4 || Snooping Around

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Crawling through the vents was so much work, taking all of my energy that I stopped for a brief moment to catch my breath and rest. I had no idea where I was going or where to even start with sneaking around this place. However, the place was so big that I could probably go anywhere and find something. Once I was good to start crawling again, I went on with my way, trying my best not to grunt so loud, fearing that someone would hear me.

I began to scan around, looking for any openings for me that would lead me in a room or even the hallway. After searching for a bit, I finally found one right below me. I carefully unhooked the door, letting it swing down. With my feet first, I jumped down, landing on my feet, keeping my balance. Looking around, I tried to pick which way to go. In the end, I just went with my instincts and picked the left.

As I began to walk down the hallway, it escaped my mind that there would be security all over the place. Of course, I wasn't armed with any weapons, but hopefully no one would catch me.

"Okay, where can I go to find something?" I muttered to myself. Suddenly, as if it just appeared out of nowhere, I spotted a door. "Well, that was sticking easy." I got closer to the door and read what was engraved in it. "Subject Files?"

Confused, I took the key card from my pocket and swiped it, gaining me access to the room. I opened the door and found nothing but a small room with two file cabinets labeled "Males" and "Females." I furrowed my brows and went to the one for the girls and slid it open, revealing a bunch of files in alphabetical order. The first letter I went to was, of course, "P." I flipped through the names until I found my name. Taking out my file, I opened it to see what was inside.


AGE: 16

SIBLINGS: Henry, Subject A14



"What the hell?" I mumbled. "B20? Immune?" I closed my file and put it back where it came from. Then, I scanned my finger until I got to the letter "S." I went under that letter and pulled out Sonya's file.


AGE: 15

SIBLINGS: Newt, Subject A5



I picked the letter "E" and took out Esther's file next, reading it over.


AGE: 16

SIBLINGS: Charles, Subject A19



Still confused, I looked at other files of the female Glenners, looking at some that I didn't even recognize their names. Not wanting to spend too much time in here, I skipped a few Glenners and went over to the other cabinet, opening it and pulling out Aris' file.


AGE: 15




From what I was seeing in these files, our old identities were stripped away, with no trace of anything from our old lives, including our real names. How did Janson have these files on us?

Suddenly, I heard someone, which made me quickly put his file back and leave the room, closing the door behind me. I made a dash towards the way I came when I was stopped by two soldiers and the big man himself.

"Hello, Piper," Janson greeted me with that creepy smirk on his face.

I huffed a sigh. "Mr. Janson," I muttered.

"Why don't we take a stroll?" he suggested, acting calm.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, but walked beside him. "Okay," I said.

"You do realize that we have cameras all around this facility, don't you?" he questioned.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I know that now..."

He chuckled. "So tell me, what were you doing, sneaking around this late?"

At a loss for words, I shrugged my shoulders. "I was bored."

"Bored enough to steal a key card from a soldier?"

I shrugged my shoulders in a calm manner. "I guess you can say that."

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "What did you find out, Piper?"

I stopped as well, staring at him. "I found those files about everyone, including my friends and I. What are those about? Why do you have those?"

"Like I told you before, it's my job to know everything."

"Define everything for me, then."

Janson sighed, clearing his throat, getting annoyed with me. "What do you think we're hiding here, Piper?"

"You're hiding enough to convince everyone here that we're safe from WICKED," I retorted. "So, what's with those files and why do you have them?"

He paused, looking at me, then gave me an answer. "You really are a curious girl."

I rolled my eyes. "You're really bad at answering my questions."

Janson had that weird smirk again. "Some things are just better left unexplained." He held out his hand in front of me. "If you don't mind, I'd like to have that key card back."

I reached in my pocket and handed it to him. "So, are you going to punish me or...?"

Janson chuckled. "Consider this a warning, Piper." With that, he told the soldiers to take me back to my room, then bid me goodnight before walking away.

As the soldiers took me back to my room, I thought more about what I found and whether or not I would tell the other girls about what I discovered. Would they believe me? Probably not. Was it worth a try telling them? Not really. The only person I knew I could tell was Aris. He would believe me for sure. However, it would be nice if he was allowed in the cafeteria more. That way, we had three opportunities to talk instead of just one.

Once we got to my room, one of the soldiers unlocked the door with his key card and opened it for me. "Try to stay in your room this time," he warned me.

I didn't respond. Instead, I headed inside my room and listened as the soldier closed the door. I took the cover from the vent and placed back over the vent, making sure it was shut tight. Then, I crawled into my bed and wrapped myself up in my blanket. Huffing a sigh, I closed my eyes and pictured those files that I read, wondering what they could mean and why Janson had them.

At least I was right about Janson hiding something. Now, there was a valid reason as to why we needed to get the hell out of here.

A/N: Heeeeey, new chapter!

I'm posting this, because today is Thomas Brodie-Sangster's (Newt in the Maze Runner films) birthday! He's 28!

Song above is Wicked Ones by DOROTHY.

Comment, vote, more soon (maybe).


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