19 || The Invasion (Part Two)

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"Mary? Mary? Mary!" Vince ran to her side as she collapsed onto the ground, catching her and laying her in his arms. "Mary. No, Mary..."

By the time she laid in his arms, it was too late. Mary Cooper was already dead.

"Come on, Janson," Dr. Paige told him as he placed a gun back in his coat pocket. "Load them up. Let's go. Get rid of all these people."

With horrified looks on our faces, the soldiers began to grab us one by one. "Let go of me!" Sonya yelled.

"Sonya!" Harriet shouted her way, grunting at the soldier's grasp.

"No! Don't do this!" I protested, struggling to stay in my place while soldiers tried to grab me.

Thomas was about to walk, too, when he elbowed a soldier in the face and pulled out a bomb and its remote from his jacket. "Get back! Everyone, stand back!" He waved the bomb around at the soldiers, trying to get them to back away from the Immunes.

"Hold your fire!" Janson commanded.

"Let them go!" Thomas screamed.

"Thomas, put it down!" Janson yelled.

"Let them go!" he repeated, more angrier this time.

"You know I can't do that!" Dr. Paige protested.

"Thomas, please stop!" Teresa intervened, her voice desperate. "I made a deal with them. They promised that all of us would be safe."

"And we're supposed to trust you now?!" Thomas retorted.

"It's true! It was her only condition!" Dr. Paige backed her up, trying to sound convinced. "Everything can go back to the way it was." She sadly shook her head. "Do you really want all of them to die, Thomas?"

"Listen to her, Thomas. Think about what you're doing," Janson warned him.

And so Minho, Newt, and Frypan all gathered behind Thomas, who was breathing heavily and at the verge of tears. "We're with you, Thomas," Newt stated.

"We're all with you," Maeve added, motioning towards Lillie, Gwyneth, Harriet, Sonya, Aris, and I.

Teresa shook her head in desperation. "No..." she croaked out.

"Don't, Thomas," Dr. Paige said, shaking her head as well.

"Do it, Thomas," Minho said.

"We're ready," Frypan added.

Thomas' breath became shaky. "We're not going back there." He raised the bomb, huffing a loud sigh. "It's the only way." With that, we all closed our eyes, waiting for the bomb to go off.

"Thomas!" Dr. Paige shouted.

All of a sudden, the sound of a vehicle approached us, the horn going off. All of us opened our eyes to find Jorge driving through the camp at full speed, shouting and laughing all at once. We all moved out of the way as WICKED's soldiers shot at the truck while Jorge collided with the helicopter, sending the blades towards everyone's heads. Everyone got to the ground, the chaos beginning once more.

"Come on!" Gwyneth shouted at me, throwing a gun my way.

The Right Arm began to tackle down WICKED soldiers, taking their guns and fighting back. Some other soldiers took Dr. Paige and Teresa back to the Berg. I was tempted to go ahead and shoot both of their brains out, but I knew that my friends needed me out here.

"Freeze! Don't move, kid!" a soldier yelled at Thomas.

So he took the bomb, threw it their way, and ran to the ground. "Get down!" he shouted at all of us.

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