18 || The Invasion (Part One)

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"What's going on?!" Aris shouted over the screams of people, shooting up from his spot.

"I don't know!" I shouted back, standing up as well. "We've got to go help! Come on!"

Dropping my water, Aris and I headed down to the camp to help the others. Through the fire and the clamoring of people, we hardly had time to process what was even going on.

But my answer to all of this dropped from helicopters.

"WICKED," I mumbled.

More screams erupted when the guns went off, people falling to the ground like flies. Explosions were still going off as we took all of the chaos in.

"Piper! Aris!" Maeve shouted, running our way. "Come on!"

We followed her to get away from the soldiers, trying to dodge bullets and avoiding any soldiers. Vince already had a gun, shooting as many of WICKED's people as he could, trying to get people to run for cover. "Where are the rest of our friends?!" I asked.

"No idea! I lost them after the explosions!" Maeve replied. "Let's keep moving!"

"Mae!" Harriet shouted nearby, sprinting towards us. She threw guns at all three of us. "Take as many down as possible!"

We all nodded our heads and prepared our guns. While running around, we aimed and fired at WICKED soldiers, taking them down. But the more we shot at, it seemed like more appeared out of nowhere. Nevertheless, the three of us fired our guns until there was no ammo left in them.

"Shit!" Maeve cursed. Looking up at the soldiers, she grunted. "Screw it!" With that, she ran towards them, her gun still at hand.

"Mae, stop!" I yelled.

"Wait!" Aris shouted, going after her.

"Not you, too!" I protested, throwing my gun to the ground, about to run after him as well.

"Piper!" Aurora screamed, yanking me by my hand. "Are you trying to get your dumbass killed?!"

"Aurora, let go of me!" I yelled as she took me to take cover with her, Brenda, Jorge, and Thomas.

The five of us looked on at the scene, my heart about to fall and yet beat out of my chest all at once. I wanted to close my eyes and tell myself that this wasn't happening, that WICKED didn't find us and invaded the camp. I wanted to be convinced that we were safe for good this time. But that was not the reality that I was living in. Instead, I was dealing with the reality that we were being hunted by WICKED, by people that want to harvest us for something that they might never find.

"We have to go, while we still have the chance," Jorge stated.

"We gotta go find the others," Thomas replied, trying to run to his friends.

"No!" Jorge grabbed him by his jacket and pinned him back down. "You can't help them! Neither of you can!"

So we watched some more as guns went off and more soldiers. I spotted one preparing a small bomb for Vince and Harriet close by. The soldier threw the bomb their way, letting it go off. Fortunately, it only electrocuted them and did not blow their faces off.

"No!" I attempted to leave, but Aurora grabbed me, covering my mouth.

"I'm sorry," Jorge apologized to us. "There's just nothing you can do for them."

I pulled Aurora's hand from my mouth and glared at Jorge. "Yes, there is." Without warning, I elbowed Aurora in the stomach, resulting in her groaning in pain as I ran out towards the others.

Before I could even reach any of my friends, I was caught by a soldier. He grabbed my hands and put them behind my back. Then, he took me by the shirt, dragging me with the other Immunes that WICKED got. "Get on your knees!" he ordered, shoving me to the ground next to Lillie.

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