17 || The Right Arm

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Despite the fact that we were all separated after the Maze, it seemed like no time had passed by for any of us. It was almost like we were back in the Glen, just acting like the Glenners we used to be. Now, given the circumstances, we were not really Glenners anymore. We were fugitives, running away from the bad guys.

"So, what happened with you two?" Harriet asked Aris and I.

We looked at each other, then I was the first to speak up. "We were at WICKED's facility for a week. They took our friends, one by one. Aris and I were the only ones left from our Maze when we met Thomas and his friends."

"We kind of all found each other again," Lillie added. "I don't think we'd all be here if it wasn't for Thomas and Jorge."

Sonya sighed sadly. "So, all of us here are the only ones left from our Maze?" she asked.

"That seems to be the case," Harriet stated. "Which means that we really have to stick together now. We've lost so many from the Glen and the Maze and now from WICKED. I care about you crackfaces a lot."

Maeve rolled her eyes. "Stuff it, Harriet."

"That's the Maeve we remember!" she exclaimed, smiling.

"I think we're here," Sonya claimed, looking out the window.

When all the trucks came to a stop, we all piled out and looked at the camp before us. There were tents and trucks all over the grounds, people eating and working on weapons.

"They've been planning this for over a year now," Harriet explained. "This is all for us."

"You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light," Sonya said. She looked over at a man nearby. "Where's Vince?" she asked him.

"Somewhere over there, I think," he replied, pointing over at a tent not too far from us.

"Who's Vince?" Thomas questioned.

"He's the one who decides if you get to stay," Harriet answered.

Minho furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army."

"Yeah, we were," a man spoke up from our right, walking our way, followed by a few men. "This is all that's left of us." Vince had a scruffy look to him, his blond hair on his head looking just as messy as his mustache and beard. He stood in front of us, acting almost exhausted, but not showing too much of it. "Lot of good people died getting us this far." He took a glance at us, a curious yet suspicious look on his face. "Who are they?"

"They're Immunes," Harriet answered. "We caught them coming up the mountain."

"Did you check 'em?" Vince questioned.

"We know those girls and him," Harriet said, pointing at Maeve, Gwyneth, Lillie, Aris, and I. "Sonya and I trust them."

Vince sighed, shaking his head. "Well, I don't." He looked at the other men by his side, motioning them with his head. "Check 'em."

Everything was going fine until a wheezing noise came from Brenda. Her lips were a dark purple and she was about to go pale. "Hey, boss..." one man began to say, eyeing Brenda.

Brenda let out a gasp and collapsed on the ground. "Brenda!" Jorge shouted, running down to her side, followed by Aurora. "Brenda, talk to me!" He picked her up, panting.

"I'm sorry," she gasped.

"What's going on with her?" Vince asked, squatting down to their level.

"I don't know," Jorge confessed, shaking his head, looking and sounding worried. "Brenda, are you alright?"

Vince spotted her ankle, sliding down her sock to reveal a bite mark with some of the veins popped out already. "Shit!" Vince stood up, pulling his gun out, pointing it at Brenda. "Crank! We got a Crank!"

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