Chapter 9 The Toppling!

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Now that Joana has a difference in attitude as she calls out her attacks. "Use Dazzling Gleam" said Joana. *Boom* Dazzling Gleam was able to block both of their attacks. "What!?" said Grunt J. "I can't see a thing!" said Grunt K. "Flamethrower!" she said. So Blaziken hits both, *Boom* smoke covered the field. "Got you!" she said. Then Beheeyem used its Psychic attack to make a shield that protected him and his partner. "What!?" she said. "Hehe, you think that your the only one with a strategy? think again!" said Grunt J. "that was close right?" said Grunt K. "Good job Beheeyem" said Grunt J. "Damn you!" said Joana, as she was now trying to make a way around the battle. Meanwhile farther in the upper level Adam is still battling the three grunts. "Now Palossand use Earth Power!" said Grunt M. "(Damn!, I can't see with that smoke) Quick Dodge that you guys" said Adam. "Got ya! Gastrodon use Your Earth Power! " said Grunt N. *Boom* it hits Adam's Serperior and Ninetales, but he counterattacks with his Golduck "Use Hidden Power Golduck!" he said then attacks Gastrodon, it falls to the floor. "Gastrodon!" said Grunt N. Gastrodon barely able to stand, as Grunt N. said "How? How did that do more damage?". "Well, my Hidden Power is a Grass Move so do your calculations" he said. "Why you!" said Grunt N. "We'll handle him!" said Grunt M. "Let's Tag Team him!" said Grunt L. "Bring it on!" said Adam. Now we go to ground Level, Nick and the guys are still battling Richard and his group of cronies. "Let's go Venusaur Sludge Bomb!" said Nick. "Repel it back with Iron Tail" said Richard. "I told you that you can't beat me!" he said. "I'm not done yet" said Nick as he ordered another attack.

"Come on out my Sweetie" said Jennifer as she send out Azumarill. "An Azumarill?" said Becky. "Alright sweetie! let's end this girl" said Jennifer. "I can't let my guard down with this one" said Becky. "Let's go my sweetie use Aqua Jet!" she said. "Quick Rapidash use Quick Attack!" said Becky. They both rush into for an attack *Boom* Rapidash falls barley able to stand. "Rapidash!" cried out Becky. "Hehe Got you!" said Jennifer. "Rapidash you okay?" she asked it. it nodded. "Lets Finish this! Hydro Pump Azumarill!" she said. "Use Quick Attack to dodge!" said Becky. Rapidash dodge the attack but, seem to be moving so slow. "Got you! your mine, Play Rough Azumarill!" said Jennifer. "Rapidash Look out!" she said. *Boom* Azumarill's attack hit, hitting it so hard that the attack pushed Rapidash hard it hit the wall, then fell down. "Rapidash!" cried out Becky as she ran towards it. "Rapi" it said with a weak cry as it fainted. "Good job my friend you did well, I promise you that we will get even" she said as she retuned it back to the Pokeball. "Ha! what a waste" said Jennifer with a happy grin. So Becky got another Pokémon and said "This time we'll see who's a waste Go!" she send out her other Pokémon. Jennifer just looked at her, as she watched her get her Pokémon out. So she send out her Ampharos. "Ohh an Ampharos that's interesting" said Jennifer. "Are you ready Ampharos!" said Becky. Ampharos nodded, "Then lets get his started, Go Thunderbolt" she said. "Go my sweetie Hidden Power!" said Jennifer. *Boom* both attack collided. "Damn, what power!" said Becky. "Hehe this is only the beginning" said Jennifer as she giggled.

We see now Henry and Alex still battling. "Eruption now Camerupt!" said Alex. "Gyarados Hydro Pump!" said Henry. "Now Solar Beam!" said Alex. "That's going to take some time, Go Gyarados use Waterfall!" said Henry. So Gyarados goes to the attack and then Camerupt was able to attack very quickly *Boom* hits Gyarados hard. "What!?" said Henry. "What's wrong, you surprised already? I trained my Camerupt very well, so it can use that move without it waiting too charge" said Alex. ("Damn!, I can't believe that he did that, by making Solar Beam charge less he can use it"). he said as he thought then saw that Camerupt was getting tired("looks like even though it maybe able to charge less, it gets more tried, I got a plan") said Henry as he was thinking. "What's wrong? getting cold feet?" said Alex with a smirk. "You'll see, Let's Go Gyarados use Dark Pulse" said Henry. "Not happening, block that with Stone Edge!" he said. "I thought you'd do that, Hydro Pump!" he said. "Got you, Eruption!" he said. *Boom* both attacks Hit with an explosion. "Now Will-O-Wisp!" he said. "What!?" said Henry. *Boom* Will-O-Wisp hit Gyarados. "No Gyarados! he said. "Now End it! Stone Edge!" said Alex. "Got you!" he said. "What!?" said Alex. "Quick Dragon Pulse!" he said. *Boom* it broke through and hit Camerupt. "Damn! How?" he said. "Now Hydro Pump" said Henry. The attack got Camerupt and it hit the wall then fainted. "Camerupt!" he said. "See its not just Strategy, its comes to timing" said Henry. "I'll get you!, you'll pay for this!" said Alex as he returned his Pokémon back. "Come on out!" said Alex as he send his Barbaracle. "A Barbaracle, this is going to be a challenge" said Henry. "Let's Go Barbaracle" said Alex. "Bring it! you ready Gyarados?" said Henry as they both get on the attack.

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