15 || Aurora

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As panic and chaos was spreading throughout the entire building, Maeve, Gwyneth and I watched as Jorge and Aurora packed up their backpacks as well as a backpack for Brenda. I was wondering if the others were okay, hoping that no one had already turned them in for WICKED to poke at again.

"Where are we gonna go?" Gwyneth asked the other two. "Those crackfaces have surrounded the whole stickin' place!"

Suddenly, the sound of music began blaring all over the place. "What is that?" I asked.

"Jorge's favorite song," Aurora replied, grinning.

"Let's go! We don't have much time!" Jorge said as Brenda came back with the others. "Right this way!" he led us to a giant window, pushing them open, revealing a long drop to the ground filled with nothing but torn down scraps from buildings in the dark night.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Frypan said.

"Plan B, hermano," Jorge replied. "You kids wanna get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're gonna owe me." He pulled down a rope and prepared to jump out. "Follow me!" he yelled, swinging out of the building and gliding down to the lower building.

"All right! Let's go!" Brenda shouted, pulling the next rope. "Come on!"

Minho was the next one to go, then Newt, then Frypan, and then Lillie. Aris looked down, swallowing hard. "I don't know..."

"Hey, it'll be fine," I assured him. "We'll be right behind you. I promise."

Taking a deep breath, Aris nodded his head. "Okay." With that, he took off into the night.

Maeve went next, then Gwyneth. "Hold on!" Brenda said, running off.

"Brenda!" Aurora shouted for her. She groaned in annoyance. "Come back! We gotta go!"

"Just go! I'll get her!" Thomas said, letting Teresa go.

Aurora rolled her eyes and grabbed the rope, handing it to me. "Okay, come on." Then, we heard the sound of people coming up the stairs. "Shit! Make room!"

"What?" I questioned.

"There's no time! We're going down together!" She grabbed part of the rope with me. "Hang on!" she yelled as the gunshots began to go off, pushing us off from the floor and swinging down to the next building. I felt my heart about to drop as we flew down. Once we got closer to our destination, Aurora and I crashed into the floor, groaning in pain.

"That sure hurt!" Aurora coughed out.

We stood up, shaking off the dust and straightening ourselves out. "Where did they go?"

"They most likely left us already," Aurora replied.

"Not all of us," Lillie said as she made us jump, followed by Maeve and Gwyneth. "Jorge and the rest took off, thinking you guys were not too far behind. We stayed, just to make sure you guys got out."

"Well, Brenda and that other kid--"

"Thomas," I cut Aurora off.

"Yeah, that guy is still there. I think the music is still playing, so maybe--"


We all turned around and widened our eyes at the flames that were devouring the building we were just at. "I guess the song's over," Aurora mumbled under her breath.

"Brenda and Thomas...they could still be in there..." Lillie said.

Aurora shook her head. "No. Brenda is smart. She would've found a way out by now. But we can't go back for them. We gotta keep moving and find the others. Let's go."

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