6 || An Obstacle in the Plan

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The next morning, I got ready for the day as usual. I brushed my teeth and hair and then I got dressed. I was wearing a purple, short-sleeved shirt with black sweatpants. I put my hair in a ponytail and then I walked out of the room. I felt my stomach rumble louder and louder by the minute.

When I got to the cafeteria, Thomas was sitting across from Aris at our table. Confused, I went to get my food and sat over at my usual spot, anyway, and sat next to Thomas. "What's going on?" I asked them.

"We have a plan," Aris blurted out.

"A plan," I repeated, raising my eyebrows. "You have a plan." The boys nodded their heads.

"We have to know what's beyond those doors," Thomas spoke up. "These people are hiding something. They're not who they say they are."

"Thomas, Aris and I have known that for a week now," I replied.

"Yeah, but you two didn't have a plan a week ago, did you?" he retorted.

Furrowing my brows, I sighed and leaned back in my chair, folding my arms over my chest. "So what, you two decided to come up with something brilliant so we can get through those doors?"

The boys looked at each other, then back at me. Aris nodded his head. "Yeah, pretty much."

I stared at the boys for a moment, then sighed. "Okay, so what's this plan that you two came up with?"

So that was when Aris and Thomas explained the plan to me. Thomas was going to try and get a keycard from one of the guards later tonight. Then, Aris would come by our rooms and come get us so that the three of us could go together.

"So, if we do find something, what happens next?" I questioned.

"Then we figure out how to get the hell out of here," Thomas answered. "We'll just have to come up with something fast."

"Okay, so does anyone else know what we're doing?"

Thomas shook his head. "I don't think my friends are totally convinced that these people are hiding something."

"At least you have some of your friends left," I muttered, thinking about the ones that weren't in this facility with us. Harriet, Sonya, Maeve, Lillie, Gwyneth...I wondered about them, hoping they were okay, hoping that I would see them again.

Thomas bid us goodbye, got up, and went to sit down with his group of friends. Aris and I didn't say another word after that. We silently ate to ourselves, listening to everyone else talk and laugh all around us.

I was excited yet nervous about this plan. I was excited because I thought that the plan could possibly work. I was nervous because maybe...maybe, something could go wrong, which was the last thing that we didn't need to happen tonight. This was the closest we had gotten with anything since we arrived here, and this was an opportunity we were not going to pass up.


All I could think about was the plan for the rest of the day, which made me get more anxious. I was worried that Thomas wouldn't be able to get a keycard from one of the soldiers. Although, if I was able to do it, then I was certain that Thomas could do it as well. I was also worried that people would think that we were up to something, people like Janson.

It was almost time for dinner and I was beginning to feel anxious. Janson was going to come back with more names on his list to take away to wherever everyone else was being taken to. Tonight was the night we would figure it out. We would figure out what was really beyond those doors.

The same soldier from this morning came and escorted me to the cafeteria like he always did. Hopefully, this would be the last time I would have to walk down this hall to the cafeteria ever again.

I did the same as before. I got my food and sat down across from Aris. While I was eating my food, Aris was playing with his food.

"Do you ever eat your food?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and then went on to eating his food. "Sorry."

I swallowed hard, looking down at my plate. "Nervous about the plan?"

Aris nodded his head. "A little bit. You?"

I took a deep breath. "Yeah. Anything can happen, you know."

All of a sudden, Janson and his colleagues entered the cafeteria. He had his list full of new people to take away tonight.

"Well, new day, new list, new life," he announced. "You know what to do if your name is called." He got his list out and began to read off of it. "Alice! Barry! Walt! Edgar!"

"Great, more victims," I muttered.

"Samantha! Aaron!"

"This plan better work, Aris," I told him.

"Dennis! Sally! Tim!"

"It will," he assured me. "Just as long as we do our part then everything will go according to plan."

"I hope so," I replied. I turned my attention back to Janson.

"And last but not least, Piper!"

My heart stopped. I looked over at Thomas, who had a worried look on his face. He motioned me to go with the others. I looked back at Aris.

"What happens now?" I asked him in a whisper as I got up from my seat.

"Just go with them. Thomas and I will figure something out," he whispered back.


"Yes, I promise. Just go."

I walked over to the others and got behind Tim. We began walking out of the cafeteria. Thomas stood up as I was getting closer to the doors. I looked behind me and saw that Thomas was being stopped by the soldiers.

The plan was now set in motion. But now I had to figure out my own plan, because I wasn't supposed to go with the others. As of right now, I was officially on my own.

A/N: Heeyyyoo, things are getting intense now! Sorry this chapter is so short btw.

I decided to update this, because I will now focus on this story until it is finished! I'm very excited for what I have in store for this story and I can't wait for you all to read it!

Song above is Follow Me by John Paesano.

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