16 || A Surprise in the Mountains

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The speed that we were going at made it seem like everyone around us just stopped and froze in their spots. Jorge grabbed Marcus and dragged him away from the party, while we all scattered around, the loud music and screaming from people booming in my ears. Teresa went over towards someone who was lying on the ground. I went past them and realized that it was Thomas.

"Brenda!" Aurora yelled through the crowd, shoving people out of her way. "Brenda!"

I tried to block out all of the noise, but it was no use as it consumed me. I almost fell over when I felt a pair of arms catch me. "Who's that?" I asked.

"It's Aris!" he called out. "I got you!"

I grabbed onto Aris as he took me away from everyone. Feeling dizzy and exhausted, I shut my eyes for a brief moment, my breathing getting steady. Finally, the noise was no longer there, which eased me a bit.

I looked up at Aris and nodded my head. "Thanks," I muttered.

"No problem," he replied. "Here, sit down."

I obliged and sat down on a couch, sighing in relief. "I don't know what happened. I guess it was just a lot of people and noise and all that."

"I understand." Aris sat down beside me, leaning back on the couch.

Before I could say anything else to him, Minho, Newt, Frypan, and Teresa all came in with an unconscious Thomas. They set him down in a chair, making him as comfortable as they could. Aurora and the other girls came in with Brenda and did the same thing.

"What happened to them? Are they okay?" I asked.

Newt sighed. "They're fine."

"I don't know what they were thinking, coming in here..." Aurora mumbled.

"Maybe they weren't thinking at all," I pointed out.

"Or they were desperate to see if we were here," Maeve commented.

Jorge stormed in with Marcus, throwing him in a chair and tying him up. Then, before Marcus could even open his mouth, Jorge slammed a punch to his face.

"What the hell?!" Marcus cried out, groaning in pain.

"It's nice to see you again, hermano," Jorge stated. "I didn't think our reunion would be like this, though."

Marcus let out a laugh. "Well, you could be a little bit nicer..."

Jorge laid a punch on him.

"Or not," Marcus croaked out. "What do you want from me?"

Jorge smirked. "I want some information about the Right Arm."

"Oh, yeah? That's too bad. I ain't got any."

Jorge shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself, hermano." With that, Jorge began to throw punches at Marcus, his grunts overpowering Marcus' screams. After so many punches, Jorge stopped to look at his bloody and swollen face.

Brenda was the first to wake up, gasping and panting. "What...where am I?"

"Hey, it's okay, Bren," Aurora assured her, helping her sit up. "You're fine. We all are."

Brenda nodded her head. "Good."

Teresa went over to Thomas, gazing down at him. Thomas woke up all of a sudden, which made her place his hand on his chest to calm him down. "Hey. Hey, you're okay."

Thomas looked up at her. "Teresa?"

She smiled softly at him. "Hi. We have to stop meeting like this," she teased, grinning some more.

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