8 || The Escape (Part Two)

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The last time I ran so much was back in the Glen when the Grievers came and attacked us. That was also the last time when adrenaline was pumping through my veins as much as it could. Now, I was running for my life once again and the adrenaline was pumping all at once again.

"What happened? Where's Thomas?" I asked Aris.

"He's going to find Teresa, I think," Aris replied. "Piper, did you see them?"

I stopped running for a bit, panting and looking at Aris as him and Winston came to a halt, too. "Our friends and the Grievers, you mean? Yes, I did."

"What if...what if our other friends are gone, too?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "No, Aris, don't even say that. They're still out there and we're going to get out of here and find them."

Still not looking convinced, Aris nodded his head and followed me down the hall, along with Winston. We weren't too sure as to where we were going, but all I could think about was finding Thomas and the rest of his friends.

"Where did they go?" I asked the boys.

"Wherever Teresa is at, I'm sure," Winston replied. "Let's move before we get caught."

"Hold it!" a soldier shouted from behind us.

"Too late," I said, turning around at the soldier, shooting at him without hesitation. "Run!"

The boys obliged and took off running, followed by me. More soldiers were now piling up behind me as I did my best to catch up with Aris and Winston. I spun back around and went back to shooting at the soldiers. Once I was out of bullets, I threw the gun down and focused on running. When I went to catch up with the boys, they were nowhere to be found.

"Aris? Winston?" I called out, but no answer came. I groaned in frustration, wanting to know why they left me all alone. "Damn! Stupid sticks!"

I knew that I couldn't just stand around, but I also knew that I couldn't go in any direction to find them. Wherever they were at, I was hoping they left me in order to find a way out. Hopefully, if all of this worked in our favor, then we would all regroup somewhere and then get the hell out of here.

The sound of footsteps were getting closer and closer as I was beginning to panic. If these were more soldiers, then I knew that I had to fight them off instead of running again. So, I took a deep breath and began to run towards the footsteps. Before I could throw a punch, I was stopped by screams and a gun pointed at me, which made me gasp.

I sighed in relief when I saw who it was. "Thomas?"

"Piper?" he replied, a bit confused, just like the other boys that were with him. "How did you escape?"

"With a lot of skill, that's how," I answered, then looked at the woman from the first night next to Thomas. "Why is she here?"

"We're getting our friend back," he told me. "Come on."

Thomas led us to the Medical Wing, which was where Thomas' friend, Teresa, was at, according to Dr. Crawford. He had the gun pointed at her as she took us to where we wanted to go. Once we got to the Medical Wing, Dr. Crawford reluctantly opened the door.

"Dr. Crawford, are you here to--" someone from the other side asked.

Thomas then pushed the door open, aiming the gun at the adults, who were putting their hands up, all backed up against the wall. "Where is she? Where is she?!" He looked over at the curtain, then handed his gun to his friend. "Here, Minho." Thomas headed for the curtain and went to the other side of it.

"Get down!" Minho shouted, pointing the gun at the doctors and technicians.

They all obliged, getting on the ground. "Give me your hands!" the blond boy with a British accent commanded, tying their hands up, with the help of me.

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