K. "We have to go too!" said Regina. "NO! we have to go find Adam, he might need help!" said Joana. "Where is he?" said Andrew. "He's up ahead we need to hurry!" said Joana "Let's go then!" said Andrew as she and everyone started running towards where Adam is.("Please be okay Adam, Please!") she said thinking. So they all went running. Now we go back to the Lower Level were Rachael and Linda send their Pokémon out. Rachael send out her Salazzle, while Linda send out her Mismagius as they were about to start the battle suddenly there is a explosion in one of the rooms.

Everyone looked at the room then *Boom* another explosion as the door from the room blows out as that happens they also see a older man that got pushed out of the room as he is sent flying out of the room. "Professor!" said Richard. "Richard we need to get out of here!" said Spencer. "Spencer you and Alex go get the professor!" said Richard. So Spencer returned his Pokémon and went to get the McQuade along side with Alex. Rachael returned her Pokémon as well and said to her "Let's hope our battle doesn't get interrupted again!". So she left, and Linda was looks at her with a seriousness. Then Richard returns his Pokémon back. "Hey! were not done yet!" said Nick. "We'll have a chance to battle, let's hope you get out of here before then" he said as they all left. "HEY GET BACK HERE, COWARD!" said Nick so angrily. "Nick!" said Becky. "He's getting away, we have to stop him!" said Nick. "We need to go and help Adam he might be in danger!" said Becky. Then Nick started running to go find Adam. "Hey wait!" said Becky. "Argh! said Linda. "What's wrong Linda?" said Henry I can't walk, my ankle!" she said. "Its okay, I'll carry her!" said Andrew. "You sure?" said Henry. "I got her don't worry, you guys go ahead we'll catch up!" said Andrew. "Okay let's go!" said Henry, and so they all went running. While he was carrying Linda, they hurried to find Adam. ("Adam, you better now let nothing happen to you!") said Nick thinking as they all went running to go find Adam. While everyone goes running to go find Adam, we now see how Adam is fairing. "I don't know how to stop this!" said Adam. Then all of a sudden the machine started to explode with sparks shooting. "Argh!" he said. Then the Teleporters turned on without it being powered, and it started to suck things into the portal. "What!? How?" said Adam as he was surprised to see that it was on. "What should I do now?" he asked himself as he had to avoid getting sucked into the portal.

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