7 || The Escape (Part One)

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"Try to keep up with us, please! We don't have a lot of time!" one of Janson's colleagues told us as we were walking towards the Eastern Wing.

My heart was beating faster by the second. I didn't think my name would be on that list. I didn't think I would have to come up with a different plan. If only someone else was called. If only my name wasn't on that list...

We continued walking for a few more minutes. Then we arrived at the Eastern Wing. The guy on the left unlocked the door with his keycard and led us inside. There were doctors already waiting for us when we walked into the room.

"Good evening, everyone," one of them announced to us. "Your new lives begin now."

The doctors gave each of us a new set of clothes for us to change in. Me and the other three girls were led to another room by a guard. Each of us went to an individual dressing room, pulling the curtains behind us. I looked down in my hands to see a white shirt and gray shorts. I took off my shoes and my pants, putting on the shorts. As I was changing shirts, I was now trying to figure out how I was going to get away from these doctors so that I could go find Thomas and Aris.

I needed to get out of here, but how?

I opened the curtain and left my clothes and shoes behind, waiting with the others for someone to come back for us. I looked around the room to see if there was anything I could use as a weapon. Of course, I found nothing.

"Right this way, ladies," the same soldier from before said, leading us out of the room and back into the previous room. The boys were no longer in there. There was a doctor in there and four other nurses standing behind her. The guard shut the door behind us as we all waited for the doctor to talk.

"Welcome back, ladies. In a few minutes each of these nurses will escort you to different rooms for final tests. Your lives have officially changed for the better."

Yeah, right.

A nurse with brown hair and pale skin took me out of the room first and led me down the hallway. She was looking down at a file, her finger sliding across the words.

"Piper, is it?" she questioned.

I didn't answer her. I just kept on walking, not even caring that the nurse was even talking. All I cared about was getting the hell away from her.

She used her keycard to let us in the third room that I had been in already. She motioned me to sit down on the chair in the corner, so I did. Like before, I looked around to see if there was anything that I could use as a weapon. All I saw was my file, bandages, syringe needle...

Syringe needle.

The needle was already filled up with a teal-colored liquid. As the nurse was messing with some machine, I was still thinking to myself. I reached over and grabbed the needle, hiding it by my leg.

"Okay, Piper," she spoke up, walking towards me. "I want you to relax. You won't feel any pain." She sighed. "I would also like you to remember something." She paused for a moment, then smirked at me. "WICKED is good."

That was when I took the needle and stabbed her with it, letting the liquid get inside of her body. The nurse screamed as the needle went through her neck. I kicked her down to the ground and searched for her key card. I snatched it from her and swiped it, making the door open. I ran out of the room and down the hallway.

"Okay, what's next?" I muttered. Then I looked down at my clothes. "Pants and shoes."

I looked around for an empty room that would possibly have clothes. I finally ended up going back to the same room where me and the rest of the girls had to change clothes. I snatched a pair of jeans and took off my shorts, sliding the jeans on. Next, I found a pair of socks and tennis shoes and put those on as well. I was about to walk out of the room when I saw a nurse. I ducked down behind the window and carefully poked my head up. There were nine gurneys rolling down the hallway. I was the only one that knew there was no Safe Haven. Those nine teenagers walked right into their trap.

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